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a guide to being a whistleblower for employees of "Open"AI, Anthropic, and Google

Whistleblowing within AI companies, especially concerning sensitive information like model sizes and training methods, is a significant and serious action. It requires careful consideration of the legal, ethical, and personal implications involved. This guide aims to provide employees with comprehensive information on safely and anonymously whistleblowing or leaking confidential AI-related data while minimizing personal and professional risks.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Whistleblowing
  2. Assessing the Need to Whistleblow
  3. Legal Considerations
  4. Preparing to Whistleblow
  5. Ensuring Anonymity and Security
  6. Choosing the Right Channels
  7. Communicating Effectively
  8. Aftercare and Support
  9. Resources and Organizations
  10. Conclusion

Understanding Whistleblowing

Whistleblowing involves exposing information or activity within an organization that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct. In the context of AI companies, this could relate to undisclosed model sizes, training methodologies, data usage, or other proprietary information that may have broader implications for society, privacy, or security.

Types of Whistleblowing

  • Internal Whistleblowing: Reporting issues within the organization through internal channels.
  • External Whistleblowing: Reporting issues to external parties such as regulatory bodies, media, or the public.

Assessing the Need to Whistleblow

Before deciding to blow the whistle, consider the following:

  1. Severity of the Issue: Is the information you intend to disclose significant enough to warrant whistleblowing?
  2. Evidence: Do you have credible and substantial evidence to support your claims?
  3. Motivation: Are you acting out of genuine concern rather than personal grievances?
  4. Potential Impact: Consider the consequences for the organization, stakeholders, and yourself.

Legal Considerations

Whistleblowing can have legal implications. It's crucial to understand your rights and protections under the law.

Key Legal Protections

  • Whistleblower Protection Acts: Many countries have laws that protect whistleblowers from retaliation.
  • Confidentiality Clauses: Understand any non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) you may have signed.
  • Data Protection Laws: Be aware of laws like GDPR that govern the handling of personal and sensitive data.

Potential Risks

  • Employment Consequences: Risk of termination, demotion, or other forms of retaliation.
  • Legal Repercussions: Potential lawsuits if proprietary information is disclosed unlawfully.
  • Personal Liability: Possible criminal charges if laws are violated during the disclosure process.

Consultation with Legal Counsel

Before taking action, it's advisable to consult with an attorney specializing in employment or whistleblower law to understand your rights and obligations.

Preparing to Whistleblow

Proper preparation can significantly enhance the safety and effectiveness of your whistleblowing efforts.


  • Gather Evidence: Collect all relevant documents, emails, reports, and other evidence that support your claims.
  • Organize Information: Ensure that your information is clear, concise, and well-organized to facilitate understanding.

Personal Security

  • Digital Footprint: Be mindful of your online activities and digital communications to prevent inadvertent disclosure of your identity.
  • Physical Security: Consider the physical safety aspects, especially if the information involves criminal activities or significant organizational wrongdoing.

Ensuring Anonymity and Security

Maintaining anonymity is crucial to protect yourself from potential retaliation.

Digital Security Measures

  • Use Secure Communication Channels: Utilize encrypted email services (e.g., ProtonMail) or secure messaging apps (e.g., Signal).
  • Anonymous Browsing: Use tools like Tor Browser to mask your IP address.
  • VPN Services: Employ reputable Virtual Private Networks to encrypt your internet connection.

Protecting Personal Information

  • Separate Devices: Use devices that are not linked to your personal or professional life for whistleblowing activities.
  • Avoid Personal Identifiers: Do not include information that can trace back to your identity in the data you disclose.

Choosing the Right Channels

Selecting the appropriate avenue for disclosure can influence the effectiveness and safety of your whistleblowing.

Internal Channels

  • Compliance Departments: Report issues to the organization's compliance or ethics department.
  • Trusted Supervisors: If possible, approach a supervisor or manager you trust.

Note: Internal channels may not always guarantee anonymity or protection, especially if the wrongdoing involves higher management.

External Channels

  • Regulatory Bodies: Report to government agencies responsible for oversight (e.g., Federal Trade Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission).
  • Media Outlets: Engage with reputable journalists who have a history of handling whistleblower information responsibly.
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Organizations like the Government Accountability Project or the Electronic Frontier Foundation can provide guidance and support.

Communicating Effectively

How you present your information can impact its reception and the ensuing actions.

Clarity and Precision

  • Be Specific: Provide clear and detailed information without unnecessary embellishments.
  • Avoid Emotional Language: Stick to factual reporting to maintain credibility.

Structured Information

  • Executive Summary: Start with a concise overview of the key issues.
  • Detailed Evidence: Follow with organized sections that delve into specific aspects, supported by evidence.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the implications and potential actions needed.

