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Created September 1, 2022 11:20
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Generate PDF and epub version of jupyter notebook collections
# # ``
# Script for generating print items (weekly PDF, weekly epub).
# # Install requirements
# - Python
# - pandoc
# - python packages:
# - ipython
# - nbconvert
# - nbformat
# - pymupdf
from pathlib import Path
#import nbconvert
import nbformat
from nbconvert import HTMLExporter
#import pypandoc
import os
import secrets
import shutil
import subprocess
import fitz #pip install pymupdf
html_exporter = HTMLExporter(template_name = 'classic')
pwd = Path.cwd()
print(f'Starting in: {pwd}')
# +
nb_wd = "content" # Path to weekly content folders
pdf_output_dir = "print_pack" # Path to output dir
# Create print pack output dir if required
Path(pdf_output_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# -
# Iterate through weekly content dirs
# We assume the dir starts with a week number
for p in Path(nb_wd).glob("[0-9]*"):
print(f'- processing: {p}')
if not p.is_dir():
# Get the week number
weeknum =". ")[0]
# Settings for pandoc
pdoc_args = ['-s', '-V geometry:margin=1in',
#f'--resource-path="{p.resolve()}"', # Doesn't work?
'--metadata', f'title="TM129 Robotics — Week {weeknum}"']
#cd to week directory
# Create a tmp directory for html files
# Rather than use tempfile, create our own lest we want to persist it
_tmp_dir = Path(secrets.token_hex(5))
_tmp_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Find notebooks for the current week
for _nb in Path.cwd().glob("*.ipynb"):
nb =, as_version=4)
# Generate HTML version of document
(body, resources) = html_exporter.from_notebook_node(nb)
with open(_tmp_dir /".ipynb", ".html"), "w") as f:
# Now convert the HTML files to PDF
# We need to run pandoc in the correct directory so that
# relatively linked image files are correctly picked up.
# Specify output PDF path
pdf_out = str(pwd / pdf_output_dir / f"tm129_{weeknum}.pdf")
epub_out = str(pwd / pdf_output_dir / f"tm129_{weeknum}.epub")
# It seems pypandoc is not sorting the files in ToC etc?
# to='pdf',
# #format='html',
# extra_args=pdoc_args,
# outputfile= str(pwd / pdf_output_dir / f"tm129_{weeknum}.pdf"))
# Hacky - requires IPython
# #! pandoc -s -o {pdf_out} -V geometry:margin=1in --toc --metadata title="TM129 Robotics — Week {weeknum}" {_tmp_dir}/*html
# #! pandoc -s -o {epub_out} --metadata title="TM129 Robotics — Week {weeknum}" --metadata author="The Open University, 2022" {_tmp_dir}/*html'pandoc --quiet -s -o {pdf_out} -V geometry:margin=1in --toc --metadata title="TM129 Robotics — Week {weeknum}" {_tmp_dir}/*html', shell = True)'pandoc --quiet -s -o {epub_out} --metadata title="TM129 Robotics — Week {weeknum}" --metadata author="The Open University, 2022" {_tmp_dir}/*html', shell = True)
# Tidy up tmp dir
#Just in case we need to know relatively where we are...
# Go back to the home dir
# ## Add OU Logo to First Page of PDF
# Add an OU logo to the first page of the PDF documents
# +
logo_file = ".print_assets/OU-logo-83x65.png"
img = open(logo_file, "rb").read()
# define the position (upper-left corner)
logo_container = fitz.Rect(60,40,143,105)
for f in Path(pdf_output_dir).glob("*.pdf"):
print(f'- branding: {f}')
with as pdf:
pdf_first_page = pdf[0]
pdf_first_page.insert_image(logo_container, stream=img)
pdf_out =".pdf", "_logo.pdf")
txt_origin = fitz.Point(350, 770)
text = "Copyright © The Open University, 2022"
for page in pdf:
page.insert_text(txt_origin, text) / pdf_out)
#Remove the unbranded PDF
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