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Should numbering start at 0 or 1?

Should numbering start at 0 or 1?

Arguments for 1-based indexing and/or against 0-based indexing

  • The number which denotes the index of an element is equal to the number one would get by counting up to (and including) that element.

  • We are very used to labeling elements with their corresponding count number. This means 1-based indexing has a lot of inertia in our everyday lives and we need to build new intuition when working with 0-based indexing. This is the main source of the classic "off by one" error. This argument is only valid if switching to 0-based indexing hurts more in the short-term than it helps in the long run.

  • A big amount of literature uses 1-based indexing, since it is the traditional indexing scheme in mathematics. Translating formulas to 0-based indexing can be cumbersome and a convention shift in all of mathematics does not happen overnight. Computer algebra systems could massively mitigate this issue (and many more), though.

Arguments for 0-based indexing and/or against 1-based indexing

  • Counting and numbering are two distinct concepts. The fact that an element is the third one in a sequence does not necessarily imply that it is the element number three. Taking this implication for granted might come as a convenience sometimes, but it also tends to obscure the fact that there is a distinction at all. The two concepts are called ordinal and cardinal numbers. The letter A is the first of the alphabet, not the Ath. And there is no such thing as "zeroth" – that is unless we want to change this convention in our natural languages as well.

  • Continuous units start at 0. The day does not start at 1 o’clock and a baby is not born at age 1.
    These units are obviously still a thing in discrete domains: Lists of indexed things (i.e. tuples, arrays, etc.) often represent measurements over time, space, etc. or get interpolated (think of image oversampling or rotation, lookup tables, plots of points joined by lines, and so on). Discrete signals have a first frequency of 0 (also called DC). Polynomials have a first term which is ax0.
    Discrete data that do not correspond to units, i.e. ordinal or nominal data, have no reason in the first place to justify one numbering scheme over the other. Think of a building where the ground floor has the number 1, or a book where the first section is 0.0.0. You can’t really count the sections of that book or the stories of a building with a basement easily by means of any specific numbering scheme and you’d be unlikely to do any other arithmetic on these values. For all intents and purposes, the stories of a building could as well be labeled Alice, Bob, Carol, and so on.

  • Index arithmetic becomes a lot simpler. Here are a few examples:

    • Indices and index offsets become effectively the same. Adding two indices i and j together can be done as i + j instead of i + j - 1. This simplifies nested arrays, for example. It also simplifies intuition in the sense that an index is merely an offset relative to the first element.

    • 0-based indices compose better with multidimensional arrays. For instance, consider an n×m matrix stored in a one-dimensional buffer. If we want to access the element in the third row and the seventh column, the corresponding index is 2 * n + 6, 2 * m + 6, 6 * n + 2 or 6 * m + 2, depending on how exactly we store the matrix. The point is that the index calculation is of the form i * n + j instead of ((i - 1) * n + (j - 1)) + 1. Similarly, an index i which represents an element in the one-dimensional buffer can be converted to the row and column indices with {div(i, n), mod(i, n)}. This would change into {div(i - 1, n) + 1 , mod(i - 1, n) + 1} for 1-based indices.

    • Related to the previous bullet point: Every time a cyclic domain is sampled at discrete points, there is a need for some sort of a modulo operation when iterating past the end of one period. Examples include the complex roots of unity, wavetable oscillators, discrete Fourier transforms, FIFOs implemented as ring buffers, and many more. The modulo operation mod(i, n) returns 0 when i and n are equal, which is the convention because then div(i, n) + mod(i, n) == i holds if div is the integer division.

    • In some cases (such as tree structures), 1-based indexing can be beneficial, since 1 is the neutral element of multiplication while 0 is the neutral element of addition. These are usually less common, though. For array-like structures, we mostly perform addition on indices.

