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Last active September 17, 2024 16:31
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Using Huey with Flask using application factory. For configuration, follow the djhuey format
# Due to the flexible nature of Flask. This might be
from .extensions import huey
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
# add your configurations
# app.config.from_object("settings.local")
with app.app_context():
# blueprints are registered here.
return app
# So you just add a to your project dir or blueprints folder
# Run the consumer using `flask run_huey`
# Viola!!!!!!!!!!!
# This can either be located in yout project root directory or in a `core` blueprint(bp).
# This cli command lacks the use of flag. This was not necessary for my use case since I defined all in my config.
import logging
from flask import current_app
from huey.consumer_options import ConsumerConfig
from .utils import autodiscover_tasks
def run_huey():
"""Command to run huey consumer"""
HUEY = current_app.extensions["huey"]
consumer_options = {}
if isinstance(current_app.config["HUEY"], dict):
consumer_options.update(current_app.config["HUEY"].get("consumer", {}))
except AttributeError:
consumer_options.setdefault("verbose", consumer_options.pop("huey_verbose", None))
# autodiscover every `` module in every blueprints and project directory
logger = logging.getLogger("huey")
config = ConsumerConfig(**consumer_options)
if not logger.handlers:
consumer = HUEY.create_consumer(**config.values)
# Here all extensions are defined i.e
# db = SQLAlchemy()
# csrf = CSRFProtect()
class Huey:
__app = None
__instance = None
def __init__(self, app=None):
if app is not None:
def init_app(self, app):
self.__app = app
_config = app.config.get("HUEY")
if not _config:
raise Exception("Huey requires a configuration in `app.config`")
if not isinstance(_config, dict):
raise Exception("Huey expects a dictionary as its configuration")
_huey_instance = self.init_huey(_config)
app.extensions["huey"] = _huey_instance
self.__instance = _huey_instance
def init_huey(self, config):
_huey = RedisHuey(
url=config.get("url", None),
result_store=config.get("result_store", False),
events=config.get("events", True),
store_none=config.get("store_none", False),
always_eager=config.get("always_eager", False),
store_errors=config.get("store_errors", True),
blocking=config.get("blocking", False),
read_timeout=config.get("read_timeout", 1),
return _huey
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.__instance, name, None)
huey = Huey()
def autodiscover_tasks():
for key, value in current_app.blueprints.items():
import_module(".tasks", value.import_name)
except ModuleNotFoundError as err:
# try importing from project root
# if your create_app() is located in, use the commented version
# root_path = current_app.import_name
root_path = ".".join(current_app.import_name.split(".")[:-1])
import_module(".tasks", root_path)
except ModuleNotFoundError as error:
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Curiouspaul1 commented Aug 23, 2022

say i wanted to use flask-sqlalchemy instance inside of a huey task where would i init the instance, would i create a new instance for my huey flask app something like:

db_huey = SQLAlchemy()

def huey_create_app(config, **kwargs):
    # create app
    huey_app = Flask("huey")
    # addconfig
    db_huey.init_app(huey_app )

something like this?. I was thinking importing the existing db instance from the original flask app and doing "init_app" on it inside huey's app factory might be dangerous

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DavisGoglin commented Jan 23, 2023

I've seen a lot of examples create another instance of the flask app inside each task, but I was able to get it working by passing the existing context that comes with click/the flask cli that the huey consumer is run in. Here are two methods:

from flask import current_app
from . import db

huey = current_app.huey
ctx = current_app.app_context()

def some_task(some_args):'Doing task on {some_args}')
    result = db.session.execute() # [...etc]

def minute_task():
    with ctx: # or ctx.push()'Peroidic task running...')

Where db is SQLAlchemy() which was init earlier in the app factory as normal. To match the original example current_app.huey would probably be current_app.extensions["huey"]

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