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Created July 19, 2024 01:39
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#include <iostream> // Includes the standard I/O library
#include <queue> // Includes the queue library for queue operations
#include <thread> // Includes the thread library for threading operations
#include <mutex> // Includes the mutex library for synchronization
#include <condition_variable> // Includes the condition_variable library for thread communication
std::mutex mtx; // Declares a mutex for critical section management
std::condition_variable cond_var; // Declares a condition variable for blocking and waking threads
std::queue<int> buffer; // Declares a queue to act as the buffer
const unsigned int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 10; // Sets the maximum size of the buffer
void producer(int value) { // Defines the producer function
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx); // Locks the mutex before accessing the buffer
cond_var.wait(lock, [] { return buffer.size() < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; }); // Waits if the buffer is full
std::cout << "Producing " << value << std::endl; // Prints the produced value
buffer.push(value); // Pushes the value into the buffer
std::cout << "Buffer size after producing: " << buffer.size() << std::endl << std::endl; // Prints the buffer size after producing
lock.unlock(); // Unlocks the mutex
cond_var.notify_one(); // Notifies one waiting thread
void consumer() { // Defines the consumer function
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mtx); // Locks the mutex before accessing the buffer
cond_var.wait(lock, [] { return buffer.size() > 0; }); // Waits if the buffer is empty
int value = buffer.front(); // Gets the value from the front of the buffer
buffer.pop(); // Removes the value from the buffer
std::cout << "Consuming " << value << std::endl; // Prints the consumed value
std::cout << "Buffer size after consuming: " << buffer.size() << std::endl << std::endl; // Prints the buffer size after consuming
lock.unlock(); // Unlocks the mutex
cond_var.notify_one(); // Notifies one waiting thread
int main() { // The main function
std::thread producerThread([] { // Creates a producer thread
for (int i = 1; i <= 200000; ++i) {
producer(i); // Produces 20 items
// Delay before starting consumer thread
std::thread consumerThread([] { // Creates a consumer thread
for (int i = 1; i <= 2000000; ++i) {
consumer(); // Consumes 20 items
producerThread.join(); // Waits for producer thread to finish
consumerThread.join(); // Waits for consumer thread to finish
return 0; // Ends the program
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