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Last active January 3, 2018 07:00
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Very Simple Integer-arithmetic Evaluator
INT => [1-9][0-9]*
This code is an exercise in parsing arithmetic into a binary expression tree
( and then recursively
evaluating that tree. In the evaluation of the tree, this code hands off each
binary arithmetic operation to the built-in operators (+, -, *, and /) in Python.
If you're looking for how to implement the binary operators, you won't find the
answer in this code. If you're curious about binary expression trees and parsing
context-free languages, then hopefully this will be useful.
Also see a very simple JSON parser:
Two simplifications:
1. Only integers are handled, not floats.
2. Exponents are not handled.
Big-O performance characteristics: O(N) time and O(N) extra space,
where N = len(arithmetic_expression).
Note that the parsing functions below take a `left_tree` argumet; recursive
calls to the parsing functions pass into the `left_tree` argument the binary
expression tree that's been constructed so far. This supports the creation of
left-associative binary expression trees, which in turn support the correct
evaluation of the arithmetic. See how addition/subtraction are left associative:
'1 - 2 + 3' is properly evaluated with left association ('(1 - 2) + 3') and
not with right association ('1 - (2 + 3)'). Similarly, see how multiplication/division
is left association: '1 / 2 * 3' is properly evaluated as '(1 / 2) * 3', not as
'1 / (2 * 3)'. When a left-associative binary expression tree is evaluated via
a post-order traversal, then the encoded arithmetic expression is evaluated
properly, in a left-associative manner.
Exercises for the reader:
1. Change the code to handle floats, in addition to integers.
2. Change the code to handle the exponent '**' binary operator.
3. Read the code and convince yourself that it operates on binary expressions
from left to right while obeying PEMDAS (
E.g.: 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 => 1 + 6 + 4 => 7 + 4 => 11
E.g.: 2 * 3 + 1 * 1 + 5 * (9 + 2 * 5) => 6 + 1 * 1 + 5 * (9 + 2 * 5) => 6 + 1 + 5 * (9 + 2 * 5)
=> 7 + 5 * (9 + 2 * 5) => 7 + 5 * (9 + 10) => 7 + 5 * 19 => 7 + 95 => 102
4. Develop nice validation/error messages, like those in
5. Read the code and convince yourself of the Big-O performance characteristics declared above. (It
may help to keep in mind that the parser is a recursive-descent parser.)
6. There are several ways to traverse a binary tree, three of which are in-order traversal, pre-order traversal,
and post-order traversal. In the case of evaluating a binary expression tree in order to get the final number
value of the expression, only post-order traversal makes sense. Why?
7. Debugging tool: develop a `pretty_print` function to print binary expression trees. E.g.:
pretty_print(parse('(1 + 2) * 3 + 4'))
/ \
* 4
/ \
+ 3
/ \
1 2
from __future__ import division # Tests pass both with and without this line uncommented.
### Top-level Function
def eval_arithmetic(arithmetic_expression):
"""Given a string encoded with an arithmetic expression,
returns the number to which the arithmetic expression evaluates.
>>> eval_arithmetic('1 + 2 * (3 + 4) - 5')
tokens = tokenize(arithmetic_expression)
binary_expression_tree = parse(tokens)
number = evaluate(binary_expression_tree)
return number
### Tokenize
is_token = lambda char: char in '+-*/()'
is_digit = lambda char: '0' <= char <= '9'
is_leading_digit = lambda char: '1' <= char <= '9'
is_whitespace = lambda char: char == ' '
def tokenize(arithmetic_expression):
def _tokens():
i = 0
while i < len(arithmetic_expression):
if is_token(arithmetic_expression[i]):
yield arithmetic_expression[i]
i += 1
elif is_leading_digit(arithmetic_expression[i]):
i, integer = _parse_integer(i)
yield integer
assert is_whitespace(arithmetic_expression[i])
i += 1
def _parse_integer(i):
j = i + 1
while j < len(arithmetic_expression) and is_digit(arithmetic_expression[j]):
j += 1
return j, int(arithmetic_expression[i:j])
return tuple(_tokens())
### Parse
is_expression_opening_token = lambda token: token == '('
is_expression_closing_token = lambda token: token == ')'
is_term_closing_token = lambda token: token in tuple('+-)')
def parse(tokens):
return parse_arithmetic_expression(tokens, 0)[1]
def parse_arithmetic_expression(tokens, i, left_tree=None):
if left_tree is None: # very beginning of expression
i, term = parse_term(tokens, i)
return parse_arithmetic_expression(tokens, i, term)
elif i == len(tokens) or is_expression_closing_token(tokens[i]): # very end of expression
return i, left_tree
else: # in the middle of expression
assert tokens[i] in '+-'
operator = tokens[i]
i, term = parse_term(tokens, i+1)
return parse_arithmetic_expression(tokens, i, (left_tree, operator, term))
def parse_term(tokens, i, left_tree=None):
if left_tree is None: # very beginning of term
i, factor = parse_factor(tokens, i)
return parse_term(tokens, i, factor)
elif i == len(tokens) or is_term_closing_token(tokens[i]): # very end of term
return i, left_tree
else: # in the middle of term
assert tokens[i] in '*/'
operator = tokens[i]
i, factor = parse_factor(tokens, i+1)
return parse_term(tokens, i, (left_tree, operator, factor))
def parse_factor(tokens, i, positive=True):
if isinstance(tokens[i], int):
return i+1, tokens[i] if positive else -tokens[i]
elif is_expression_opening_token(tokens[i]):
i, expression = parse_arithmetic_expression(tokens, i+1)
assert is_expression_closing_token(tokens[i])
return i+1, expression if positive else (-1, '*', expression)
assert tokens[i] in '+-' # Unary operators
return parse_factor(tokens, i+1, positive if tokens[i] == '+' else not positive)
### Evaluate
import operator as op
'+': op.add,
'-': op.sub,
'*': op.mul,
'/': lambda a,b: a / b # `op.div` is not influenced by `from __future__ import division`.
