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Created February 3, 2017 17:48
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reduce + vs apply +
(def v0 [])
(def v10 (vec (range 10)))
(def v100 (vec (range 100)))
(def v1000 (vec (range 1000)))
(quick-bench (reduce + v0)) ;; 2 ns
(quick-bench (apply + v0)) ;; 29 ns
(quick-bench (reduce + v10)) ;; 216 ns
(quick-bench (apply + v10)) ;; 392 ns
(quick-bench (reduce + v100)) ;; 2.13 µs
(quick-bench (apply + v100)) ;; 2.38 µs
(quick-bench (reduce + v1000)) ;; 21.8 µs
(quick-bench (apply + v1000)) ;; 22.6 µs
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