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puttiz / profile
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
keep the global $PATH work with custom .bashrc @Mavericks
# Add .bashrc in /etc/profile
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
puttiz / have_a_break_with_dialog.scpt
Created May 26, 2012 10:46
Dialog for concentrate
This script is meant to run at the end of a Concentrate activity. It gives you a choice to start another activity, or choose between two activities, or you can choose not to start a new activity. The idea is that you can run a Pause activity after a work activity. This scipt would be run at the end of the work activity. There is a companion script to be run at the end of a break activity, which automatically starts the work activity again. Or you can use this script at the end of a break activity to give you a choice wether or not to start the work activity again.
You only need to change the values in the section MANDATORY CUSTOMIZATIONS and you can make further customization below. The SCRIPT PART contains the code for the script, unless you want to you don't have to make changes there.
This script was created by Rouven, 2009 and is provided for free without any warranty, etc.
--- Define the activities - enter the exact names (as they appear in Concentrate) of the two a
puttiz / concentrate.scpt
Last active October 5, 2015 10:27
Things integrate with concentrate
-- pomodoro
tell application "Things"
show quick entry panel
end tell
tell application "Things"
tell list "Today"
set toDoToComplete to first to do
set status of toDoToComplete to completed
puttiz / 01_Pomodoro.scpt
Created May 26, 2012 10:38
THL integrate with concentrate
tell application "System Events"
keystroke " " using {option down}
end tell
--property theSubject : "test"
tell application "The Hit List"
--tell inbox to make new task with properties {timing task:theSubject, start date:current date}
--set myTask to id of first task in inbox
puttiz / pomodoroscript.scpt
Created September 9, 2010 14:27
Things integrate with Pomodoro
-- End : Marking to-dos completed
tell application "Things"
tell list "Today"
set toDoToComplete to to do named "$pomodoroName"
set status of toDoToComplete to completed
set tag names of toDoToComplete to "⌘,✔"
end tell
move toDoToComplete to list "Next"
end tell