def evaluate(binary_expression_tree):
if isinstance(binary_expression_tree, int): # Leaf node
return binary_expression_tree
elif len(binary_expression_tree) == 1:
return evaluate(binary_expression_tree[0]) # E.g., '(2)'
assert len(binary_expression_tree) == 3
left_value = evaluate(binary_expression_tree[0])
operation = OPERATIONS[binary_expression_tree[1]]
right_value = evaluate(binary_expression_tree[2])
return operation(left_value, right_value)
### Test
import random
COIN = HEADS, TAILS = True, False
coin_flip = lambda: random.choice(COIN)
random_factor_option = lambda: random.choice(FACTOR_OPTIONS)
max_recursion_depth_reached = lambda n: n >= RECURSION_DEPTH
random_leading_digit = lambda: str(random.randint(1, 9))
random_trailing_digit = lambda: str(random.randint(0, 9))
def generate_arithmetic_expression(depth=0):
if max_recursion_depth_reached(depth) or coin_flip() is HEADS:
return generate_term(depth)
operator = random.choice('+-')
return ' '.join([generate_term(depth), operator, generate_arithmetic_expression(depth + 1)])
def generate_term(depth):
if max_recursion_depth_reached(depth) or coin_flip() is HEADS:
return generate_factor(depth)
operator = random.choice('*/')
return ' '.join([generate_factor(depth), operator, generate_term(depth + 1)])
def generate_factor(depth):
factor_option = random_factor_option()
if factor_option is INT:
leading_digit = random_leading_digit()
trailing_digits = ''.join(random_trailing_digit() for _ in xrange(random.randint(0, 5)))
return leading_digit + trailing_digits
elif factor_option is PARENTHETIC_EXPRESSION:
return '(' + generate_arithmetic_expression(depth + 1) + ')'
unary_operator = random.choice('+-')
return unary_operator + generate_factor(depth + 1)
def tests():
divide_by_zero_count = 0
test_case_count = 1000
random_test_cases = [generate_arithmetic_expression() for _ in xrange(test_case_count)]
hard_coded_test_cases = [
'4 / 2 * 3 + 4 - 6',
'2 * -2',
'2 - 2',
'4 / 2 * (3 + 4) - 6',
'-23 / ((4 - 6) * (20 + 202 - 8) / 4) / 3 * 3405 * 3 / 5 / 6 / -7 - 908',
'-23 / ((4 - 6) * (20 + 202 - 8) / 4) / 3 * 3405 * 3 / 5 / -(-(3 + 3)) / -(3 + 4 + -10/-10) - 908',
'-2 + -2',
'(-2 + -2)',
'-(-2 + -2)',
'-(1 + 1) + -(1 + 1)',
'1 -1',
'4032 / 7040083',
'1 + 2 * (3 + 4) - 5',
for arithmetic_expression in random_test_cases+hard_coded_test_cases:
actual = eval_arithmetic(arithmetic_expression)
expected = eval(arithmetic_expression) # Comparing against Python's built-in `eval`.
print '{} = {} (actual) = {} (expected)\n'.format(arithmetic_expression, actual, expected)
assert actual == expected
except ZeroDivisionError:
print 'Division by zero: {}\n'.format(arithmetic_expression)
divide_by_zero_count += 1
print 'Tests pass! ({} test cases out of {} threw ZeroDivisionError.)'.format(divide_by_zero_count, test_case_count)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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