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Last active August 27, 2024 23:35
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Logic Pro X Project Bounce script
import os
import sys
import time
import atomac
import subprocess
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Usage: <path_to_logic_project> (<path_to_logic_project>)"
bundleId = ''
for project in sys.argv[1:]:
projectName = project.split('/')[-1].replace('.logicx', '')
filename = projectName + ".wav"
print "Opening %s..." % project
# Open a project file['open', project])
print "Activating Logic Pro X..."
logic = atomac.getAppRefByBundleId(bundleId)
print "Waiting for project '%s' to open..." % projectName
while len(filter(lambda x: projectName in x.AXTitle, == 0:
# Wait for the window to load
print "Triggering bounce operation..."
logic.sendGlobalKeyWithModifiers('b', [atomac.AXKeyCodeConstants.COMMAND])
print "Waiting for bounce window..."
bounce_window = None
while not bounce_window:
bounce_window = filter(lambda x: ('Output 1-2' in x.AXTitle) or
('Bounce' in x.AXTitle),
bounce_window = bounce_window[0]
print "Selecting output formats..."
qualityScrollArea = bounce_window.findFirst(AXRole='AXScrollArea')
qualityTable = qualityScrollArea.findFirst(AXRole='AXTable')
for row in qualityTable.findAll(AXRole='AXRow'):
rowName = row.findFirst(AXRole='AXTextField').AXValue
checkbox = row.findFirst(AXRole='AXCheckBox')
if rowName == 'PCM':
if checkbox.AXValue is 0:
print "Selected %s output format." % rowName
print "%s output format selected." % rowName
elif checkbox.AXValue is 1:
print "Deselected %s output format." % rowName
print "Pressing Bounce button..."
bounce_button = bounce_window.findFirst(AXRole="AXButton",
if not bounce_button:
bounce_button = bounce_window.findFirst(
bounce_window = None
# bounce_window is now gone and we have a modal dialog about saving
print "Waiting for save window..."
save_window = None
while not save_window:
save_window = filter(lambda x: ('Output 1-2' in x.AXTitle) or
('Bounce' in x.AXTitle),
save_window = save_window[0]
print "Entering filename..."
filenameBox = save_window.findFirst(AXRole="AXTextField")
filenameBox.AXValue = filename
print "Pressing 'Bounce' on the save window..."
bounce_button = save_window.findFirst(AXRole="AXButton", AXTitle="Bounce")
# Check to see if we got a "this file already exists" dialog
if len(save_window.sheets()) > 0:
print "Allowing overwriting of existing file..."
overwrite_sheet = save_window.sheets()[0]
print "Bouncing '%s'..." % projectName
# All UI calls will block now, because Logic blocks the UI thread while bouncing
while len( > 1:
print "Waiting for Logic to regain its senses..."
# Done - should be saved now.
# Close the window with command-option-W
print "Closing project '%s'..." % projectName
logic.sendGlobalKeyWithModifiers('w', [
atomac.AXKeyCodeConstants.COMMAND, atomac.AXKeyCodeConstants.OPTION
print "Waiting for the 'do you want to save changes' window..."
save_window = None
attempts = 0
while not save_window and attempts < 20:
save_window = filter(lambda x: '' == x.AXTitle,
attempts += 1
if save_window:
print "Saying 'No, I don't want to save changes'..."
save_window = save_window[0]
# Click the "Don't Save" button
filter(lambda x: 'Don' in x.AXTitle, save_window.findAll(AXRole="AXButton"))[0].Press()
print "Waiting for all Logic windows to close..."
while len( > 0:
print "Terminating Logic."
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tengoal commented May 21, 2019

This is awesome! Have you tried to bounce stems too?

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Hi, I've just stumbled across this script. I'm trying to find a way of bypass a certain plugin whenever I bounce from Logic, do you think it's possible? I'm not too good with code, so struggling to figure it out! It's in order to bypass the Sonarworks plugin on the master whenever bounce is initiated. Can it be done?

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tengoal commented May 4, 2020

No I never got this to work. I didn’t find Apple to be helpful either. This was a dead end for me. Hopefully not for you.

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Ah, that's a shame. Thought as much. Hopefully they allow it in the future! Thanks for the reply.

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psobot commented May 18, 2020

This could be done for sure - the same library I'm using here (atomac) could be used to click the bypass button on any channel strip, or any other button for that matter. Unfortunately I don't quite have time to investigate making a change like that, but it shouldn't require a huge amount of modification to this script. Best of luck!

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gzinck commented Apr 23, 2021

For folks who visit this in the future and can't get this to work: atomac requires python2 and its dependency, pyobjc, requires python3. To work around this, you can use the fork atomacos which uses python3 as well.

Thanks @psobot for sharing—this helped a ton. I've adapted this script for transposing and subsequently bouncing music using the updated library:

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Scylla2020 commented Oct 22, 2021

Can logic be installed and run from an AWS ec2 instance?

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psobot commented Oct 25, 2021

@Scylla2020 Logic Pro only runs on macOS, so likely not. If you can find a VPS provider that will let you run macOS, nothing should prevent you from running this script.

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