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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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%% or like this
merge_threads_2([#{type := T, counters := C0}=M, #{type := T, counters := C1}|Ms],Acc) ->
merge_threads_2([M#{counters := add_counters(C0,C1)}|Ms],Acc);
merge_threads_2([M1,M2|Ms0],Acc) -> merge_threads_2([M1|Ms0],[M2|Acc]);
merge_threads_2([M],Acc) -> [M|merge_threads_2(Acc,[])];
merge_threads_2([],_) -> [].
add_counters(M1,M2) ->
maps:map(fun(Key,V1) ->
V2 = maps:get(Key,M2),
V1 + V2
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