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Created June 24, 2022 13:23
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TRACE [neovide] Neovide version: 0.8.0
DEBUG [neovide::bridge::command] Running which command: "/usr/local/bin/bash" "-lc" "which nvim"
DEBUG [neovide::settings::window_geometry] Loaded window settings: Maximized
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Original font_size: 14.00px
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::font_loader] Loading font FontKey { bold: false, italic: false, family_name: None }
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Original font_width: 8.62px
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Font width: 8.62px (avg: 8.68px)
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Fudge factor: 1.04
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Fudged font size: 14.63px
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Fudged font width: 9.00px
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::font_loader] Loading font FontKey { bold: false, italic: false, family_name: None }
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::font_loader] Loading font FontKey { bold: false, italic: false, family_name: None }
INFO [neovide::window] window created (scale_factor: 1.0000, font_dimensions: Dimensions { width: 9, height: 18 })
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::bridge::ui_commands::UiCommand Parallel(FocusGained)
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
DEBUG [neovide::bridge::command] Starting neovim with: Command { std: "/usr/local/bin/bash" "-lc" "/usr/local/bin/nvim --embed hpa.yaml", kill_on_drop: false }
DEBUG [neovide::bridge::events] Ignored client type property: "version"
DEBUG [neovide::bridge::events] Ignored client type property: "type"
DEBUG [neovide::bridge::events] Ignored client type property: "methods"
DEBUG [neovide::bridge::events] Ignored client type property: "attributes"
INFO [neovide::bridge::setup] Neovide registered to nvim with channel id 1
INFO [neovide::bridge] Neovim process attached
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: ArabicShape(true) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: AmbiWidth("single") })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Emoji(true) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: GuiFont("Hack Nerd Font:h13") })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: GuiFontWide("") })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: LineSpace(0) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("mousefocus", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Pumblend(0) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: ShowTabLine(1) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: TermGuiColors(true) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ttimeout", Boolean(true)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ttimeoutlen", Integer(PosInt(50))) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_linegrid", Boolean(true)) })
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set ArabicShape(true)
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set AmbiWidth("single")
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Emoji(true)
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set GuiFont("Hack Nerd Font:h13")
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set GuiFontWide("")
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set LineSpace(0)
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("mousefocus", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Pumblend(0)
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set ShowTabLine(1)
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set TermGuiColors(true)
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ttimeout", Boolean(true))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ttimeoutlen", Integer(PosInt(50)))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_linegrid", Boolean(true))
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_multigrid", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_hlstate", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_termcolors", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(DefaultColorsSet { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) } })
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_multigrid", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_hlstate", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_termcolors", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 1, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 2, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.827451, g: 0.827451, b: 0.827451, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6627451, g: 0.6627451, b: 0.6627451, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] alloc::vec::Vec<neovide::renderer::DrawCommand> [FontChanged("Hack Nerd Font:h13"), DefaultStyleChanged(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 })]
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 3, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 4, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 5, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: true, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 6, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 7, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 8, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.5019608, g: 0.5019608, b: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 9, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: true, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 10, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 11, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 80 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 12, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 100 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 13, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 14, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.5019608, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 15, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 16, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 17, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 18, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 19, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.64705884, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 20, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6784314, g: 0.84705883, b: 0.9019608, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 21, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.827451, g: 0.827451, b: 0.827451, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 22, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: true, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 23, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.64705884, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: true, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 24, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6784314, g: 0.84705883, b: 0.9019608, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: true, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 25, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 0.827451, g: 0.827451, b: 0.827451, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: true, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 26, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.54509807, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 27, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.4, g: 0.4, b: 0.4, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 28, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.4, g: 0.4, b: 0.4, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 29, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 30, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.54509807, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 31, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.54509807, g: 0.0, b: 0.54509807, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 32, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.54509807, b: 0.54509807, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 33, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 34, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.5019608, g: 0.5019608, b: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 35, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6627451, g: 0.6627451, b: 0.6627451, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 36, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 37, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.54509807, b: 0.54509807, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 38, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.18039216, g: 0.54509807, b: 0.34117648, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 39, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 40, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6627451, g: 0.6627451, b: 0.6627451, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 41, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 42, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.5019608, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 43, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 44, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: true, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 45, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: true, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 46, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: true, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 47, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: true, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 48, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6627451, g: 0.6627451, b: 0.6627451, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: true, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 49, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 50, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6627451, g: 0.6627451, b: 0.6627451, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 51, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 52, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.5019608, g: 0.627451, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 53, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.627451, b: 0.627451, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 54, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.64705884, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 55, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.2509804, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 56, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.3764706, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 57, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.5019608, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 58, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.3764706, g: 1.0, b: 0.3764706, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 59, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.5019608, g: 0.627451, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: true, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 60, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 61, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6627451, g: 0.6627451, b: 0.6627451, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 62, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_cmdline", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_popupmenu", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_tabline", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_wildmenu", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_cmdline", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_popupmenu", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_tabline", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_wildmenu", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_messages", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(DefaultColorsSet { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) } })
