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Created September 3, 2011 05:55
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[4clojure #106] Given a pair of numbers, the start and end point, find a path between the two using only three possible operations: double, halve (odd numbers cannot be halved) add 2 Find the shortest path through the "maze". Because there are multiple sh
(defn next-nums [n]
(filter integer? ((juxt (partial + n) (partial * n) (partial / n)) 2)))
(defn collect-next [coll step x]
(if (coll x)
(let [res (set (mapcat next-nums coll))]
(recur res (inc step) x))))
(defn get-steps [initial final]
(collect-next #{initial} 1 final))
(get-steps 3 12)
;; => 3
(get-steps 9 12)
;; => 5
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