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Last active September 18, 2023 19:28
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  • Save putsan/b63375b58c91a1ae6310e327ad5ef428 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save putsan/b63375b58c91a1ae6310e327ad5ef428 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Швидке стоворення компонентів реакт у каталозі components
# Вставляємо це все діло в файл .bashrc , де його шукати читаємо тут:
# Command to open file for editing in Linux: nano ~/.bashrc
alias cc='
# Check if directory exists
if [ -d "./src/components/$compName" ]; then
echo "Component $compName already exists!";
return 1;
mkdir ./src/components/$compName;
cd ./src/components/$compName;
touch $compName.js $compName.scss $compName.test.js index.js;
echo -e "import React from \x27react\x27;
import \x27./$compName.scss\x27;
export const $compName = () => {
return (
" >> $compName.js;
echo "//Write styles here" >> $compName.scss;
echo -e "import { render } from \x27@testing-library/react\x27;
import { $compName } from \x27./$compName\x27;
test(\x27renders $compName component\x27, () => {
render(<$compName />);
" >> $compName.test.js;
echo -e "export * from \x27./$compName\x27;" >> index.js;
cd ../../;
echo "Component $compName was created :)";
unset -f f;
}; f'
# Вставляємо це все діло в файл .bashrc , де його шукати читаємо тут:
# Command to open file for editing in Linux: nano ~/.bashrc
alias ccp='
f(){ mkdir ./src/components/$@;
cd ./src/components/$@;
touch $@.js $@.scss index.js;
echo -e "import React from \x27react\x27;
import PropTypes from \x27prop-types\x27;
import \x27./$@.scss\x27;
export const $@ = () => {
return (
$@.propTypes = {
propName: PropTypes.string,
" >> $@.js;
echo "//Write styles here" >> $@.scss;
echo -e "export * from \x27./$@\x27;" >> index.js;
cd ../../../;
echo "Component $@ was created :)";
unset -f f; }; f'
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