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_messages", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(Resize { grid: 1, width: 100, height: 50 })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(Clear { grid: 1 })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] alloc::vec::Vec<neovide::renderer::DrawCommand> [DefaultStyleChanged(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 })]
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(DefaultColorsSet { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] alloc::vec::Vec<neovide::renderer::DrawCommand> [Window { grid_id: 1, command: Position { grid_position: (0.0, 0.0), grid_size: (100, 50), floating_order: None } }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: Clear }, DefaultStyleChanged(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }), Window { grid_id: 1, command: Clear }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 0, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 1, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 2, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 3, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 4, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 5, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 6, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 7, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 8, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 9, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 10, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 11, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 12, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 13, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 14, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 15, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 16, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 17, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 18, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 19, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 20, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 21, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 22, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 23, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 24, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 25, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 26, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 27, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 28, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 29, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 30, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 31, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 32, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 33, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 34, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 35, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 36, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 37, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 38, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 39, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 40, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 41, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 42, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 43, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 44, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 45, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 46, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 47, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 48, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 49, width: 100, style: None }]) }]
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Updating font: Hack Nerd Font:h13
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::font_loader] Loading font FontKey { bold: false, italic: false, family_name: Some("Hack Nerd Font") }
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Font updated to: Hack Nerd Font:h13
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Original font_size: 13.00px
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::font_loader] Loading font FontKey { bold: false, italic: false, family_name: Some("Hack Nerd Font") }
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Original font_width: 7.83px
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Font width: 7.83px (avg: 7.83px)
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Fudge factor: 1.02
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Fudged font size: 13.29px
DEBUG [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Fudged font width: 8.00px
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::font_loader] Loading font FontKey { bold: false, italic: false, family_name: Some("Hack Nerd Font") }
TRACE [neovide::renderer::grid_renderer] Updated font dimensions: Dimensions { width: 8, height: 16 }
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::bridge::ui_commands::UiCommand Parallel(Resize { width: 240, height: 59 })
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(DefaultColorsSet { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 63, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(DefaultColorsSet { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 64, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.3764706, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 65, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 66, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 67, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.3764706, g: 1.0, b: 0.3764706, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 68, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 69, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.5019608, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 70, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 71, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 72, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.2509804, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 73, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.5019608, g: 0.627451, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 74, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 75, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 76, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 77, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 78, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 79, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.64705884, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 80, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 81, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.627451, b: 0.627451, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 82, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.5019608, g: 0.5019608, b: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 83, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6627451, g: 0.6627451, b: 0.6627451, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 84, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.54509807, b: 0.54509807, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 85, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 86, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 87, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.4, g: 0.4, b: 0.4, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 88, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.4, g: 0.4, b: 0.4, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 89, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.5019608, g: 0.5019608, b: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 90, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.54509807, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 91, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 92, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 93, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 94, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 95, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: true, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] alloc::vec::Vec<neovide::renderer::DrawCommand> [DefaultStyleChanged(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }), Window { grid_id: 1, command: Clear }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 0, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 1, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 2, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 3, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 4, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 5, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 6, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 7, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 8, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 9, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 10, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 11, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 12, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 13, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 14, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 15, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 16, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 17, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 18, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 19, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 20, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 21, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 22, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 23, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 24, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 25, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 26, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 27, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 28, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 29, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 30, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 31, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 32, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 33, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 34, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 35, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 36, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 37, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 38, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 39, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 40, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 41, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 42, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 43, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 44, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 45, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 46, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 47, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 48, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 49, width: 100, style: None }]) }]
