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Last active August 20, 2020 02:50
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swift array extension that deals with generating combinations and permutations
translate from Scala by
extension Collection
func combinations(_ n: Int) -> [[Element]]
guard self.count > 0 else {return [[Element]]()}
guard n <= self.count else {return [[Element]]()}
if 1 == n
return {[$0]}
let head = self.first! // at this point head should be valid
let tail = Array(self.dropFirst())
let car = tail.combinations(n - 1).map {[head] + $0} // build first comb
let cdr = tail.combinations(n) // do the rest
return car + cdr
func variations(_ n:Int) -> [[Element]]
func mixone(_ i: Int, _ x: Element, _ ll: [Element]) -> [Element]
return Array( ll[0 ..< i] + ([x] + ll[i ..< ll.count]) )
func foldone(_ x: Element, _ ll: [Element]) -> [[Element]]
let r:[[Element]] = (1 ... ll.count).reduce([[x] + ll])
a, i in
[mixone(i, x, ll)] + a
return r
func mixmany(_ x: Element, _ ll: [[Element]]) -> [[Element]]
guard ll.count > 0 else {return [[Element]]()}
let head = ll.first!
let tail = Array<Array<Element>>(ll.dropFirst())
return foldone(x, head) + mixmany(x, tail)
guard self.count > 0 else {return [[Element]]()}
guard n <= self.count else {return [[Element]]()}
if 1 == n
return {[$0]}
let head = self.first! // at this point head should be valid
let tail = Array(self.dropFirst())
return mixmany(head, tail.variations(n - 1)) + tail.variations(n)
var permutations: [[Element]]
print([1, 2, 3, 4].combinations(2))
print([1, 2, 3, 4].variations(2))
print([1, 2, 3, 4].permutations)
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