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quyenlv / install-kdenlive-adobe-premeire-like.rst
Last active November 27, 2019 02:26
Install free video editing application Kdenlive, alternative to Adobe Premeire.


# Install Plasma package to support color configuration
sudo apt-get install plasma-workspace plasma-desktop

# Install Kdenlive
sudo apt-get install kdenlive
quyenlv /
Created September 25, 2019 06:24
Install node and npm without having "sudo" permission
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
mkdir ~/local
mkdir ~/node-latest-install
cd ~/node-latest-install
curl | tar xz --strip-components=1
./configure --prefix=~/local
make install
curl -L | sh
quyenlv / install-ostinato-0.9.rst
Last active June 18, 2019 07:26
Install Ostinato v0.9 on GNU/Linux


Ostinato v0.9 has the following dependencies:

  • QT 4.3+ (but not Qt5.x)
  • Protocol Buffers 2.3+ (bug not 3.x)
  • libpcap

Install Prerequisites

quyenlv / aix-ls
Last active March 7, 2019 19:51 — forked from earonesty/aix-ls
ls --color support for systems that don't have it, like AIX, and when you don't want to install gnu
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through no_ignore_case bundling);
my $do_color;
my @buf;
quyenlv / tacacs-plus-launch.rst
Last active May 17, 2024 09:30
Very basic steps to try TACACS+.


Install tacacs+ server:

sudo apt-get install tacacs+

Install tacacs+ client:

quyenlv /
Last active July 1, 2020 06:34
Automated and passwordless SSH logins

Create the RSA Key Pair

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Copy the public key to a server

ssh-copy-id user@server
quyenlv /
Last active January 15, 2019 08:13
Encode video using ffmpeg.


Encode video for uploading to Youtube/Vimeo. The output should be a similar quality as the input and will hopefully be a more manageable size.

ffmpeg -i input.avi -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 -c:a copy -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mkv

Same as above, but also re-encode the audio using AAC instead of stream copying it:

ffmpeg -i -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 -c:a aac -b:a 192k -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mkv
quyenlv /
Last active September 3, 2019 15:01
Simplest port forwarding configuration using the common tool "socat".

Just using this one-music-note command

sudo socat TCP4-LISTEN:12345,fork TCP4:

Or with UDP port:

sudo socat UDP-LISTEN:161,fork UDP:
quyenlv /
Last active January 9, 2019 10:53
Simple port forwarding configuration
quyenlv / remote-capture-packet-simple.rst
Last active September 20, 2024 04:55
Remote capturing packet with tcpdump and wireshark.


+------------------+                    +----------------------+
|   Local host     |  tcpdump over ssh  |    Remote Host       |
|                  |--------------------|                      |\ eth0
| +--------------+ |--------------------|                      |/
| |   Wireshark  | |                    |  tcpdump -i eth0...  |