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Created April 16, 2022 20:24
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const getIds = selector => {
selector = selector || `[src= ""]`
const arr = document.querySelectorAll(selector)
const ASSETID_RE = /(?<=\d+\_\d+\_)\d+/
return Array
.from(arr, a => a.parentElement?.id?.match(ASSETID_RE)?.[0])
const sellItem = id => {
return fetch("", {
"referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
"body": `sessionid=${document.cookie.match(/(?<=sessionid=)\w+/)[0]}&appid=730&contextid=2&assetid=${id}&amount=1&price=${price}`,
"method": "POST",
"mode": "cors",
"credentials": "include"
}).then(a => a.json())
const sellItemsById = async (ids = getIds(), price = 800) => {
const res = []
for (const id of ids){
res.push(await sellItem(id))
return res
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