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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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  • Save qorbani/e96c6684032756885d2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save qorbani/e96c6684032756885d2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Runs the specified command (provided by the first argument) in all tmux panes
# for every window regardless if applications are running in the terminal or not.
function execute_in_all_panes {
# Notate which window/pane we were originally at
ORIG_WINDOW_INDEX=`tmux display-message -p '#I'`
ORIG_PANE_INDEX=`tmux display-message -p '#P'`
# Assign the argument to something readable
# Count how many windows we have
windows=$((`tmux list-windows | wc -l` - 1))
# Loop through the windows
for (( window=0; window <= $windows; window++ )); do
tmux select-window -t $window #select the window
# Count how many panes there are in the window
panes=$((`tmux list-panes| wc -l` - 1))
# debugging
#echo "window:$window pane:$pane";
#sleep 1
# Loop through the panes that are in the window
for (( pane=0; pane <= $panes; pane++ )); do
# Skip the window that the command was ran in, run it in that window last
# since we don't want to suspend the script that we are currently running
# and also we want to end back where we started..
if [ $ORIG_WINDOW_INDEX -eq $window -a $ORIG_PANE_INDEX -eq $pane ]; then
tmux select-pane -t $pane #select the pane
# Send the escape key, in the case we are in a vim like program. This is
# repeated because the send-key command is not waiting for vim to complete
# its action... also sending a sleep 1 command seems to fuck up the loop.
for i in {1..25}; do tmux send-keys C-[; done
# temp suspend any gui thats running
tmux send-keys C-z
# if no gui was running, remove the escape sequence we just sent ^Z
tmux send-keys C-H
# run the command & switch back to the gui if there was any
tmux send-keys "$command && fg 2>/dev/null" C-m
tmux select-window -t $ORIG_WINDOW_INDEX #select the original window
tmux select-pane -t $ORIG_PANE_INDEX #select the original pane
# Send the escape key, in the case we are in a vim like program. This is
# repeated because the send-key command is not waiting for vim to complete
# its action... also sending a sleep 1 command seems to fuck up the loop.
for i in {1..25}; do tmux send-keys C-[; done
# temp suspend any gui thats running
# run the command & switch back to the gui if there was any
tmux send-keys C-c "$command && fg 2>/dev/null" C-m
tmux send-keys "clear" C-m
execute_in_all_panes "echo OH HAI"
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