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 96, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: true, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 97, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 98, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 99, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: true, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 100, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: true, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 101, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: true, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 102, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: true, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 103, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 104, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6627451, g: 0.6627451, b: 0.6627451, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 105, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 106, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: true, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 107, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 108, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6627451, g: 0.6627451, b: 0.6627451, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 109, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 110, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 111, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.54509807, b: 0.54509807, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 112, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 113, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.54509807, g: 0.0, b: 0.54509807, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 114, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.54509807, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 115, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 116, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.5019608, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 117, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.18039216, g: 0.54509807, b: 0.34117648, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 118, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 119, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 120, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 121, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 122, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 123, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 124, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 125, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 126, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 127, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 128, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 129, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 130, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 131, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 132, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(BusyStart)
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] alloc::vec::Vec<neovide::renderer::DrawCommand> [DefaultStyleChanged(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }), Window { grid_id: 1, command: Clear }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 0, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 1, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 2, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 3, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 4, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 5, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 6, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 7, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 8, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 9, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 10, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 11, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 12, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 13, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 14, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 15, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 16, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 17, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 18, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 19, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 20, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 21, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 22, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 23, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 24, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 25, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 26, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 27, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 28, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 29, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 30, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 31, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 32, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 33, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 34, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 35, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 36, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 37, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 38, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 39, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 40, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 41, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 42, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 43, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 44, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 45, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 46, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 47, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 48, width: 100, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 49, width: 100, style: None }]) }]
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(WindowViewport { grid: 2, top_line: 0.0, bottom_line: 1.0, current_line: 0.0, current_column: 0.0, line_count: Some(1.0) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(CursorGoto { grid: 1, row: 0, column: 0 })
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::editor] Cursor off
TRACE [neovide::editor] viewport event received before window initialized
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(ModeInfoSet { cursor_modes: [CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(700), blinkon: Some(400), blinkoff: Some(250) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(700), blinkon: Some(400), blinkoff: Some(250) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(700), blinkon: Some(400), blinkoff: Some(250) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(700), blinkon: Some(400), blinkoff: Some(250) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(700), blinkon: Some(400), blinkoff: Some(250) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(700), blinkon: Some(400), blinkoff: Some(250) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(700), blinkon: Some(400), blinkoff: Some(250) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(700), blinkon: Some(400), blinkoff: Some(250) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(700), blinkon: Some(400), blinkoff: Some(250) }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(100), blinkon: Some(100), blinkoff: Some(100) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(MouseOn)
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(Flush)
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::window::WindowCommand SetMouseEnabled(true)
TRACE [neovide::editor] Image flushed
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] alloc::vec::Vec<neovide::renderer::DrawCommand> [UpdateCursor(Cursor { grid_position: (0, 0), parent_window_id: 1, shape: Block, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None, style: None, enabled: false, double_width: false, grid_cell: (" ", None) })]
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(BusyStop)
TRACE [neovide::editor] Cursor on
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 133, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.5019608, g: 0.5019608, b: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 134, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: None, background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.5019608, g: 0.5019608, b: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 135, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.5019608, g: 0.5019608, b: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 136, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(BusyStart)
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(Flush)
TRACE [neovide::editor] Cursor off
TRACE [neovide::editor] Image flushed
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] alloc::vec::Vec<neovide::renderer::DrawCommand> [UpdateCursor(Cursor { grid_position: (0, 0), parent_window_id: 1, shape: Block, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None, style: None, enabled: false, double_width: false, grid_cell: (" ", None) })]
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(BusyStop)
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: ShowTabLine(2) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 137, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.30588236, g: 0.30588236, b: 0.30588236, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1882353, g: 0.1882353, b: 0.1882353, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::editor] Cursor on
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set ShowTabLine(2)
