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Last active January 16, 2024 11:00
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  • Save quan-nguyen2/2735e938adad0bbe10ed4e9ff3cf1418 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save quan-nguyen2/2735e938adad0bbe10ed4e9ff3cf1418 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

basic rules

from high priority to lower priority

  • git-history aims to help you understand life-time of the project (3)
  • keep that (history of code) clean
  • git aims to help developers' life easier (1)
  • you must pay for something (life-easy) before having it, so let's learn to using git first
  • we (you and me) don't have much fuck to give, so let's make less fuck (2)

more details

from my experience + IMO

  • prefer rebase to merge (follow 2)
  • avoid merging (IMO it provides a useless commit, however, if you think merging commit is useful, use it)
  • learn/google these keywords if you don't know about it before: rebase, squash, fixup, cherry-pick


  • branch name: your_acount/your_stuff (example: quannk/test1, quannk/test2)
  • play in your folder your_acount, no one care about it (follow 2)

while develop

  • start coding from origin/master
  • make small commits (follow 1)
  • with stupid messages (fix, update, magic, temp, test, t, etc) (follow 1)
  • no one care what you are doing in your branch, again (follow 2)

before make pull request (PR)

  • remove all merging commits (follow 2)
  • refactor your code (format, organize imports)
  • squash/fixup stupid commits (follow 2)
  • give commits meaningful messages (follow 3)
  • add [Jira issues number] as prefix of your commits. Example: [AD-12] this is a nice commits (follow 3)
  • if you don't know, your commits can have more than one lines, make use of it (follow 3)
[AD-12] refactor XXX

- rename zzz to aaa
- remove xyz
- etc 

update changes in PR

when you need update your code in PR

  • force push if you update too much
  • if it's simple change, use a commit (you can always fixup it later)
  • github have a button to re-request to review PR with a single click
  • in github, you don't need to answer all comments from reviewer
  • if you don't answer a comment, it means you agree with it
  • else comment back, or ping the reviewer in slack (don't boom each other with tons of github's mail) (follow 2)

before merge your PR

  • remove all shitty commits (fix, test, etc) (follow 2)
  • choose rebase or squash+rebase
  • only choose merge if your branch is too messy, and you want to keep that mess for other

PR requester

  • it's your responsibility to make sure your code works and properly tested
  • it's your responsibility to rebase your code onto origin/master regularly, this help to avoid conflict ASAP (follow 1)
  • it's your responsibility + right to merge your code to target branch
  • it's your responsibility to delete your branch after merging (follow 2)

PR reviewer

  • it's your responsibility to make sure new code follow code-base's convention, language's best practice, etc
  • it's your responsibility + chance to understand/ask why the requester doing that magic
  • try to check/improve correctness about business+logic and simplicity of code


  • add jokes in comments (not your running code), it's fun to read!
  • don't work where you shit (wc)
  • don't shit where you work (git)
  • we (you and me) don't have much fuck to give, so let's make less fuck (again)


refactor commits

let say your branch have this commits

pick implement XXX
pick fix xxx 1
pick fix xxx 2
pick fix yyy (yyy is a merged feature)
pick implement ZZZ
pick fix xxx 3
pick fix zzz 
pick fix xxx 4

let rebase -i it like this

pick implement XXX
fixup fix xxx 1
fixup fix xxx 2
fixup fix xxx 3
fixup fix xxx 4
pick fix yyy
pick implement ZZZ
pick fix zzz

then you will have this

pick implement XXX
pick fix yyy
pick implement ZZZ
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