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Created August 28, 2024 19:48
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# Set tickers
tickers <- c('MSFT', 'AAPL', 'TSLA', 'NFLX', 'META', 'AMZN','GOOGL')
# Set start and end dates
start = "1990-01-01"
end = "2024-08-01"
df <- new.env()
# Import the data
getSymbols(tickers,src='yahoo',env = df, from=start,to=end,auto.assign=TRUE)
# Create dataframe for stock close prices using the Apple date column
df2 <- data.frame(date = index(df[[ls(df)[1]]]))
# Loop to join all the stock close price data in a single dataframe
for (ticker in tickers) {
# Save the adjusted close price in a temporary dataframe called temp_df
temp_df <- data.frame(coredata(fortify.zoo(Ad(df[[ticker]]))))
# Rename the columns
colnames(temp_df) <- c('date',ticker)
# Save the adjusted close price in df2
df2 <- left_join(df2, temp_df[c('date',ticker)], by=c("date"))
# Drop the NaN values
df2 <- na.omit(df2)
# Create the returns dataframe
var_data <- data.frame(date=df2$date[-1])
# Loop to create the log returns
for(ticker in tickers) {
# Compute the log returns for each asset
var_data[[ticker]] <- log(df2[[ticker]][-1]/df2[[ticker]][-length(df2[[ticker]])])
# Create a dataframe to select the returns and not the date column
data <- var_data[,match(tickers,colnames(var_data))]
# Convert the dataframe into a matrix for estimation purposes
tvp_var_data <- as.matrix(var_data[,2:8])
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