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 138, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.30588236, g: 0.30588236, b: 0.30588236, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1882353, g: 0.1882353, b: 0.1882353, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 139, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1882353, g: 0.1882353, b: 0.1882353, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 140, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.30588236, g: 0.30588236, b: 0.30588236, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.14901961, g: 0.14901961, b: 0.14901961, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 141, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.30588236, g: 0.30588236, b: 0.30588236, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.14901961, g: 0.14901961, b: 0.14901961, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 142, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.14901961, g: 0.14901961, b: 0.14901961, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 143, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.30588236, g: 0.30588236, b: 0.30588236, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.10980392, g: 0.10980392, b: 0.10980392, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 144, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.30588236, g: 0.30588236, b: 0.30588236, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.10980392, g: 0.10980392, b: 0.10980392, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 145, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.10980392, g: 0.10980392, b: 0.10980392, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 146, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6117647, g: 1.0, b: 0.827451, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 147, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6117647, g: 1.0, b: 0.827451, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 148, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 149, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 150, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 151, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 152, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 0.37254903, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 153, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 0.37254903, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 154, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 0.37254903, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 155, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6117647, g: 1.0, b: 0.827451, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 156, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6117647, g: 1.0, b: 0.827451, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 157, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 158, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.26666668, g: 0.26666668, b: 0.26666668, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 159, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.26666668, g: 0.26666668, b: 0.26666668, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 160, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.26666668, g: 0.26666668, b: 0.26666668, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 161, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.37254903, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 162, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.37254903, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 163, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 164, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.6862745, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 165, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.37254903, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.8745098, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 166, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.37254903, g: 0.0, b: 0.37254903, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 167, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.26666668, g: 0.26666668, b: 0.26666668, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 168, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.26666668, g: 0.26666668, b: 0.26666668, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 169, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 170, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 0.37254903, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 171, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 0.37254903, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(WindowViewport { grid: 2, top_line: 0.0, bottom_line: 40.0, current_line: 0.0, current_column: 0.0, line_count: Some(864.0) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(HighlightAttributesDefine { id: 172, style: Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 } })
TRACE [neovide::editor] viewport event received before window initialized
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 0, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(161), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(172), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(155), repeat: Some(88) }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(169), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 1, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(82) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 2, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(90) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 3, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: Some(66), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(68) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 4, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "H", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(65) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 5, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(85) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 6, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(80) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 7, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "[", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 8, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "Z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "F", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "N", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(8) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 9, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 10, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "Z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "M", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "F", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(30) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 11, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "H", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 12, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "(", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "q", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ")", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "L", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, 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TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 13, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "Z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "F", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(33) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 14, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "]", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(24) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 15, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, 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repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, 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repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 16, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "U", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "]", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(31) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 17, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, 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repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 18, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "]", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(63) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 19, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "W", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "W", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(23) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 20, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "|", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(39) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 21, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", 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"s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 22, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, 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None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 23, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "D", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::settings] Initial value load failed for fullscreen: Error processing request: 1 - 'Key not found: neovide_fullscreen')
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 23, column_start: 80, cells: [GridLineCell { text: "C", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "U", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 24, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(35) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 25, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "Z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(51) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 26, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(83) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 27, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(77) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 28, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(65) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 29, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "L", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, 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None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(17) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 30, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(3) }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(51) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 31, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(89) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 32, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(78) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 33, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(78) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 34, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(77) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 35, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(60) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 36, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "D", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(74) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 37, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(81) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 38, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "C", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "U", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(58) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 39, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(87) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 40, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "C", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "U", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(58) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 41, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(74) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 42, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(74) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 43, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "Z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(55) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 44, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: Some(66), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(68) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 45, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "H", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(65) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 46, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(85) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 47, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(80) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 48, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(161), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "N", highlight_id: