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def get_all_binaryviews(bv):
all_binaryviews = []
# NOTE: No edge cases handled
dock = DockHandler.getActiveDockHandler()
viewFrame = dock.getViewFrame()
stackedViewFrames = viewFrame.parent() # QStackedWidget
for i in range(stackedViewFrames.count()):
viewFrame = stackedViewFrames.widget(i)
viewInterface = viewFrame.getCurrentViewInterface()
binaryview = viewInterface.getData()
import sqlite3, argparse
def remove_snapshots(fn):
conn = sqlite3.connect(fn)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT id,contents from snapshot ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;")
last_snapshot,last_contents = c.fetchone()
c.execute(f"UPDATE snapshot set parent=NULL;")
c.execute(f"DELETE FROM snapshot WHERE id!={last_snapshot};")
c.execute(f"DELETE FROM file_contents WHERE id!={last_contents};")
psifertex / 1_Snippet_Instructions.txt
Last active August 31, 2024 14:32
my current collection of snippets
Welcome to Jordan's grab-bag of common Binary Ninja Snippets.
These snippest are meant to run with the Binary Ninja Snippets Plugin
( though they can all also be pasted
directly into the python console or turned into stand-alone plugins if needed.
To install the entire collection at once, just install the Snippets plugin via
the plugin manager (CMD/CTL-SHIFT-M), confirm the Snippet Editor works
(Tool/Snippets/Snippet Editor), and unzip this bundle (Download ZIP above) into
your Snippets folder.
withzombies / gist:d18171b6776c8a465e18
Last active October 7, 2020 03:18
IDA SDK Build Instructions
To build the IDA and HexRays SDK on Mac OS X:
1. Unzip the sdk
2. Copy the libida.dylib and libida64.dylib (from your IDA install) into idasdk67/lib/x86_mac_gcc_32 and idasdk67/lib/x64_mac_gcc_64 (these actually might go into bin and not lib...)
3. Install libiconv via brew (mine was libiconv.2.4.0.dylib)
4. Copy libiconv.2.4.0.dylib into idasdk67/lib/x86_mac_gcc_32 and idasdk67/lib/x64_mac_gcc_64 and rename it to libiconv.2.2.0.dylib
5. Copy the hexrays_sdk
cp -r /Applications/IDA Pro 6.7/IDA binaries/plugins/hexrays_sdk/include/* idasdk67/include/
cp -r /Applications/IDA Pro 6.7/IDA binaries/plugins/hexrays_sdk/plugins/* idasdk67/plugins/
6. Edit the plugin makefile to remove qwindow
iansheridan /
Created March 15, 2011 14:25
A cheat sheet for GIT


git clone <repo>

clone the repository specified by ; this is similar to "checkout" in some other version control systems such as Subversion and CVS

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