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Last active April 21, 2017 08:55
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  • Save quangtt-rks/fcb9e2375c228fb45afeb32333c8203e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save quangtt-rks/fcb9e2375c228fb45afeb32333c8203e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Auto upgrade Ghost blog (version 0.x.x). Tired of typing so many commands when upgrading? Write your own script!
# This script works only on my system, edit it before apply to your system!
echo "\n Ghost Upgrader"
echo "\n$waiting_sign Checking for updates..."
rm >/dev/null 2>&1
rm -rf ghost-latest
cd && curl -LOk >/dev/null 2>&1
unzip ~/ -d ghost-latest >/dev/null 2>&1
latest_version=$(grep -Po '"version":(\d*?,|.*?[^\\]",)' ~/ghost-latest/package.json)
current_version=$(grep -Po '"version":(\d*?,|.*?[^\\]",)' "$ghost_dir/package.json")
if [ "$latest_version" = "$current_version" ]
printf "$okay_sign You already have the latest version.\n"
echo "\n Updates found!"
read -p " Do you want to upgrade to newest version? ([Nn] to exit, otherwise to proceed): " wantit
case $wantit in [Nn])
echo "\n Bye!"
exit 0
printf "\n$waiting_sign Backing up [content] folder..."
echo y | rm -rf "$ghost_dir/content-backup"
cp -a "$ghost_dir/content" "$ghost_dir/content-backup"
printf "$okay_sign"
printf "\n$waiting_sign Removing [core] folder..."
echo y | exec sudo rm -rf "$ghost_dir/core"
printf "$okay_sign"
printf "\n$waiting_sign Removing [index.js]..."
echo y | rm "$ghost_dir/index.js" >/dev/null 2>&1
printf "$okay_sign"
printf "\n$waiting_sign Removing *.json files..."
echo y | rm "$ghost_dir/package.json" >/dev/null 2>&1
echo y | rm "$ghost_dir/npm-shrinkwrap.json" >/dev/null 2>&1
printf "$okay_sign"
printf "\n$waiting_sign Removing *.md files..."
echo y | rm "$ghost_dir/" >/dev/null 2>&1
echo y | rm "$ghost_dir/" >/dev/null 2>&1
printf "$okay_sign"
printf "\n$waiting_sign Removing [node_modules] folder..."
echo y | rm -rf "$ghost_dir/node_modules"
printf "$okay_sign"
printf "\n$waiting_sign Copying new [core] folder..."
cp -a ~/ghost-latest/core "$ghost_dir"
printf "$okay_sign"
printf "\n$waiting_sign Copying new [index.js]..."
cp ~/ghost-latest/index.js "$ghost_dir"
printf "$okay_sign"
printf "\n$waiting_sign Copying new *.json files..."
cp ~/ghost-latest/*.json "$ghost_dir"
printf "$okay_sign"
printf "\n$waiting_sign Copying new *.md files..."
cp ~/ghost-latest/*.md "$ghost_dir"
printf "$okay_sign"
echo "\n"
read -p "[!] Do you want to overwrite [Casper theme] with the new one? ([y] to confirm, otherwise to skip) " reply
case $reply in [Yy])
printf "\n$waiting_sign Copying new [Casper] theme files..."
cp -R ~/ghost-latest/content/themes/casper "$ghost_dir/content/themes"
printf "$okay_sign"
printf "\n$waiting_sign Clear cpm cache..."
cd "$ghost_dir" && npm cache clean
printf "$okay_sign"
printf "\n$waiting_sign Running [npm install --production]...\n"
cd "$ghost_dir" && npm install --production
printf "\n$waiting_sign Restarting Ghost service..."
exec sudo service ghost restart
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