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aaronmdjones / freenode-resign-letter.txt
Created May 19, 2021 10:20
My resignation from freenode
Hash: SHA512
My resignation from freenode staff
I joined the freenode staff in March 2019 [1].
Before I joined the staff, Freenode Ltd was sold [2] to a person named
Andrew Lee as part of a sponsorship deal. The informal terms of that
pinkisemils /
Last active January 28, 2023 04:26

All things come to an end.

I can't say I played a significant role in freenode, but I tried to do my part as a volunteer staff member, and had some fun along the way. But my involvement with freenode has to end due to what has come to light in these past months. What follows is a badly told story of what happened that made me stop volunteering my time at this network. And let's be clear about that, freenode the IRC network up until now has almost exclusively been ran by unpaid volunteers on donated hardware, sans some machines that were provided by PIA.

A long time ago, in 2016 a holding company for freenode was created, with the purpose of helping us to receive donations from PIA, for things such as freenode live. The head of staff promised that this would never have any impact on the way the network was operated. I was personally somewhat sceptical of the need for a conference for a network such as ours - conferences usually have a specific topic that is of common interest by it's attendees and thought t

IRC friends, enemies and others,

Control of freenode has recently been seized by the proprietors of Freenode Limited, a holding company established by a previous head of freenode and a third party as part of a deal with a corporate sponsor. The terms of that deal were not disclosed, and remain unknown to me.

At the time, we, freenode's volunteer staff, were given informal guarantees that staff retained operational control of the network. The same guarantees were repeated after leadership was passed on to a new head of staff. I don't

KWorker information
hostname: bc02e35d-d637-47c1-8b0e-aa77e20e4a12@1.worker-org-659784bb45-czzc7.gce-production-2
version: v6.2.5
instance: travis-job-dbd31c8a-6c87-4703-bf20-1a9875efe9f7 travis-ci-sardonyx-xenial-1553530528-f909ac5 (via amqp)
startup: 6.378320099s
KBuild system information
Build language: python
Build group: stable
Build dist: xenial
Build id: 623740440
pyrocto / overload.js
Last active August 3, 2024 14:38
A modest proposal for operator overloading in JavaScript
It is a melancholy object-oriented language to those who walk through
this great town or travel in the country, when they see the JavaScript
programs crowded with method calls begging for more succinct syntax.
I think it is agreed by all parties, that whoever could find out a
fair, cheap and easy method of making these operators sound and useful
members of the language, would deserve so well of the publick, as
to have his statue set up for a preserver of the nation. I do therefore
humbly offer to publick consideration a pure JS library I've written
for overloading operators, which permits computations like these:
purplesyringa /
Last active October 22, 2019 08:49
Syntax highlighting for PDP11ASM

Откройте папку с пакетами Sublime опцией Browse packages.... Перейдите в папку User и скопируйте туда приведенные ниже файлы.

Затем откройте любой исходник на ассемблере (файл с расширением .ASM или .MAC), выберите в списке языков (справа снизу) PDP-11 Asm. Затем в Preferences -> Color Scheme... выберите pdp11asm.

Open the directory with Sublime packages by pressing Browse packages.... Then open User subdirectory and copy the files below there.

Then open any assembler source (.ASM or .MAC), choose PDP-11 Asm in the language list (bottom right). Then open Preferences -> Color Scheme... and choose pdp11asm.

ErikAugust / spectre.c
Last active August 2, 2024 01:59
Spectre example code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h> /* for rdtscp and clflush */
#pragma optimize("gt",on)
#include <x86intrin.h> /* for rdtscp and clflush */
foonathan / borrow.cpp
Last active August 24, 2023 08:42
Quick'n'dirty implementation of Rust's borrow checker for a C++Now Lightning Talk - not supposed to be used
#include <iostream>
#include "borrow_checker.hpp"
int main()
auto i = 42;
// borrow `i` under name `ref`
borrow_var(ref, i)
nicowilliams /
Last active September 16, 2024 11:43
fork() is evil; vfork() is goodness; afork() would be better; clone() is stupid

I recently happened upon a very interesting implementation of popen() (different API, same idea) called popen-noshell using clone(2), and so I opened an issue requesting use of vfork(2) or posix_spawn() for portability. It turns out that on Linux there's an important advantage to using clone(2). I think I should capture the things I wrote there in a better place. A gist, a blog, whatever.

This is not a paper. I assume reader familiarity with fork() in particular and Unix in general, though, of course, I link to relevant wiki pages, so if the unfamiliar reader is willing to go down the rabbit hole, they should be able to come ou

import urllib2, re, json, os, time, sys, HTMLParser
html_parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
auth_address = "1KbV1e1u6P6AsY8XNBydgtbtN8iSB5WMyG"
auth_privatekey = "xxxx"
site = "1TaLkFrMwvbNsooF4ioKAY9EuxTBTjipT"
zeronet_dir = ".."