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Last active August 7, 2024 22:36
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Query Steam CD Keys for activation on Steamworks in Google Spreadsheet Apps Scripts.
// Inspired from and
// 1. GO TO Steamworks, into the Query CD Key page, here: // 1. Having a Google Spreadsheet with the following format in a row:
// *Make sure your language is "English".
// 2. Having a Google Spreadsheet with the following format in a row:
// | KEY | Sent (checkbox) | Note | Activated |
// (You can modify the format by changing the Column constants.)
// 3. Call validateKeyActivated_All or validateSheetKeyActivated_ActiveSheet.
// 4. Fill the Cookie from broswer.
// To find the Cookie, you can see this comment:
/** @OnlyCurrentDoc */
// The sheet names you are gonna query for validateKeyActivated_All function.
const QuerySheets = [
"Steam Main App Keys",
"Steam Demo Keys"
// The format of the sheet.
const ColumnKey = 1;
const ColumnSent = 2;
const ColumnActivated = 4;
// The cookie will be asked for if it is empty.
var Cookie = "";
// Query all sheets in the QuerySheets list.
function validateKeyActivated_All() {
if (!askForCookie()) {
for (let sheetNameIdx in QuerySheets) {
const sheetName = QuerySheets[sheetNameIdx];
if (!validateKeyActivated(sheetName)) {
// Query the active sheet.
function validateSheetKeyActivated_ActiveSheet() {
if (!askForCookie()) {
function validateKeyActivated_IgnoreSent_All() {
if (!askForCookie()) {
for (let sheetNameIdx in QuerySheets) {
const sheetName = QuerySheets[sheetNameIdx];
if (!validateKeyActivated(sheetName, true)) {
function validateSheetKeyActivated_IgnoreSent_ActiveSheet() {
if (!askForCookie()) {
validateKeyActivated(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getName(), true);
// Query the sheet by the specfic name.
function validateKeyActivated(sheetName, ignoreSentToggle = false) {
if (!askForCookie()) {
return false;
Logger.log('Start validating ' + sheetName);
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheetName);
var lastRow = spreadsheet.getLastRow();
for (let i = 2; i <= lastRow; i++) {
let key = spreadsheet.getRange(i, ColumnKey).getValue();
let sent = spreadsheet.getRange(i, ColumnSent).getValue();
let activatedCell = spreadsheet.getRange(i, ColumnActivated);
if (key == "") {
// early quit.
if ((!ignoreSentToggle && !sent) || activatedCell.getValue() != "") {
const response = requestFromSteam(key, Cookie);
if (response == "ERROR") {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("Error happened! it could be the wrong Cookie.");
return false;
// Set value.
return true;
function askForCookie() {
// Only ask for cookie if it is empty.
if (Cookie != "") {
return true;
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
const userInput = ui.prompt("Please enter your cookie from \n(It must be English page)");
const button = userInput.getSelectedButton();
if (button === ui.Button.CLOSE) {
return false;
Cookie = userInput.getResponseText();
if (Cookie === "") {
Logger.log("No cookie.");
ui.alert("No cookie.");
return false;
return Cookie != "";
function requestFromSteam(key, cookie) {
const url = '' + key + '&method=Query';
var headers = {
"Cookie": cookie,
var options = {
'method': 'GET',
'headers': headers
let response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
let body = response.getContentText();
let result = body.split('<h2>Activation Details</h2>')[1];
if (!result) {
Logger.log('Error quering CD key ' + key);
return "ERROR";
result = result.split('</table>')[0];
result = result.match(/<td>.*<\/td>/g);
result = (line) {
return line.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');
let active = result[0] === 'Activated';
if (active) {
let line = [key, '"' + result[1] + '"'].join('\t');
return result[1];
} else {
let line = [key, "not activated"].join('\t');
return "";
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