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Last active August 15, 2024 15:15
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Rails database connection, url to yaml
# This method takes a db connection url and returns rails
# config YAML
require "uri"
require "yaml"
db_url = "mysql2://"
uri = URI.parse(ENV["db_url"] || db_url)
qs = Hash[URI::decode_www_form(uri.query)]
ui = uri.userinfo.split(':')
config = {
"production" => {
"encoding" => qs["encoding"] || "utf-8",
"adapter" => uri.scheme,
"host" =>,
"port" => uri.port || 3306,
"database" => uri.path[1..-1],
"username" => ui.first,
"password" => ui.last,
"reconnect" => qs["reconnect"] || true,
"pool" => qs["pool"] || 5,
puts config
# ---
# production:
# encoding: utf-8
# adapter: mysql2
# host:
# port: 3306
# database: test
# username: ted
# password: password
# reconnect: 'false'
# pool: 5
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