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Quinn McHenry qmchenry

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riggaroo / GradientAlongPathAnimation.kt
Last active May 29, 2024 19:11
Gradient along a path using path.flatten in Compose, Inspired by William Candillon, this uses Jetpack Compose to draw a gradient along a path
package androidx.compose.samples.animationfactory
import androidx.compose.animation.core.Animatable
import androidx.compose.animation.core.infiniteRepeatable
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
vibrazy / OptionSetSwiftUI.swift
Last active June 12, 2024 02:40
Using OptionSet to simplify your view state. Unify your states into 1
// Created by Daniel Tavares on 07/05/2021.
import SwiftUI
// MARK: - OptionsSet
// Blog post
protocol OptionsBinding {}
ole / !
Last active June 24, 2024 18:00
A dump of the SwiftUI.framework binary for the iOS simulator (as of Xcode 12.0 beta 2) using the swift-reflection-dump tool.

A dump of the SwiftUI.framework binary for the iOS simulator (as of Xcode 12.0 beta 2) using the swift-reflection-dump tool.

Note: I used a Swift 5.3 compiler build from a few weeks ago that I had laying around. Because of ABI stability, I don't think the swift-reflection-dump version has to match the compiler version that was used to build the binary, but I'm not 100% sure.

chriseidhof / sample.swift
Last active September 16, 2024 06:02
View Inspection
import SwiftUI
struct SizeKey: PreferenceKey {
static func reduce(value: inout CGSize?, nextValue: () -> CGSize?) {
value = value ?? nextValue()
struct ContentView: View {
@State var width: CGFloat? = nil
var body: some View {
lisawolderiksen /
Last active September 18, 2024 15:59
Use a Git commit message template to write better commit messages

Using Git Commit Message Templates to Write Better Commit Messages

The always enthusiastic and knowledgeable mr. @jasaltvik shared with our team an article on writing (good) Git commit messages: How to Write a Git Commit Message. This excellent article explains why good Git commit messages are important, and explains what constitutes a good commit message. I wholeheartedly agree with what @cbeams writes in his article. (Have you read it yet? If not, go read it now. I'll wait.) It's sensible stuff. So I decided to start following the

mort3za /
Last active May 28, 2024 20:51
Auto sign your git commits
# Generate a new pgp key: (better to use gpg2 instead of gpg in all below commands)
gpg --gen-key
# maybe you need some random work in your OS to generate a key. so run this command: `find ./* /home/username -type d | xargs grep some_random_string > /dev/null`
# check current keys:
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
# See your gpg public key:
gpg --armor --export YOUR_KEY_ID
# YOUR_KEY_ID is the hash in front of `sec` in previous command. (for example sec 4096R/234FAA343232333 => key id is: 234FAA343232333)
erica / 00-dragndrop.swift
Last active June 28, 2020 14:52
Building an OSX Drag and Drop Playground: Throw the dragndrop.swift into shared Sources and then test out the examples in individual playgrounds. Make sure the assistant is open and set to the timeline. I prefer vertical assistant stacking for this.
import Cocoa
// Support Foundation calls on String
public extension String { public var ns: NSString {return self as NSString} }
/// Custom Labeled Playground-Based Drag-and-Drop window
public class DropView: NSTextField {
// Default action handler
public var handler: ([String]) -> Void = { paths in Swift.print(paths) }
natecook1000 /
Last active July 10, 2018 19:24
NSHipster New Year's 2016

Greetings and salutations, NSHipsters!

As the year winds down, it's a tradition here at NSHipster to ask you, dear readers, to offer up your favorite tricks and tips from the past year as gifts to your fellow hipsters. With iOS 9, El Capitan, brand new watch- and tvOS's, and the open-sourcing of some minor Apple-related tech, there's bound to be lots to share.

Submit your favorite piece of Swift or @objc trivia, helpful hints, unexpected discoveries, useful workarounds, useless fascinations, or anything else you found cool this year. Just comment below!

If you need inspiration, try [the list from last year][2015], or [from the year before][2014], or [from the year before that][2013].

ohryan / AppDelegate.swift
Last active October 21, 2022 21:33
TVML TvOS AppDelegate for use with TeeVee for WP, WordPress plugin.
import UIKit
import TVMLKit
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, TVApplicationControllerDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
var appController: TVApplicationController?
twostraws / gist:3d673d4eba36de173f6f
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
Love Wins in Swift
// loveWins(): a simple function that accepts a UIImage and
// returns the same image blended with the rainbow flag
// of the LGBT pride movement.
// This is released for pedagogical reasons (I've tried to make
// the code as easy to follow as possible!) but you're welcome
// to use it for any purpose – consider the code yours.
// If you're using Xcode 7 / Swift 2, you need to make a tiny