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Last active May 28, 2020 16:14
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Generating passwords using SecurityFoundation's password assistant hidden functions on macOS via python & pyobjc
# Hat tip to for various initial documentation
# For an alternative method, check out:
import objc
from Foundation import NSBundle, NSMutableArray, NSString
SecurityFoundation = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_('/System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework')
success = SecurityFoundation.load()
algorithm = {
'memorable': 0,
'random': 1,
'letters': 2, # FIPS-181 compliant
'alphanumeric': 3,
'numbers': 4,
SFPWAContextRef = objc.createOpaquePointerType("SFPWAContextRef", b"^{_SFPWAContext=}", None)
functions = [
('SFPWAPolicyCopyDefault', '@'),
('SFPWAContextCreateWithDefaults', '^{_SFPWAContext=}'),
('SFPWAContextCreate', '^{_SFPWAContext=}'),
('SFPWAContextLoadDictionaries', 'v^{_SFPWAContext=}^{__CFArray=}I'),
('SFPWAPasswordSuggest', '@^{_SFPWAContext=}^{__CFDictionary=}IIII'),
('SFPWAPasswordEvaluator', '@^{_SFPWAContext=}^{__CFString=}I^{__CFDictionary=}'),
('SFPWAPolicyParse', 'v^{_SFPWAContext=}^{__CFDictionary=}'),
objc.loadBundleFunctions(SecurityFoundation, globals(), functions)
def password_languages():
policy = SFPWAPolicyCopyDefault()
return policy.get('Languages-Evaluate','').split(',')
def password_suggested_language():
policy = SFPWAPolicyCopyDefault()
return policy.get('Languages-Suggest','')
def load_dictionaries(context_ref, language_list):
# The function is a bit picky about making sure we pass a clean NSArray with NSStrings
langs = NSMutableArray.array()
for x in language_list:
# The True argument is for whether the language string objects are already retained
SFPWAContextLoadDictionaries(context_ref, langs, True)
def password_suggest(length=8, count=1, alg=None, langs=None, policy=None):
# The default algorithm is 'memorable' which has issues at lengths beyond 32 characters, FYI
# This will return at a max PASS_MAX_REQUEST (15) passwords at a time
if langs is None:
langs = [password_suggested_language()]
available_langs = password_languages()
for x in langs:
if x not in available_langs:
raise Exception('Error: unavailable language')
if alg is None:
alg = algorithm['memorable']
alg = algorithm.get(alg, None)
if alg is None:
raise Exception('Error: unavailable algorithm')
if policy is None:
policy = SFPWAPolicyCopyDefault()
context = SFPWAContextCreateWithDefaults()
context = SFPWAContextCreate()
SFPWAPolicyParse(context, policy)
# Language dictionaries are used for memorable-style passwords
load_dictionaries(context, langs)
pass_length = max(min(PASS_MAX_LENGTH, length), PASS_MIN_LENGTH)
pass_count = max(min(PASS_MAX_REQUEST, count), 1)
# The 0 argument is a null argument for callbacks
return SFPWAPasswordSuggest(context, policy, pass_length, 0, pass_count, alg)
def password_evaluate(password, policy=None, langs=None):
# Check out the return results of SFPWAPolicyCopyDefault() which is just a dict
# You can build your own dict with customized rules
# A key not present in the default policy is 'CharacterSetString' which can be
# set to contain the legal characters allowed by the password policy
# You can set it like:
# policy = SFPWAPolicyCopyDefault()
# policy.update(CharacterSetString="abc123")
if langs is None:
langs = [password_suggested_language()]
available_langs = password_languages()
for x in langs:
if x not in available_langs:
raise Exception('Error: unavailable language')
if policy is None:
policy = SFPWAPolicyCopyDefault()
context = SFPWAContextCreateWithDefaults()
context = SFPWAContextCreate()
SFPWAPolicyParse(context, policy)
load_dictionaries(context, langs)
# The 0 argument is a null argument for callbacks
return SFPWAPasswordEvaluator(context, password, 0, policy)
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