Aftercare and Support

Whistleblowing can be a stressful and isolating experience. Seeking support is essential for your well-being.

Emotional Support

  • Counseling Services: Access professional mental health services to manage stress and anxiety.
  • Support Groups: Connect with other whistleblowers or support networks for shared experiences and advice.

Legal Support

  • Legal Counsel: Maintain communication with your attorney to navigate any legal challenges that arise.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of all interactions and steps taken post-disclosure.

Resources and Organizations

Several organizations provide resources, legal assistance, and support for whistleblowers:

  • Government Accountability Project (GAP): Offers legal protection and advocacy for whistleblowers.
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF): Provides resources on digital security and privacy.
  • National Whistleblower Center: Advocates for whistleblower rights and provides information on protections.
  • Transparency International: Focuses on combating corruption and promoting transparency globally.


Whistleblowing is a powerful tool for accountability and ethical integrity within organizations, including AI companies. However, it carries significant risks and responsibilities. By thoroughly assessing the need, understanding legal protections, preparing meticulously, ensuring anonymity and security, choosing the right channels, communicating effectively, and seeking support, you can navigate the complex process of whistleblowing more safely and responsibly.

Disclaimer: This guide provides general information and should not be construed as legal advice. Consult with a qualified attorney to understand the specific legal implications related to your situation.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Safely and Anonymously Whistleblowing Model Sizes and Training Methods

As an employee at an AI company, you have a unique perspective on the development and deployment of AI models. However, you may have concerns about the model sizes and training methods used by your company, which are not publicly disclosed. Whistleblowing can be a crucial step in bringing transparency and accountability to the AI industry. This guide will walk you through the process of safely and anonymously whistleblowing model sizes and training methods.

Before You Begin

Whistleblowing can have serious consequences, both personally and professionally. Before you proceed, consider the following:

  • Review your employment contract: Understand your obligations and any potential restrictions on disclosing confidential information.
  • Assess your motivations: Ensure that your reasons for whistleblowing are genuine and not driven by personal gain or malice.
  • Prepare for potential consequences: Whistleblowing can lead to retaliation, so be prepared for potential repercussions.

Choosing the Right Channel

To maintain anonymity, it's essential to choose a secure and trustworthy channel for whistleblowing.

Consider the following options:

  1. Internal Reporting
    Pros: Familiarity with the company's processes and potential for swift action.
    Cons: Risk of retaliation, limited anonymity, and potential for internal cover-up.

If you decide to report internally, follow your company's established procedures for reporting concerns.

  1. External Whistleblowing Platforms
    Pros: Anonymity, independence, and potential for broader impact.
    Cons: Uncertainty about the platform's credibility and potential for information leaks.

Some reputable external whistleblowing platforms include:

  • Signal: A secure messaging app with end-to-end encryption.
  • SecureDrop: A platform for securely submitting sensitive information to journalists and media organizations.
  • Whistleblower Aid: A non-profit organization providing support and resources for whistleblowers.
  1. Journalists and Media Outlets
    Pros: Potential for broad public awareness and accountability.
    Cons: Risk of information leaks, sensationalism, and potential for biased reporting.
    When approaching journalists or media outlets, research their credibility and track record on handling sensitive information.

Preparing Your Disclosure

To ensure the effectiveness of your whistleblowing, prepare a clear and concise disclosure:

  1. Gather evidence: Collect relevant documents, emails, or other records that support your claims.
  2. Remove identifying information: Anonymize any documents or data to prevent identification.
  3. Focus on facts: Stick to verifiable information and avoid speculation or opinions.
  4. Provide context: Explain the significance of the model sizes and training methods, and their potential impact on society.

Protecting Your Anonymity

To maintain anonymity, take the following precautions:

  1. Use secure communication channels: Utilize end-to-end encrypted messaging apps or email services.
  2. Use a pseudonym or anonymous email: Create a new email address or use a pseudonym to protect your identity.
  3. Avoid using company resources: Refrain from using company devices, networks, or email accounts for whistleblowing activities.
  4. Be cautious with metadata: Be aware that metadata, such as IP addresses or device information, can potentially reveal your identity.

After Whistleblowing

After disclosing the information, be prepared for potential consequences:

  1. Monitor the situation: Keep track of any developments or responses from your company or the public.
  2. Seek support: Reach out to whistleblowing organizations or support groups for guidance and assistance.
  3. Be prepared for retaliation: Have a plan in place in case of retaliation, including seeking legal advice or support from a whistleblower organization.


Whistleblowing model sizes and training methods can be a crucial step in promoting transparency and accountability in the AI industry. By following this guide, you can safely and anonymously disclose sensitive information, bringing attention to potential issues that may impact society.

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