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Created February 4, 2024 20:04
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very naive datalog engine in Python
from enum import Enum, auto
class Relations(Enum):
PARENT = auto()
ANCESTOR = auto()
class Vars(Enum):
X = auto()
Y = auto()
Z = auto()
class Fact:
def __init__(self, fact):
self.fact = fact
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.fact == other.fact
def __str__(self):
return str(self.fact)
def match(self, fact):
binding = dict()
for i, atom in enumerate(self.fact):
other_atom = fact.fact[i]
# this fact acts as the rule
if isinstance(atom, Vars):
if atom in binding:
if binding[atom] != other_atom:
return False
binding[atom] = other_atom
if atom != other_atom:
return False
return binding
def make_from_bindings(self, binding):
l = []
for atom in self.fact:
if atom in binding:
return Fact(tuple(l))
class Rule:
def __init__(self, output, triggers):
self.output = output
self.triggers = triggers
def triggered(self, fact):
bindings = [trigger.match(fact) for trigger in self.triggers]
if not all(bindings):
return False
binding = bindings[0]
for b in bindings[1:]:
if b != binding:
return False
return binding
def apply_to_db(self, db):
outlist = []
for fact in db:
binding = self.triggered(fact)
if binding != False:
new_fact = self.output.make_from_bindings(binding)
if new_fact not in db:
return outlist
# Example from Wikipedia (
facts = [
Fact((Relations.PARENT, "xerces", "brooke")),
Fact((Relations.PARENT, "brooke", "damocles")),
rules = [
Fact((Relations.ANCESTOR, Vars.X, Vars.Y)),
[Fact((Relations.PARENT, Vars.X, Vars.Y))],
Fact((Relations.ANCESTOR, Vars.X, Vars.Y)),
Fact((Relations.PARENT, Vars.X, Vars.Z)),
Fact((Relations.PARENT, Vars.Z, Vars.Y)),
def fixpoint():
db = facts
recent = db
to_add = []
while True:
for rule in rules:
to_add += rule.apply_to_db(recent)
db += recent
if len(to_add) == 0:
print("NEW FACTS: ")
for f in to_add:
print(f" - {f}")
recent = to_add.copy()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# outputs:
# - (<Relations.ANCESTOR: 2>, 'xerces', 'brooke')
# - (<Relations.ANCESTOR: 2>, 'brooke', 'damocles')
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prydt commented Feb 4, 2024

realized theres a bug. the binding feature does not backtrack. will fix later

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