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Last active January 25, 2017 13:46
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VBA ISO week handling
Option Explicit
Function FirstWeekOfYear(lngYear As Long) As Date
Dim datDate As Date
Dim bytDayNumber As Byte
'Get the date that represents the fourth day of January for the given year.
datDate = DateSerial(lngYear, 1, 4)
'A week starts with Monday (day 1) and ends with Sunday (day 7).
bytDayNumber = WorksheetFunction.Weekday(datDate, 2)
'Since the week starts with Monday, figure out what day that Monday falls on.
FirstWeekOfYear = DateAdd("d", 1 - bytDayNumber, datDate)
End Function
Function GetIsoDate(datDate As Date) As Long
Dim lngYear As Long
Dim datFirstWeek As Date
lngYear = Year(datDate)
'If we are near the end of the year, then we need to calculate what next year's first week should be.
If datDate > DateSerial(lngYear, 12, 29) Then
If datDate = DateSerial(9999, 12, 31) Then
datFirstWeek = FirstWeekOfYear(lngYear)
datFirstWeek = FirstWeekOfYear(lngYear + 1)
End If
'If the current date is less than next years first week, then we are still in the last month of the current year, otherwise change to next year.
If datDate < datFirstWeek Then
datFirstWeek = FirstWeekOfYear(lngYear)
lngYear = lngYear + 1
End If
'We aren't near the end of the year, so make sure we're not near the beginning.
datFirstWeek = FirstWeekOfYear(lngYear)
'If the current date is less than the current years first week, then we are in the last month of the previous year.
If datDate < datFirstWeek Then
If datDate = DateSerial(1, 1, 1) Then
datFirstWeek = FirstWeekOfYear(lngYear)
lngYear = lngYear - 1
datFirstWeek = FirstWeekOfYear(lngYear)
End If
End If
End If
'Return the ISO date as a numeric value, so it makes it easier to get the year and the week.
GetIsoDate = (lngYear * 100) + (WorksheetFunction.RoundDown((datDate - datFirstWeek) / 7, 0) + 1)
End Function
Function IsoDateToWeek(lngIsoWeek As Long) As String
If Len(CStr(lngIsoWeek)) <> 6 Then
MsgBox "Provided date date value must have 6 digits!"
Exit Function
IsoDateToWeek = Mid(lngIsoWeek, 3, 2) & "_W" & Right(lngIsoWeek, 2)
End If
End Function
Function GetLastIsoWeek(intYear As Integer) As String
Dim datLastDay As Date
Dim strIsoLastWeek As String
Dim i As Integer
datLastDay = DateSerial(intYear, 12, 31)
strIsoLastWeek = GetIsoDate(datLastDay)
If CStr(Left(strIsoLastWeek, 4)) = CStr(intYear) Then
GetLastIsoWeek = strIsoLastWeek
For i = 30 To 20 Step -1
datLastDay = DateSerial(intYear, 12, i)
strIsoLastWeek = GetIsoDate(datLastDay)
If CStr(Left(strIsoLastWeek, 4)) = CStr(intYear) Then
GetLastIsoWeek = strIsoLastWeek
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End If
End Function
Sub Test_2()
Debug.Print GetLastIsoWeek(2017)
End Sub
Sub Test_1()
Debug.Print GetIsoDate(DateSerial(2017, 1, 20))
End Sub
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