Some(162), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "O", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "M", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "L", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(161), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b4}", highlight_id: Some(167), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b4}", highlight_id: Some(168), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(155), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(155), repeat: Some(40) }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(169), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(155), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(168), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(158), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "[", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "]", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(167), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(161), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "%", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(162), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "㏑", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "☰", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "℅", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(161), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(170), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(171), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(WindowViewport { grid: 2, top_line: 0.0, bottom_line: 40.0, current_line: 0.0, current_column: 0.0, line_count: Some(864.0) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(CursorGoto { grid: 1, row: 1, column: 4 })
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(ModeInfoSet { cursor_modes: [CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Vertical), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.25), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Horizontal), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.2), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Vertical), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.25), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Horizontal), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.2), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Horizontal), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.2), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Vertical), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.25), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(ModeChange { mode: Normal, mode_index: 0 })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(Flush)
TRACE [neovide::editor] viewport event received before window initialized
TRACE [neovide::editor] Image flushed
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] alloc::vec::Vec<neovide::renderer::DrawCommand> [Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " hpa.yaml ", window_left: 0, window_top: 0, width: 10, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.37254903, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 10, window_top: 0, width: 1, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 11, window_top: 0, width: 88, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6117647, g: 1.0, b: 0.827451, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: "\u{e0b6}", window_left: 99, window_top: 0, width: 1, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.1254902, g: 0.1254902, b: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " 1 ", window_left: 0, window_top: 1, width: 4, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: "apiVersion", window_left: 4, window_top: 1, width: 10, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.2509804, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: ":", window_left: 14, window_top: 1, width: 1, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.64705884, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: " v1 ", window_left: 15, window_top: 1, width: 85, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " 2 ", window_left: 0, window_top: 2, width: 4, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 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false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: ":", window_left: 10, window_top: 45, width: 1, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.64705884, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: " HorizontalPodAutoscaler ", window_left: 11, window_top: 45, width: 89, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " 38 ", window_left: 0, window_top: 46, width: 4, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 4, window_top: 46, width: 2, style: None }, LineFragment { text: "metadata", window_left: 6, window_top: 46, width: 8, 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false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 4, window_top: 47, width: 4, style: None }, LineFragment { text: "annotations", window_left: 8, window_top: 47, width: 11, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.2509804, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: ":", window_left: 19, window_top: 47, width: 1, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.64705884, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 20, window_top: 47, width: 80, style: None }]) }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 0, window_top: 48, width: 1, style: Some(Style 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foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.26666668, g: 0.26666668, b: 0.26666668, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: " 0%", window_left: 81, window_top: 48, width: 3, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.37254903, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: " ㏑", window_left: 84, window_top: 48, width: 3, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.37254903, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: ":1/864☰℅:1", window_left: 87, window_top: 48, width: 10, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.37254903, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: true, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 97, window_top: 48, width: 1, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.37254903, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: "\u{e0b6}", window_left: 98, window_top: 48, width: 1, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 0.37254903, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: "\u{e0b6}", window_left: 99, window_top: 48, width: 1, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.6, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 0.37254903, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }]) }, ModeChanged(Normal), UpdateCursor(Cursor { grid_position: (4, 1), parent_window_id: 1, shape: Block, cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0), style: None, enabled: true, double_width: false, grid_cell: ("a", Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.2509804, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: None, special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 })) })]
TRACE [neovide::redraw_scheduler] Next frame queued
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: hpa.yaml
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 1
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: apiVersion
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: :
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: v1
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 2
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: items
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 3
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: -
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: autoscaling/v1
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 4
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: kind
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 5
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: metadata
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 6
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: annotations
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 7
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: '[{"type":"AbleToScale","status":"True","lastT
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: ransitionTime":"2020-10-21T15:28:24Z","reason":"ReadyForNewScale","message":"recommended
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 8
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: size matches current size"},{"type":"ScalingActive","status":"True","lastTransitionTime"
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_cmdline", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_popupmenu", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_tabline", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_wildmenu", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(OptionSet { gui_option: Unknown("ext_messages", Boolean(false)) })
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_cmdline", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_popupmenu", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_tabline", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_wildmenu", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::editor] Option set Unknown("ext_messages", Boolean(false))
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(DefaultColorsSet { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) } })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(Resize { grid: 1, width: 240, height: 59 })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(Clear { grid: 1 })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 49, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 50, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 51, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 52, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: :"2020-10-21T14:07:31Z","reason":"ValidMetricFound","message":"the
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 53, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 54, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 55, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 56, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 57, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 48, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 49, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 50, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 51, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 52, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 53, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 54, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 55, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 56, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 57, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(WindowViewport { grid: 2, top_line: 0.0, bottom_line: 55.0, current_line: 0.0, current_column: 0.0, line_count: Some(864.0) })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 9
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: HPA was able to successfully calculate a replica count from cpu resource utilization
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 0, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(161), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(172), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(155), repeat: Some(228) }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(169), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 1, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 2, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 3, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: Some(66), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 10
