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Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) minimal implementation in Python 3, with a tic-tac-toe example gameplay
A minimal implementation of Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) in Python 3
Luke Harold Miles, July 2019, Public Domain Dedication
See also
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
import math
class MCTS:
"Monte Carlo tree searcher. First rollout the tree then choose a move."
def __init__(self, exploration_weight=1):
self.Q = defaultdict(int) # total reward of each node
self.N = defaultdict(int) # total visit count for each node
self.children = dict() # children of each node
self.exploration_weight = exploration_weight
def choose(self, node):
"Choose the best successor of node. (Choose a move in the game)"
if node.is_terminal():
raise RuntimeError(f"choose called on terminal node {node}")
if node not in self.children:
return node.find_random_child()
def score(n):
if self.N[n] == 0:
return float("-inf") # avoid unseen moves
return self.Q[n] / self.N[n] # average reward
return max(self.children[node], key=score)
def do_rollout(self, node):
"Make the tree one layer better. (Train for one iteration.)"
path = self._select(node)
leaf = path[-1]
reward = self._simulate(leaf)
self._backpropagate(path, reward)
def _select(self, node):
"Find an unexplored descendent of `node`"
path = []
while True:
if node not in self.children or not self.children[node]:
# node is either unexplored or terminal
return path
unexplored = self.children[node] - self.children.keys()
if unexplored:
n = unexplored.pop()
return path
node = self._uct_select(node) # descend a layer deeper
def _expand(self, node):
"Update the `children` dict with the children of `node`"
if node in self.children:
return # already expanded
self.children[node] = node.find_children()
def _simulate(self, node):
"Returns the reward for a random simulation (to completion) of `node`"
invert_reward = True
while True:
if node.is_terminal():
reward = node.reward()
return 1 - reward if invert_reward else reward
node = node.find_random_child()
invert_reward = not invert_reward
def _backpropagate(self, path, reward):
"Send the reward back up to the ancestors of the leaf"
for node in reversed(path):
self.N[node] += 1
self.Q[node] += reward
reward = 1 - reward # 1 for me is 0 for my enemy, and vice versa
def _uct_select(self, node):
"Select a child of node, balancing exploration & exploitation"
# All children of node should already be expanded:
assert all(n in self.children for n in self.children[node])
log_N_vertex = math.log(self.N[node])
def uct(n):
"Upper confidence bound for trees"
return self.Q[n] / self.N[n] + self.exploration_weight * math.sqrt(
log_N_vertex / self.N[n]
return max(self.children[node], key=uct)
class Node(ABC):
A representation of a single board state.
MCTS works by constructing a tree of these Nodes.
Could be e.g. a chess or checkers board state.
def find_children(self):
"All possible successors of this board state"
return set()
def find_random_child(self):
"Random successor of this board state (for more efficient simulation)"
return None
def is_terminal(self):
"Returns True if the node has no children"
return True
def reward(self):
"Assumes `self` is terminal node. 1=win, 0=loss, .5=tie, etc"
return 0
def __hash__(self):
"Nodes must be hashable"
return 123456789
def __eq__(node1, node2):
"Nodes must be comparable"
return True
An example implementation of the abstract Node class for use in MCTS
If you run this file then you can play against the computer.
A tic-tac-toe board is represented as a tuple of 9 values, each either None,
True, or False, respectively meaning 'empty', 'X', and 'O'.
The board is indexed by row:
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
For example, this game board
O - X
O X -
X - -
corrresponds to this tuple:
(False, None, True, False, True, None, True, None, None)
from collections import namedtuple
from random import choice
from monte_carlo_tree_search import MCTS, Node
_TTTB = namedtuple("TicTacToeBoard", "tup turn winner terminal")
# Inheriting from a namedtuple is convenient because it makes the class
# immutable and predefines __init__, __repr__, __hash__, __eq__, and others
class TicTacToeBoard(_TTTB, Node):
def find_children(board):
if board.terminal: # If the game is finished then no moves can be made
return set()
# Otherwise, you can make a move in each of the empty spots
return {
board.make_move(i) for i, value in enumerate(board.tup) if value is None
def find_random_child(board):
if board.terminal:
return None # If the game is finished then no moves can be made
empty_spots = [i for i, value in enumerate(board.tup) if value is None]
return board.make_move(choice(empty_spots))
def reward(board):
if not board.terminal:
raise RuntimeError(f"reward called on nonterminal board {board}")
if board.winner is board.turn:
# It's your turn and you've already won. Should be impossible.
raise RuntimeError(f"reward called on unreachable board {board}")
if board.turn is (not board.winner):
return 0 # Your opponent has just won. Bad.
if board.winner is None:
return 0.5 # Board is a tie
# The winner is neither True, False, nor None
raise RuntimeError(f"board has unknown winner type {board.winner}")
def is_terminal(board):
return board.terminal
def make_move(board, index):
tup = board.tup[:index] + (board.turn,) + board.tup[index + 1 :]
turn = not board.turn
winner = _find_winner(tup)
is_terminal = (winner is not None) or not any(v is None for v in tup)
return TicTacToeBoard(tup, turn, winner, is_terminal)
def to_pretty_string(board):
to_char = lambda v: ("X" if v is True else ("O" if v is False else " "))
rows = [
[to_char(board.tup[3 * row + col]) for col in range(3)] for row in range(3)
return (
"\n 1 2 3\n"
+ "\n".join(str(i + 1) + " " + " ".join(row) for i, row in enumerate(rows))
+ "\n"
def play_game():
tree = MCTS()
board = new_tic_tac_toe_board()
while True:
row_col = input("enter row,col: ")
row, col = map(int, row_col.split(","))
index = 3 * (row - 1) + (col - 1)
if board.tup[index] is not None:
raise RuntimeError("Invalid move")
board = board.make_move(index)
if board.terminal:
# You can train as you go, or only at the beginning.
# Here, we train as we go, doing fifty rollouts each turn.
for _ in range(50):
board = tree.choose(board)
if board.terminal:
def _winning_combos():
for start in range(0, 9, 3): # three in a row
yield (start, start + 1, start + 2)
for start in range(3): # three in a column
yield (start, start + 3, start + 6)
yield (0, 4, 8) # down-right diagonal
yield (2, 4, 6) # down-left diagonal
def _find_winner(tup):
"Returns None if no winner, True if X wins, False if O wins"
for i1, i2, i3 in _winning_combos():
v1, v2, v3 = tup[i1], tup[i2], tup[i3]
if False is v1 is v2 is v3:
return False
if True is v1 is v2 is v3:
return True
return None
def new_tic_tac_toe_board():
return TicTacToeBoard(tup=(None,) * 9, turn=True, winner=None, terminal=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Thanks for the example though, really helped me understand MCTS. Isn't this technically searching a DAG not a tree though?

