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Last active March 4, 2021 07:06
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  • Save pranjalpokharel7/85652c8d1864c5bfb665de725b654136 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pranjalpokharel7/85652c8d1864c5bfb665de725b654136 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Latex code to generate cover page for lab reports.
% This is a gist to generate cover page for lab reports.
% Based on the layout we usually need to use as engineering students.
% Output:
% Add Tribhuwan University (TU) logo named 'TU-logo.png' (jpg/pdf) inside './images/'
% directory relative to root. You can download and include your own logo in the
% directory (set paths + filename correctly).
% Adjust the logo scale factor from \newcommand\logoScaleFactor{<your-scale-factor>}
% The logo I have used can be downloaded from the following drive link -
% Logo:
% Write your name within \newcommand\studentName{<your-name>}
% Changing values of other variables should be self-explanatory by their names.
% If you have any confusion, please notify me through the comments.
% define values for your variables here
\newcommand\campusName{PULCHOWK CAMPUS}
\newcommand\assignmentTitle{NUMERICAL METHODS - LAB ASSIGNMENT}
\newcommand\studentName{John Doe}
\newcommand\departmentName{Applied Sciences}
% change your filename if you have it named something else under
% \newcommand\logoFileName{<your-image-filename>}, file extension not required
% package for font face, I have used helvetica here
% for all available font faces,
% Link :
\graphicspath{ {\logoPath} }
\usepackage[a4paper, textwidth=450pt]{geometry}
% this package is for drawing lines in the middle of the page and for the borders
% if not required, remove this, the draw and the background portion below
% remove this section if you don't want the borders (lines used as background)
% might look for an elegant solutions for page borders in the future
% border section begin
\draw [line width=1.8pt]
($ (current page.north west) + (0.5cm,-0.5cm) $)
($ (current page.south east) + (-0.5cm,0.5cm) $);
\draw [line width=1.3pt]
($ (current page.north west) + (0.7cm,-0.7cm) $)
($ (current page.south east) + (-0.7cm,0.7cm) $);
%border section end
% remove page number since this is a single page document by default
\campusName \\
\large {
% draw portion (three center lines)
\draw[thick] (0,0) -- (0,5);
\draw[thick] (0.8,1) -- (0.8,4);
\draw[thick] (1.6,0) -- (1.6,5);
% draw portion end
\textbf{Experiment Date:} \\
\experimentDate \\
\textbf{Submitted By:} \\
Name: \studentName \\
Roll Number: \rollNumber \\
Group : \group \\
\textbf{Submission Date:} \\
\submissionDate \\
\textbf{Submitted To:} \\
Department of \\
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Note: The borders might not be perfectly aligned on the first compilation. In that case, recompiling the file should fix the issue. I'll update the file if I know what is causing this one-time bug.

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