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Last active March 14, 2016 06:17
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Hero Punch [Developer] Member Application

Hero Punch is creating a blueprint for the future of work. This project is ambitious, but we believe that cooperation is the key to a bright future and we want to be the force that makes that future happen. Technology is a powerful force multiplier. Steve Jobs called computers "bicycles for the mind". Our challenge is to make advanced technology accessible to anyone. We want to enable to world to do amazing things. Are you ready to challenge the status quo?

Hero Punch is a workers cooperative, there are no bosses or managers; members are equal co-owners. Projects are managed democratically by teams. We strive to create a stimulating atmosphere for creativity and problem solving that is balanced against a fulfilling life. This project is a jumping off point. We want to see your motivation and creativity in action.

Identify something in your life that could be made automatic with a custom software solution. Create an open source application that does this for you. Your application can be written using any open source programming language for any reasonably open platform. Submit a link to the source repository of the completed application to with the subject "Hero Punch Developer Application". Submissions must be under the Affero or General Public License to be accepted.


Licensed CC BY-SA

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