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qpwo commented Feb 15, 2021

Thanks for the example though, really helped me understand MCTS. Isn't this technically searching a DAG not a tree though?

Yes it is but they still call it tree search in the books ¯_(ツ)_/¯. In general in game theory it's called a game tree

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Thanks for the example though, really helped me understand MCTS. Isn't this technically searching a DAG not a tree though?

Yes it is but they still call it tree search in the books ¯_(ツ)_/¯. In general in game theory it's called a game tree

Ok thanks! that was just confusing me a little :)

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Thanks for the example though, really helped me understand MCTS. Isn't this technically searching a DAG not a tree though?

Yes it is but they still call it tree search in the books ¯_(ツ)_/¯. In general in game theory it's called a game tree

Ok thanks! that was just confusing me a little :)

Well, trees are a subset of DAGs. MCTS is a tree, since it doesn't have long-dependency connections. Parent nodes fan-out only to direct children nodes.

What I find confusing is that the literature refers to a recently visited node as a 'leaf'. Following the metaphor of a tree, this makes no sense. Unless this is a terminal node, visited nodes are later expanded and become part of the branches of the tree. A better analogy would be a 'bud'. I hope it catches on :)

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qpwo commented Mar 15, 2021

What I find confusing is that the literature refers to a recently visited node as a 'leaf'. Following the metaphor of a tree, this makes no sense. Unless this is a terminal node, visited nodes are later expanded and become part of the branches of the tree. A better analogy would be a 'bud'. I hope it catches on :)

'bud' is a great idea haha

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MCTS line 92, should the exploration weight be parenthesised with the second half of the expression to multiply before adding? I only ask because when using the same formula, "fixing" the problem seems to make it do worse and I'm not sure why.

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qpwo commented Jul 18, 2021

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Hi, thank you so much for sharing this baseline implementation of MCTS which is really of great interest to me. I found however in your rollout function that every leaf is expanded with its children while being visited. The concern for me is the space memory, which is going to be wasted for nodes which might only be explored once, and would never be selected again. This isn't an issue though if we only have a small amount of children in average, but may quickly cause a space memory issue when there are a lot of children to explore. Imagine if there are 1000 possible actions at each time, then even before I get to finish exploring the first layer for the first time, I would have already created a million nodes in the second layer, among which a majority might never be visited and get wasted. I would rather expand a leaf only when necessary, i.e., only if I arrive at it during selection and if it has already been visited (self.N) but not yet expanded (self.children). Thanks a lot anyways!

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qpwo commented Jul 31, 2021

Thanks for that insight. I think you're right as to the solution.

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Hi, thanks for the example code. I am not clear why line 67 invert_reward is initially defined as True? The input node is path[-1], and path[-1] will add the reward later, it seems it will add an inversed reward?

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Thanks for your code!

May I ask how to implement parallel MCTS?

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qpwo commented Apr 3, 2022

Hmm python has multithreading depending on what you mean by parallell

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qpwo commented Apr 3, 2022

Hi, thanks for the example code. I am not clear why line 67 invert_reward is initially defined as True? The input node is path[-1], and path[-1] will add the reward later, it seems it will add an inversed reward?

The hardest thing with MCTS is the off by one bugs. Looking at this you might be right. I tested the algorithm and it seemed to work though. Is MCTS so good that you can give it reverse rewards and it still works?

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Hi, thanks for the example code. I am not clear why line 67 invert_reward is initially defined as True? The input node is path[-1], and path[-1] will add the reward later, it seems it will add an inversed reward?

The hardest thing with MCTS is the off by one bugs. Looking at this you might be right. I tested the algorithm and it seemed to work though. Is MCTS so good that you can give it reverse rewards and it still works?

Thank you for the reply. I found If you change line 52 of to return a reward 1 for the current board and set invert_reward initially to False, it also works. It seems easier to understand then.

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Noob question, the MCTS algorithm doesn't seem to be winning the game? Am I supposed to run it for multiple iterations?

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qpwo commented Oct 17, 2022

Yeah do more rollouts each turn or do them in the beginning

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ianyhy commented May 22, 2023

Thanks for your code. I have a question about how to store the nodes in the MCTS. For example, if I set up a leaf node, how can I index its parent node and children nodes?

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qpwo commented May 22, 2023

Add a field for a pointer to the parent which is created in the constructors and ignored by __eq__

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ianyhy commented May 23, 2023

Thanks a lot. I'm a civil engineer. This is a little bit beyond my knowledge. Could you introduce a reference for me to study the pointer in Python? Thanks again!

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