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Pause Spotify after the current song finishes playing
@author: Slipp Douglas Thompson
@purpose: Pauses Spotify after the current song finishes playing.
@todo: Optimize so it's more efficient.
@usage: Drop a compiled script (a .scpt file, converted with AppleScript Editor if this is a .applescript file) into ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Spotify.
Ensure than “Show Script menu in menu bar” is enabled (which can be found in the AppleScript Editor preferences).
When playing a song in Spotify and wishing to stop the music when the track finished, choose “When Song Finishes, Pause” from the script menu, and then walk, walk away.
tell application "Spotify"
log "“When Song Finishes, Pause”: player state is " & (player state)
if player state is playing then
-- keeping a reference of the current track object doesn't work with Spotify
-- (‘current track’ must be a single object that changes its properties)
-- so instead, we're using the id
set initialCurrentTrackId to (id of current track)
log "“When Song Finishes, Pause”: current track is " & (name of current track)
repeat until initialCurrentTrackId is not (id of current track)
-- wait
log "“When Song Finishes, Pause”: current track id is “" & (id of current track) & "”, initialCurrentTrackId is “" & initialCurrentTrackId & ""
end repeat
log "“When Song Finishes, Pause”: issuing pause"
end if
end tell
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