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Created August 23, 2024 18:51
2024-08-23 Intervew With Volkswagen Board Member Thomas Schmall

"The Future Belongs to E-Mobility"

Mr. Schmall, VW is investing 15 billion euros in battery cells. But electric cars are selling poorly. Are you investing into a slump?

Ups and downs are normal; transformations don't proceed linearly. What's crucial is the long-term development, and that's clearly moving towards battery-electric propulsion. Our job is to prepare for these fluctuations. That's why I can't understand when it's said that we've scaled back our plans in the battery sector.

Haven't you?

We never said that we wanted to manufacture all the batteries we need ourselves within the VW Group. From the beginning, the plan was to produce half ourselves and purchase the other half.

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Last active August 21, 2024 19:19
2024-08-20 Interview with Oleksandr Syrski re: missile and drone interception rates

Syrskyi disclosed how many missiles and drones the enemy used in total, how many were intercepted, and how many objects were hit

The published data on the effectiveness of Ukrainian air defense covers the entire period since February 24, 2022

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, during his report at the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, revealed extremely interesting data regarding Russia's use of long-range weapons for strikes against Ukraine. These were broken down by types of missiles and drones, specifying the number launched and intercepted, as well as the number and type of objects hit.

According to the report, the enemy used 9,627 missiles and 13,997 drones for strikes against Ukraine, of which a total of 2,429 missiles and 9,272 drones were intercepted since February 24, 2022. In total, 11,879 objects were hit over the entire period, of which the majority were civilian - 6,203, and military - 5,676.

The statistics also allow us to trace the overa

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Created August 21, 2024 16:53
2024-08-21 Die Zeit interview with Franz Stefan Gady

A Large-Scale Counterattack Will Come

The Ukrainians are capturing more villages in their offensive in Russia. Military expert Franz-Stefan Gady warns: This could expose important defense lines.

With a team of researchers, military expert Franz-Stefan Gady often travels to the front in Ukraine. He is in close contact with front-line units there. Gady works as a Consulting Senior Fellow at the London Institute for International Strategic Studies and as an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for New American Security in Washington, D.C. Gady is the author of the book "The Return of War," to be published in 2024. The security policy expert considers Ukraine's offensive a military success, but he also sees risks in the advance.

ZEIT ONLINE: Ukraine has reported further territorial gains in the Russian region of Kursk. How do you view the offensive?

Franz Stefan Gady: The pace of the Ukrainian advance is slowing down. This is probably mainly because the Ukrainians are trying to consolidate their

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Last active July 23, 2024 23:21
Vishchun Analysis Of Russian Artillery Stocks

Vishchun military analysis on the state of Russian artillery (figures omitted)

Original Source

Translated by Claude

The state of enemy artillery and its prospects. Overview of storage bases

This time, our collaboration of channels Resurgam, Military Seer, and Mortis Aeterna was joined by colleague "Bulgarian", and together we prepared for you a study on the state of enemy tube and rocket artillery based on satellite images as of mid-2024.

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Created June 17, 2024 23:04
Verstka Article On Desertion In Russia

Doesn't he have the right not to fight?

Mobilized soldiers who don't want to fight are not judged but beaten and forcibly sent to the front

In Russian regions, hundreds of mobilized soldiers who refused to fight in Ukraine are being forcibly sent to the front. Those who resist are beaten and tied up. Refusers are put on planes at gunpoint and sent to the front, including to assaults near Kharkiv, without regard for injuries, travel restrictions, and scheduled court hearings related to desertion cases.

Sergey Krugly decided not to return to the war because he couldn't stop imagining the human heads he collected from the fields of Ukraine after battles. The 29-year-old resident of Verkhnyaya Pyshma in the Sverdlovsk region was mobilized in the fall of 2022, and in March 2023, he came home on leave. He didn't sleep for the first month. At five in the morning, his mother would call his sister: "I don't know what to do with him." His aunt would come over and see Sergey, who, in a state of unconsciousness,

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Created March 28, 2024 19:28
LKML Viral Copypasta ChatGPT edition


Generate a viral copypasta about systemd from the perspective of an exasperated Linux kernel developer posting on the LKML. Keep in mind such a developer would use words that are considered inappropriate in other contexts.


Subject: The systemd Saga: A Kernel Developer's Tale

Hey folks,

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Created February 28, 2024 20:33
German Frigate "Hessen" Shoots Down Drones In The Red Sea

Translation of:

Frigate "Hessen" Shoots Down Houthi Drones in the Red Sea

It is there to protect merchant ships in the Red Sea. Now, according to SPIEGEL information, the frigate "Hessen" has repelled two drones from the Yemeni Houthi militia. It was the first use of live ammunition.

The naval frigate "Hessen" has been cruising to protect merchant ships in the Red Sea for only a few days. Now, it has repelled a first attack from the Houthi militia operating from Yemen. The ship, participating in the EU military mission "Aspides," successfully engaged two enemy aerial targets on Tuesday evening – it was the first live weapons use. Prior to this, the news agency dpa, among others, had reported on the deployment.

The first drone was shot down around 8:09 p.m. Central European Time, according to SPIEGEL information, using a 76-millimeter naval gun. Shortly after, at 8

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Last active February 22, 2024 05:14
How Funny Is ChatGPT4

I re-ran the prompt described in Study 2 of How Funny Is ChatGPT? A Comparison of Human and A.I. Produced Jokes, with ChatGPT 4 instead of ChatGPT 3.5 as in the original study:


The Onion is a satirical news organization. They posted the below humorous, satirical news headlines under their 'Local' news section:

  • Report: Sister Just Sitting On Boyfriend's Lap Right There At Family Dinner
  • White Women Explain Why They Love Fall
  • Fire Department To Install No-Questions-Asked Baby Furnace Outside Station
  • What To Say To A Child If They Don't Believe In God
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Created February 16, 2024 16:43
Interview With Top European Parliament Candidate: Does the EU Need Its Own Nuclear Weapons, Ms. Barley?

Translation of:

Archive link:

Exclusive / Top European Candidate in Interview: Does the EU Need Its Own Nuclear Weapons, Ms. Barley?

Katarina Barley is the SPD's top candidate for the European elections. She knows: Difficult times are ahead for the EU – and uncomfortable questions in security policy.

Ms. Barley, how old, male, and technocratic is European social democracy?

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Last active January 30, 2024 15:02
Information Warfare, Cyberattacks, Sabotage: How "Operation Plan Germany" Changes Switzerland's Security Policy

Information Warfare, Cyber Attacks, Sabotage: How the "Operation Plan Germany" Changes Switzerland's Security Policy

The German Armed Forces are developing a plan on how to repel an attack below the threshold of war – a likely scenario. An analysis from a Swiss perspective.

A group of armed individuals swiftly occupies the Swift data center in Diessenhofen in the canton of Thurgau: This is where global payment flows converge. The fighters, wearing combat uniforms without any national insignia, use massive force. They are equipped with a mortar and state-of-the-art anti-tank guided weapons. This private army thus possesses far more firepower than the Thurgau cantonal police.

Simultaneously, there has been an ongoing deployment of American NATO troops through the hub of Ramstein near Frankfurt for days, intended to deter Russia from attacking Latvia. The partial failure of payment transactions completely disrupts the situation. A disinformation campaign warning against the influence of the USA – particu