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Last active July 25, 2023 13:06
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BrightnessSetter: set laptop brightness and show Windows 10's native brightness OSD (
class BrightnessSetter {
; qwerty12 - 27/05/17
static _WM_POWERBROADCAST := 0x218, _osdHwnd := 0, hPowrprofMod := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "powrprof.dll", "Ptr")
__New() {
if (BrightnessSetter.IsOnAc(AC))
this._AC := AC
if ((this.pwrAcNotifyHandle := DllCall("RegisterPowerSettingNotification", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd, "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_ACDC_POWER_SOURCE(), "UInt", DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE := 0x00000000, "Ptr"))) ; Sadly the callback passed to *PowerSettingRegister*Notification runs on a new threadl
OnMessage(this._WM_POWERBROADCAST, ((this.pwrBroadcastFunc := ObjBindMethod(this, "_On_WM_POWERBROADCAST"))))
__Delete() {
if (this.pwrAcNotifyHandle) {
OnMessage(BrightnessSetter._WM_POWERBROADCAST, this.pwrBroadcastFunc, 0)
,DllCall("UnregisterPowerSettingNotification", "Ptr", this.pwrAcNotifyHandle)
,this.pwrAcNotifyHandle := 0
,this.pwrBroadcastFunc := ""
SetBrightness(increment, jump := False, showOSD := True, autoDcOrAc := -1, ptrAnotherScheme := 0)
static PowerGetActiveScheme := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerGetActiveScheme", "Ptr")
,PowerSetActiveScheme := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerSetActiveScheme", "Ptr")
,PowerWriteACValueIndex := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerWriteACValueIndex", "Ptr")
,PowerWriteDCValueIndex := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerWriteDCValueIndex", "Ptr")
,PowerApplySettingChanges := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerApplySettingChanges", "Ptr")
if (increment == 0 && !jump) {
if (showOSD)
if (!ptrAnotherScheme ? DllCall(PowerGetActiveScheme, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr*", currSchemeGuid, "UInt") == 0 : DllCall("powrprof\PowerDuplicateScheme", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", ptrAnotherScheme, "Ptr*", currSchemeGuid, "UInt") == 0) {
if (autoDcOrAc == -1) {
if (this != BrightnessSetter) {
AC := this._AC
} else {
if (!BrightnessSetter.IsOnAc(AC)) {
DllCall("LocalFree", "Ptr", currSchemeGuid, "Ptr")
} else {
AC := !!autoDcOrAc
currBrightness := 0
if (jump || BrightnessSetter._GetCurrentBrightness(currSchemeGuid, AC, currBrightness)) {
maxBrightness := BrightnessSetter.GetMaxBrightness()
,minBrightness := BrightnessSetter.GetMinBrightness()
if (jump || !((currBrightness == maxBrightness && increment > 0) || (currBrightness == minBrightness && increment < minBrightness))) {
if (currBrightness + increment > maxBrightness)
increment := maxBrightness
else if (currBrightness + increment < minBrightness)
increment := minBrightness
increment += currBrightness
if (DllCall(AC ? PowerWriteACValueIndex : PowerWriteDCValueIndex, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", currSchemeGuid, "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP(), "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_VIDEO_BRIGHTNESS(), "UInt", increment, "UInt") == 0) {
; PowerApplySettingChanges is undocumented and exists only in Windows 8+. Since both the Power control panel and the brightness slider use this, we'll do the same, but fallback to PowerSetActiveScheme if on Windows 7 or something
if (!PowerApplySettingChanges || DllCall(PowerApplySettingChanges, "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP(), "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_VIDEO_BRIGHTNESS(), "UInt") != 0)
DllCall(PowerSetActiveScheme, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", currSchemeGuid, "UInt")
if (showOSD)
DllCall("LocalFree", "Ptr", currSchemeGuid, "Ptr")
IsOnAc(ByRef acStatus)
static SystemPowerStatus
if (!VarSetCapacity(SystemPowerStatus))
VarSetCapacity(SystemPowerStatus, 12)
if (DllCall("GetSystemPowerStatus", "Ptr", &SystemPowerStatus)) {
acStatus := NumGet(SystemPowerStatus, 0, "UChar") == 1
return True
return False
static ret := 10
DllCall("powrprof\PowerReadValueIncrement", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP(), "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_VIDEO_BRIGHTNESS(), "UInt*", ret, "UInt")
