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Forked from MichaelBlume/gitconfig
Created June 12, 2018 16:49
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my git config file
# I know this stuff by now
pushNonFastForward = false
statusHints = false
a = add
ai = add --interactive
ap = add --patch
b = branch
bl = blame
c = commit
ca = commit --all
cm = commit --amend
cam = commit --all --amend
cb = checkout -b
cd = commit --all -m "dirty"
cl = clone
co = checkout
cp = cherry-pick
cpx = cherry-pick -x
d = diff
db = branch -D
e = checkout -p
f = fetch
fa = fetch --all
g = grep
h = help
irb = rebase --interactive
irbm = rebase --interactive master
irbo = rebase --interactive HEAD@{upstream}
k = !gitk
ka = !gitk --all
l = log
lp = log -p
ls = ls-files
m = merge
mm = merge --no-ff
pl = pull
pr = pull --rebase
ps = push
r = remote
rb = rebase
rba = rebase --abort
rbc = rebase --continue
rbm = rebase master
rbo = rebase HEAD@{upstream}
rbs = rebase --skip
rh = reset --hard
rl = reflog
rs = reset --soft
rv = revert
rx = reset --mixed
s = status
sf = svn fetch
sh = show
sps = svn dcommit
srb = svn rebase
st = stash
sta = stash apply
stc = stash clear
# try to use this one instead
stp = stash pop
uc = reset --mixed HEAD^
# wish this worked with commits
whitespace = fix
# when I branch off a remote checkout, set up tracking.
autosetupmerge = true
ui = auto
editor = /usr/bin/vim
excludesfile = /home/mike/.gitignoreglobal
# x bits on scripts are often set false in a repo
filemode = false
# be strict
whitespace = fix,trailing-space,space-before-tab, tab-in-indent, tabwidth=4
# notice if I pull some text out of a file
renames = copies
# a,b = not so helpful
mnemonicprefix = true
user = MichaelBlume
# show line numbers when I git-grep
lineNumber = true
# show where branches are in log
decorate = short
# don't push all the branches!
default = current
# allow push -f
denyCurrentBranch = warn
# show a diffstat after rebasing
stat = true
authorsfile = /home/mike/.svn_authors
# Hey look, it's me.
name = Mike Blume
email =
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