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Last active December 14, 2016 21:26
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//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
class ClinetSession {
static func shared() -> ClinetSession { return ClinetSession() }
private init() { }
class Clinet {
weak var delegate: ClinetDelgate?
init(_ session: ClinetSession) { }
protocol ClinetDelgate: class { }
class Foo: ClinetDelgate {
lazy var str: String! = "Bar"
lazy var aClient: Clinet! = {
var _aClient = Clinet(ClinetSession.shared())
_aClient.delegate = self
return _aClient
// ...
func bar() {
print("pre nil: \(aClient) \(str)") // pre nil: Optional(Clinet) Optional("Bar")
aClient = nil // Foo
print("post nil: \(aClient) \(str)") // post nil: Optional(Clinet) Optional("Bar")
let foo = Foo() // Foo
foo.str // "Bar" // Foo
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