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 4, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "H", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: (percentage of request)"},{"type":"ScalingLimited","status":"True","lastTransitionTime":
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 5, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 6, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 7, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "[", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "Z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "F", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "N", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 8, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, 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TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "2020-11-01T01:56:00Z","reason":"TooFewReplicas","message":"the
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 9, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "H", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, 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TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 10, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "(", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, 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TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] alloc::vec::Vec<neovide::renderer::DrawCommand> [DefaultStyleChanged(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 1.0, b: 1.0, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: Some(Color4f { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }) }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }), Window { grid_id: 1, command: Clear }, Window { grid_id: 1, command: DrawLine([LineFragment { text: " hpa.yaml ", window_left: 0, window_top: 0, width: 10, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { foreground: Some(Color4f { r: 0.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.37254903, a: 1.0 }), background: Some(Color4f { r: 0.8745098, g: 1.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 }), special: None }, reverse: false, italic: false, bold: false, strikethrough: false, underline: false, undercurl: false, blend: 0 }) }, LineFragment { text: " ", window_left: 10, window_top: 0, width: 1, style: Some(Style { colors: Colors { 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TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
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None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "]", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: desired replica count is more than the maximum replica count"}]'
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 13, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "[", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "U", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "]", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 12
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: '[{"type":"Resource","resource":{"name":"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: cpu","currentAverageUtilization":4,"currentAverageValue":"8m"}}]'
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 13
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: extendedhpa.metrics
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: '[{"type":"Resource","name":"cpu","targetType":"Utilization","targetR
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: ange":{"low":"45","high":"55"}}]'
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 14
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: extendedhpa.option
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: '{"downscaleWindow":"1m","upscaleWindow":"5m"}'
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 15
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: |
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 16
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: {
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "apiVersion"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "autoscaling/v1"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: ,
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "kind"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "HorizontalPodAutoscaler"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "metadata"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: :{
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "annotations
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: :{}
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "name"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "api"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "namespace"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "prod"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: }
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "spec"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "maxReplicas"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 10,
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "minReplicas"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 2,
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "scaleTargetRef"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "extensions/v1beta1"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "Deployment"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "target
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "targetCPUUtilizationPercen
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: tage"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 50
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "status"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "currentReplicas"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 1,
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "desiredReplicas"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 1
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: }}
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 17
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: creationTimestamp
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "2020-07-12T06:18:57Z"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 18
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: name
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: api
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 19
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: namespace
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: prod
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 20
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: resourceVersion
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "41061582"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 21
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: selfLink
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: /apis/autoscaling/v1/namespaces/prod/horizontalpodautoscalers/api
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 22
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: uid
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: a1546cb9-ad46-494c-9777-0f0e98d3993e
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 23
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: spec
TRACE [neovide::editor] viewport event received before window initialized
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 24
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: maxReplicas
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 4
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 25
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: minReplicas
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 2
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 26
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: scaleTargetRef
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 27
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: extensions/v1beta1
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 28
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: Deployment
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 29
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: api
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 30
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: targetCPUUtilizationPercentage
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 31
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: status
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 32
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: currentCPUUtilizationPercentage
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 14, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "W", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "W", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 33
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 15, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "|", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: currentReplicas
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 16, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "H", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, 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repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, 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None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "D", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 17, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", 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",", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, 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None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: Some(2) }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 34
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 18, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "Z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 19, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 20, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 21, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: desiredReplicas
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 22, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "L", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, 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None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 23, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(3) }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 24, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 35
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 25, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: lastScaleTime
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 26, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 27, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: "2020-10-31T16:02:08Z"
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 28, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text:
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 29, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "D", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 30, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 31, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "C", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "U", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 32, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 33, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "C", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "U", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 36