return ret
static ret := -1
if (ret == -1)
if (DllCall("powrprof\PowerReadValueMin", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP(), "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_VIDEO_BRIGHTNESS(), "UInt*", ret, "UInt"))
ret := 0
return ret
static ret := -1
if (ret == -1)
if (DllCall("powrprof\PowerReadValueMax", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP(), "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_VIDEO_BRIGHTNESS(), "UInt*", ret, "UInt"))
ret := 100
return ret
_GetCurrentBrightness(schemeGuid, AC, ByRef currBrightness)
static PowerReadACValueIndex := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerReadACValueIndex", "Ptr")
,PowerReadDCValueIndex := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", BrightnessSetter.hPowrprofMod, "AStr", "PowerReadDCValueIndex", "Ptr")
return DllCall(AC ? PowerReadACValueIndex : PowerReadDCValueIndex, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", schemeGuid, "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP(), "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._GUID_DEVICE_POWER_POLICY_VIDEO_BRIGHTNESS(), "UInt*", currBrightness, "UInt") == 0
static PostMessagePtr := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Str", "user32.dll", "Ptr"), "AStr", A_IsUnicode ? "PostMessageW" : "PostMessageA", "Ptr")
,WM_SHELLHOOK := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "Str", "SHELLHOOK", "UInt")
if A_OSVersion in WIN_VISTA,WIN_7
; Thanks to YashMaster @ for realising this could be done:
if (BrightnessSetter._osdHwnd)
DllCall(PostMessagePtr, "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._osdHwnd, "UInt", WM_SHELLHOOK, "Ptr", 0x37, "Ptr", 0)
static IsWindow := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Str", "user32.dll", "Ptr"), "AStr", "IsWindow", "Ptr")
if (!DllCall(IsWindow, "Ptr", BrightnessSetter._osdHwnd) && !BrightnessSetter._FindAndSetOSDWindow()) {
BrightnessSetter._osdHwnd := 0
try if ((shellProvider := ComObjCreate("{C2F03A33-21F5-47FA-B4BB-156362A2F239}", "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"))) {
try if ((flyoutDisp := ComObjQuery(shellProvider, "{41f9d2fb-7834-4ab6-8b1b-73e74064b465}", "{41f9d2fb-7834-4ab6-8b1b-73e74064b465}"))) {
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(flyoutDisp+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "Ptr", flyoutDisp, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0)
if (BrightnessSetter._FindAndSetOSDWindow())
; who knows if the SID & IID above will work for future versions of Windows 10 (or Windows 8). Fall back to this if needs must
Loop 2 {
SendEvent {Volume_Mute 2}
if (BrightnessSetter._FindAndSetOSDWindow())
Sleep 100
static FindWindow := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Str", "user32.dll", "Ptr"), "AStr", A_IsUnicode ? "FindWindowW" : "FindWindowA", "Ptr")
return !!((BrightnessSetter._osdHwnd := DllCall(FindWindow, "Str", "NativeHWNDHost", "Str", "", "Ptr")))
;OutputDebug % &this
if (wParam == 0x8013 && lParam && NumGet(lParam+0, 0, "UInt") == NumGet(BrightnessSetter._GUID_ACDC_POWER_SOURCE()+0, 0, "UInt")) { ; PBT_POWERSETTINGCHANGE and a lazy comparison
this._AC := NumGet(lParam+0, 20, "UChar") == 0
return True
if (!VarSetCapacity(GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP__)) {
VarSetCapacity(GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP__, 16)
,NumPut(0x7516B95F, GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP__, 0, "UInt"), NumPut(0x4464F776, GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP__, 4, "UInt")
,NumPut(0x1606538C, GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP__, 8, "UInt"), NumPut(0x99CC407F, GUID_VIDEO_SUBGROUP__, 12, "UInt")
if (!VarSetCapacity(GUID_ACDC_POWER_SOURCE_)) {
,NumPut(0x5D3E9A59, GUID_ACDC_POWER_SOURCE_, 0, "UInt"), NumPut(0x4B00E9D5, GUID_ACDC_POWER_SOURCE_, 4, "UInt")
,NumPut(0x34FFBDA6, GUID_ACDC_POWER_SOURCE_, 8, "UInt"), NumPut(0x486551FF, GUID_ACDC_POWER_SOURCE_, 12, "UInt")
BrightnessSetter_new() {
return new BrightnessSetter()
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Hi, I'm not sure whether you are still maintaining this script or not, but here's a small issue I found. When I call SetBrightness, this warning pops up.


