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Created September 23, 2016 14:52
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$page = Get-Item -Path '/sitecore/content/Habitat/Home/Modules/Feature/Accounts'
$links = [Sitecore.Globals]::LinkDatabase
$processed = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
# template names of items that will be linked from the presentation field that are not datasources
$skip = @('Device','Layout','View rendering', 'Controller rendering', 'Test Definition', 'Multivariate Test Variable')
# shared and final layout
$layouts = @('{F1A1FE9E-A60C-4DDB-A3A0-BB5B29FE732E}', '{04BF00DB-F5FB-41F7-8AB7-22408372A981}')
function GetContent($item, $layout = $False)
# Prevent circular reference infinite recursion
if ($processed -contains $item.ID.ToString())
return @()
# Read content fields stripping out markup, quotes, and white spaces
$values = $item.Fields `
| Where { $_.Name -notmatch '^__' } `
| Select -ExpandProperty 'Value' `
| % { $_ -replace "<[\w/][^<>]*[\w/]?>", ""} `
| % { $_ -replace "[\s\t]+", " "} `
| %{ $_ -replace '[''"]', ''} `
| %{ $_ -replace '\n|(nbsp;)', ' '} `
$content = @()
# Ignore GUIDs and single word values
$content += $values `
| Where { $_ -notmatch '[\d\w]{8}-[\d\w]{4}-[\d\w]{4}-[\d\w]{4}-[\d\w]{12}' } `
| Where { $_.Split(' ').Length -gt 1 }
# Recursively resolve references
$content += $values `
| Where { $_ -match '[\d\w]{8}-[\d\w]{4}-[\d\w]{4}-[\d\w]{4}-[\d\w]{12}' } `
| %{ $_.Split('|') | %{ $_ } } `
| Where { [Sitecore.Data.ID]::IsID($_) } `
| %{ Get-Item . -ID $_ } `
| %{ GetContent $_ $False }
# Read content from datasources
if ($layout)
$content += $links.GetReferences($item) `
| Where { $_.SourceItemVersion -eq $item.Version.Number } `
| Where { $layouts -contains $_.SourceFieldID.ToString() } `
| Where { [Sitecore.Data.ID]::IsID($_.TargetItemID) } `
| % { Get-Item . -ID $_.TargetItemID } `
| Where { $skip -notcontains $_.Template.Name }`
| % { GetContent $_ $False }
return $content
$content = GetContent $page $True `
| Where { $_ -match '\D+' } `
| %{ $_ -replace '\.$', ''} `
| Sort-Object `
| Get-Unique
$text = [String]::Join('. ', $content)
$keywords = Invoke-WebRequest `
-Uri '' `
-Body "{'documents': [ { 'language': 'en', 'id': '$($page.ID.ToString())', 'text': '$text' } ]}" `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Headers @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = '<use-your-own-key>'} `
-Method 'Post' `
-UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
$sentiment = Invoke-WebRequest `
-Uri '' `
-Body "{'documents': [ { 'language': 'en', 'id': '$($page.ID.ToString())', 'text': '$text' } ]}" `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Headers @{'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = '<use-your-own-key>'} `
-Method 'Post' `
-UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host "The text is $($sentiment.documents[0].score*100)% positive"
# Limit to keyw phrases where all words are capitalized
$keywords.documents[0].keyPhrases `
| Where { $_ -cmatch '^([A-Z]\w+\s?)*$' } `
| %{ Write-Host $_ }
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