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Created August 24, 2024 21:04
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GBA BIOS dumper abusing open bus behavior.
@ License: Do whatever you want.
.syntax unified
.cpu arm7tdmi
.fpu softvfp
@ Based on
@ Thanks to merryhime for discovering this trick.
@ void dumpBios(void)
.section .iwram.dumpBios, "ax", %progbits
.align 2
.global dumpBios
.type dumpBios, %function
.func dumpBios
.cfi_sections .debug_frame
push {r4-r7}
movs r0, #0
subs r0, r0, #3 @ 0xFFFFFFFD open bus jump.
movs r1, #0 @ BIOS address.
ldr r2, =dumpBios_return + 1
movs r3, #0x0E
lsls r3, r3, #24 @ 0x0E000000 SRAM address.
@ Jump to open bus which contains the ldmia and bx instructions
@ that got prefetched by the CPU previously.
@ Because the CPU will prefetch 2 instructions ahead it will
@ fetch from address 0 which unlocks the BIOS for reading.
bx r0 @ Must be at an address with bit 1 set.
ldmia r1!, {r4-r7} @ Executed from open bus.
bx r2 @ Executed from open bus.
@ Write data to SRAM.
strb r4, [r3, #0]
lsrs r4, r4, #8
strb r4, [r3, #1]
lsrs r4, r4, #8
strb r4, [r3, #2]
lsrs r4, r4, #8
strb r4, [r3, #3]
strb r5, [r3, #4]
lsrs r5, r5, #8
strb r5, [r3, #5]
lsrs r5, r5, #8
strb r5, [r3, #6]
lsrs r5, r5, #8
strb r5, [r3, #7]
strb r6, [r3, #8]
lsrs r6, r6, #8
strb r6, [r3, #9]
lsrs r6, r6, #8
strb r6, [r3, #10]
lsrs r6, r6, #8
strb r6, [r3, #11]
strb r7, [r3, #12]
lsrs r7, r7, #8
strb r7, [r3, #13]
lsrs r7, r7, #8
strb r7, [r3, #14]
lsrs r7, r7, #8
strb r7, [r3, #15]
@ Increment SRAM pointer.
@ Check if bit 14 of BIOS address is set. If yes we read 16 KiB.
adds r3, r3, #16
lsrs r4, r1, #14
beq dumpBios_lp
pop {r4-r7}
bx lr
// License: Do whatever you want.
#include <gba_console.h>
#include <gba_interrupt.h>
#include <gba_systemcalls.h>
#include <stdio.h>
const char saveTypeStr[] = "SRAM_V123";
void dumpBios(void);
int main(void)
// Don't optimize out my save type string plox.
if(REG_IME == 0) puts(saveTypeStr);
REG_IME = 0;
puts("BIOS dumped. Turn the system off and check the save file.");
REG_IME = 1;
while(1) VBlankIntrWait();
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