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Last active July 15, 2022 07:18
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1. 10 秒規則
花 10 ~ 20 秒瀏覽你的履歷,假裝你對你所使用的技術或術語一無所知。
Take a 10~20 seconds glance to your resume and pretending you know nothing about the technology or terms you're using. Think of what picture it paints about this person.
If you're applying a role of software engineer, take off "co-fundder" or any other unrelevant titles.
2. 使用軟體開發領域的關鍵字
(X) 設法、發展、審查、⋯⋯
(O) 使用 python/Java/c++ 開發 XXX …
(O) 建立XXX,創建XXX,實現XXX…
(X) manage to, develop, review...
(O) ex. Develop XXX in python/Java/C++...
Build XXX, Create XXX, Implement XXX...
3. 如果真的有很棒很棒的項目,不要只說幾句或幾句簡短的話。
If there're really great, awesome projects, don't address them with just few or single, short sentence.
Instead of quantity of bullet points about what you're doing, have a few really good, key ones and explain the technical depth and challenge of each of those, and make each of those really standout and memorable.
4. 將挑戰、成就和結果組織起來。
在 2 個月的時間裡,自學了 XXX 語言,設定了一些截止日期,最終完成了一件事,它為公司帶來了多少收入,或者有多少人在使用它,或者它成為了媒體上的新聞。
Structure your resume of challenge, accomplishment, and the result.
ex. In 2 months, you tought yourself XXX language and you set some deadlines, in the end you finish something and it launched and brought how much revenue for company or how many people are using it or it made some news on the press.
5. 避免使用行話 (Jargon)
6. 重點不是成就本身,而是關於你達到這個成就的過程,以及你是這種類型的人:學習迅速,努力工作,合作。
It's not really about the accomplishments; instead, it's about the PATH you tool to reach that accomplishment, and the type person you are - learning quickly, hard working, collaborative.
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