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 34, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 35, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: Some(80), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 37
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 36, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "Z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 38
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 37, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: Some(66), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 38, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "H", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 39, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 39
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 40, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: NORMAL
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 41, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "[", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::font_loader] Loading font FontKey { bold: true, italic: false, family_name: Some("Hack Nerd Font") }
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: hpa.yaml
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: yaml
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: utf-8[unix]
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 41, column_start: 74, cells: [GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "Z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "F", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "N", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 42, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "Z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "M", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "F", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, 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TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: 0%
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 43, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "H", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "P", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", 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TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::caching_shaper] Shaping text: ㏑
TRACE [neovide::renderer::fonts::font_loader] Loading font FontKey { bold: true, italic: false, family_name: None }
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 44, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "(", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "q", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ")", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "S", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None 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TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 45, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "]", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 46, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: 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None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: 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TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 47, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, 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repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "]", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 48, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "W", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ",", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "W", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "w", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "}", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "'", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 49, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(6) }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: Some(2) }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "|", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 50, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(8) }, GridLineCell { text: "{", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", 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TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 51, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "D", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: 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Some(79), repeat: Some(2) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 52, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "7", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "T", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "9", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "Z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 53, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 54, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "2", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 55, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "3", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "V", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: Some(77), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\"", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 56, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(85), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "5", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: Some(4) }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: Some(72), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "L", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "k", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: Some(79), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(0), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "g", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "v", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "z", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "o", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "s", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "b", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "d", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "c", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "e", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "r", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 57, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(161), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "N", highlight_id: Some(162), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "O", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "R", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "M", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "A", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "L", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(161), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b4}", highlight_id: Some(167), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b4}", highlight_id: Some(168), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(155), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "h", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "p", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ".", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(155), repeat: Some(180) }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(169), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(155), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "y", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "a", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "m", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "l", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(168), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(158), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "t", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "f", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "-", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "[", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "u", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "n", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "i", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "x", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "]", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(167), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(161), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "0", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "%", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(162), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "㏑", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "/", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "8", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "6", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "4", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "☰", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "℅", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: ":", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "1", highlight_id: None, repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(161), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(170), repeat: None }, GridLineCell { text: "\u{e0b6}", highlight_id: Some(171), repeat: None }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(GridLine { grid: 1, row: 58, column_start: 0, cells: [GridLineCell { text: " ", highlight_id: Some(1), repeat: Some(240) }] })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(WindowViewport { grid: 2, top_line: 0.0, bottom_line: 55.0, current_line: 0.0, current_column: 0.0, line_count: Some(864.0) })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(CursorGoto { grid: 1, row: 1, column: 4 })
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(Flush)
TRACE [neovide::editor] viewport event received before window initialized
TRACE [neovide::editor] Image flushed
TRACE [neovide::settings] Initial value load failed for no_idle: Error processing request: 1 - 'Key not found: neovide_no_idle')
TRACE [neovide::bridge::handler] Neovim notification: "redraw"
TRACE [neovide::channel_utils] neovide::editor::EditorCommand NeovimRedrawEvent(ModeInfoSet { cursor_modes: [CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Vertical), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.25), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Horizontal), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.2), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Vertical), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.25), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Horizontal), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.2), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Horizontal), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.2), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Vertical), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.25), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: None, style_id: None, cell_percentage: None, blinkwait: None, blinkon: None, blinkoff: None }, CursorMode { shape: Some(Block), style_id: Some(0), cell_percentage: Some(0.0), blinkwait: Some(0), blinkon: Some(0), blinkoff: Some(0) }] })
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