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Created April 2, 2014 19:25
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My custom prompt printer
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main (main) where
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import Text.Printf
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import Text.Read
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= \case
width : height : time : user : path : exitCode : _ ->
case (readEither width, readEither height) of
(Right w, Right h) -> printPrompt (w, h)
_ -> exit 2
_otherwise -> exit 1
exit :: Int -- ^ Exit code /= 0
-> IO ()
exit = Exit.exitWith . Exit.ExitFailure
data Info = Time String
| User String
| Path String
| Exit String
printPrompt :: (Int, Int) -- ^ Terminal width/height
-> String -- ^ Time field, e.g. 16:38:19
-> String -- ^ User field, e.g. main@thinkpad
-> String -- ^ Working dir, e.g. ~/bin/
-> String -- ^ Exit code of the last operation, e.g. 1
-> IO ()
printPrompt (width, _height) time user path exitCode = do
let info = mconcat [ ""
, display (Time time)
, display (User user)
, display (Path path)
, display (Exit exitCode)
putStr (getString info)
putStrLn (fillerUntil info "" width)
-- putStr "└──╼ " -- Handled by $PS1
hFlush stdout
-- | Generate padding text to fill a 'Lengthed' 'String' to a certain size. The
-- padding is assumed to consist of printable characters only.
fillerUntil :: Lengthed -- ^ Initial text
-> String -- ^ Filler to be repeated
-> Int -- ^ Length to pad to
-> String -- ^ Padding String
fillerUntil (Lengthed _ l) filler i = (take (i-l) . concat . repeat) filler
display :: Info -> Lengthed
display (Time t) = handle 34 t
display (User u) = handle 32 u
display (Path p) = handle 33 p
display (Exit "0") = ""
display (Exit ec) = handle 31 ec
handle :: Int -> String -> Lengthed
handle colour = ("─[" <>) . (<> "]") . colourize colour . toLengthed
-- | String with printable length information
data Lengthed = Lengthed String Int
getString :: Lengthed -> String
getString (Lengthed s _) = s
instance Monoid Lengthed where
mempty = Lengthed "" 0
mappend (Lengthed as ai) (Lengthed bs bi) = Lengthed (as ++ bs) (ai + bi)
instance IsString Lengthed where
fromString = toLengthed
-- | Clamp a 'Lengthed' 'String' in ANSI colour codes without altering its
-- printable length
colourize :: Int -> Lengthed -> Lengthed
colourize i (Lengthed text l) = Lengthed coloured l
where coloured = printf "\ESC[%dm%s\ESC[0m" i text
-- | Convert a 'String' to a 'Lengthed' 'String', assuming all characters are
-- printable and occupy one terminal cell.
toLengthed :: String -> Lengthed
toLengthed str = Lengthed str (length str)
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