  • Defining a range (subsequence) as i:j where i determines the first element in the range and j determines the first element past the last element of the range (i.e. as half-open intervals) ties in naturally with 0-based indexing. Then, a range 0:n fully covers an array containing n elements. For 1-based indexing, one would either need to do 0:n (where the first index determines the last element before the first element of the range) or 1:n+1. These are both as "unintiutive" as the leap from 1-based to 0-based indexing was in the first place.
    Whether ranges should be defined in this way is of course a subjective question of its own. Here are some arguments for doing so:

    • The range 2:2 is the empty range, 2:3 contains exactly the third element (which has the index 2), and so on. Adjacent ranges can then be written as i:j, j:k, …. The common alternative would be i:j-1, j:k-1, … for ranges where the second index determines the last element of the range.

    • Also, the length of such a range i:j is j-i instead of j-i+1.

  • Leading zeros become more consistent. Let’s say your number format includes n leading zeros and m significant figures, i.e. for the index 00042, n = 3 and m = 2. For such a number format, m = 0 still makes sense, since the default value is obviously zero. Granted, this is an unusual corner case, but it improves composability. Furthermore, the range of possible index values is always ordered in the same way as ℤ for all values of m. There is no "wrapover" from 9 to 0, 99 to 00, etc. since the index always starts with zeros and ends with the highest digit in all significant figures (9 in the decimal number system).
    As a result, there is one more usable ordered index value in total when including 0. This might be beneficial if, for instance, the index is stored using a very short binary word (e.g. 8-bit unsigned integer).

Irrelevant arguments

  • "We are humans, not computers." 0-based numbering is exactly as human as 1-based numbering. This is merely a question of intuition. Also, please consider the Church–Turing thesis.

  • "But product/system/language/feature x uses the 1-based scheme!" as in "My computer keyboard starts at 1!". This is only a convention, and it is exactly the convention questioned by this very document. The inertia argument for 1-based numbering is already covered above.

  • "But I don’t want to write n-1 everywhere!" You don’t need to. You also don’t need to write i:j-1, j:k-1, … for adjacent sequences. This boils down to a related question about notation which is covered above.

  • Many high-level languages tend to avoid indices altogether in favor of other ways to express iteration. While this reduces the importance of the choice of indexing scheme, it does not really provide any insight into which one is better in principle.

  • There are arguments to be made about using both styles as needed, possibly even allowing way more arbitrary indexing schemes, and introducing language constructs which make the distinctions clear. This document is intended to be a discussion about which style should be chosen in cases where one particular default is needed.

  • 0-based indexing reflects the way the elements are laid out in memory, meaning no additional arithmetic needs to be performed. In C for instance, *p == p[0] holds true. This is not really an argument for (or against) 0-based indexing in my opinion, since optimizing compilers should be able to remove the overhead from 1-based indexing almost entirely and in that case, any implementation details should ideally be separate from the language concept.

  • Some languages use the index 0 as a reference to a special value, such as the head of an expression or an indication of an error. However, this has most often proven error-prone or otherwise problematic. Hence this is not an argument for either indexing scheme.

  • It often makes sense to initialize memory or variables to 0 by default. Then, an index variable automatically corresponds to the first element by default when using 0-based indexing. An index variable automatically starts as invalid when using 1-based indexing. Either of these could be beneficial or problematic.


This is one of those old (and in fact, not that important) convention fights like τ vs. π or tabs vs. spaces. But even though the subject has been beaten to death for ages by now, there still doesn’t seem to be a real consensus.

In computer languages, 1-based indexing is often seen in high-level, "more scientific" languages such as Matlab, R, Mathematica, Julia, Erlang, APL. The usual argument for 1-based indexing is that it is "more intuitive". I would argue intuition is something which is learnable and as such should be trained to whatever reduces the amount of cognitive overhead the most (be it across a broad range of domains or in a very specific domain).

In this document, I want to compile a list of arguments for or against either of the two indexing schemes. Other indexing schemes will not be discussed in this particular document.

Of course I am aware of this infamous stance by Dijkstra. I felt the need for a more comprehensive list of considerations regarding the topic.

You may notice that I am a proponent of 0-based indexing at this point in time and that I may or may not be biased due to my background in signal processing.

If you have suggestions or arguments for either side, feel free to contribute to this document by forking, commenting, etc.

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