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A simple shell script to attach usb device to kvm
array=(`lsusb -v 2> /dev/null | grep "\(Bus\|bInterfaceClass\)" | awk -F ' ' '{if(/Bus/){printf "%s ",$0} else {$1="";$2="-";print $0}}' | grep -o "ID.*"`)
for i in `seq 0 $(expr ${#array[*]} - 1)`; do
echo -n "$i "
echo "${array[$i]}"
echo -n "choose usb device: "
id=`echo ${array[$(read)]} | grep -o "[0-9]\+:[0-9]\+"`
virsh list --all
echo -n "enter domain name to attach: "
read domain
echo "<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='usb'>" > $tmp
echo " <source>" >> $tmp
printf " <vendor id='0x%s'/>\n" ${id/:*} >> $tmp
printf " <product id='0x%s'/>\n" ${id/*:} >> $tmp
echo " </source>" >> $tmp
echo "</hostdev>" >> $tmp
virsh attach-device $domain $tmp
rm $tmp
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require libvirt & usbutils

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