Sorry for having to paste in a screenshot. The text in this warning box wasn't selectable.

My knowledge with AHK is very limited, so I'm not really sure how I can go about fixing this. I know I can simply disable #Warn, but I would like to keep it to catch errors in other parts of my script.

Env: W10 Pro x64 20H2

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Oh and btw, line 37 I added myself. Was just trying to see what its value was. Turned out to just be a random int.

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qwerty12 commented Dec 27, 2020


Hi, sorry, I don't get emails for comments on Gists. On line 36, using currSchemeGuid := 0 should sort it:

if (!ptrAnotherScheme ? DllCall(PowerGetActiveScheme, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr*", currSchemeGuid := 0, "UInt") == 0 : DllCall("powrprof\PowerDuplicateScheme", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", ptrAnotherScheme, "Ptr*", currSchemeGuid := 0, "UInt") == 0) {

EDIT: I tell a lie. I did get emails but I never saw them until I synched the Gmail app manually

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cyqsimon commented Dec 28, 2020

I did get emails but I never saw them until I synched the Gmail app manually

Legend has it that there's an App called TitanicMail that syncs automatically

Jokes aside, yeah that fixed it. Thank you so much!

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Arora-Sir commented Jul 21, 2022

Hi @qwerty12,

Windows 11 22H2 (the latest version) is somehow showing the Mute Volume OSD for a second, and the functionality isn't working properly after that. I've resolved this error temporarily by Hiding the OSD, i.e changing "showOSD = true" to "showOSD = false" at line 22. Can you please make the required changes, otherwise this code will only exist till the end of 🪟 1️⃣0️⃣

PS: Here's my AHK repository, where you can find more cool AHK scripts that I use in my daily life. 😄🔥

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Hi @Arora-Sir,

Thanks for letting me know. I can't promise I can fix the script for Windows 11 (displaying the brightness OSD on demand was a hack that YashMaster came up with), but I'll try and take a look over the weekend...

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Hi everyone,
I'm quite new to AHK and have only basic skills in scripting. I tried to implement the script but if I try to assign a hotkey to the SetBrightness function (i.e. "CapsLock & v:: SetBrightness(1)") it gives me an error saying

"Error: Call to nonexisting function.
Specifically: SetBrightness(1)"

I have no clue what to do with this, because I rely mostly on try and error :-) Does anyone have a suggestion?
Thanks a lot!

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53901 commented Nov 28, 2022

why am i unable to get this script working when compiled
is it just me?

i like this code and i have been using it for literally years now
but i have nvr been able to compile it, so ive just been cramming it into other scripts i leave uncompiled
[not a great plan]

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53901 commented Nov 28, 2022


BS := new BrightnessSetter()

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Hey 53901, thanks a lot!!
it works with



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Hi @Arora-Sir,

Thanks for letting me know. I can't promise I can fix the script for Windows 11 (displaying the brightness OSD on demand was a hack that YashMaster came up with), but I'll try and take a look over the weekend...

please fix it

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Hello, is there any news/workaround to have this (osd) working on W11?

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