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deyixtan /
Last active July 26, 2024 10:35
Sublime Text Patching Guide

Automated Patching

Download python script (supports multiple build) from this repository.


python <"sublime_text file path">

Manual Patching

Enable bbr on Ubuntu 16.04

  1. Make sure kernel version is 4.9 or newer:

    uname -r

    Install Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) to update kernel automaticly:

lukapaunovic / Megatools CentOS install
Last active October 6, 2020 12:17
Megatools CentOS install
yum -y install gcc make glib2-devel libcurl-devel openssl-devel gmp-devel tar automake autoconf libtool wget asciidoc -y
tar -xzvf megatools*.tar.gz
cd megatools*
make install
bathoryr / Enable-ICS.ps1
Last active June 25, 2024 21:22
Powershell script to enable/disable ICS
## Restart ICS when specified MAC address not present in ARP cache (DHCP not working)
# Schedule on system startup:
# schtasks /create /SC ONSTART /DELAY 0005:00 /TN RB\TerminalICS /RU SYSTEM /RL HIGHEST /TR "powershell -file c:\temp\Enable-ICS.ps1 >> c:\temp\enable-ics.log"
function global:Enable-ICS
Param (
Last active January 17, 2024 22:44 — forked from iambibhas/scopes.txt
Sublime Text 2/3: Snippet scopes

Here is a list of scopes to use in Sublime Text 2/3 snippets -

ActionScript: source.actionscript.2
AppleScript: source.applescript
ASP: source.asp
Batch FIle: source.dosbatch
C#: source.cs
C++: source.c++
Clojure: source.clojure
denji /
Last active September 19, 2024 06:32
HTTP(S) Benchmark Tools / Toolkit for testing/debugging HTTP(S) and restAPI (RESTful)
MohamedAlaa / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active September 21, 2024 08:06
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname