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Created May 30, 2013 15:55
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Simple Moving Average for a portfolio
import java.util.*;
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: joonhyunglim
* Date: 5/25/13
* Time: 6:34 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
public class SimpleMovingAverage {
private final Queue<Double> window = new LinkedList<Double>(); // First in First Out
private final int period;
private double sum;
public SimpleMovingAverage(int period) {
assert period > 0 : "Period must be a positive integer";
this.period = period;
public void newNum(double num) {
sum += num;
if (window.size() > period) {
sum -= window.remove();
public double getAvg() {
if (window.size() != period) return 0; // technically the average is undefined
return sum / window.size();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // this is for measuring the computation time.
// ArrayList<Double> Data = new ArrayList<Double>();
Hashtable<String,Double> grouped = new Hashtable<String,Double>();
int[] windowSizes = {30,50,100,200};
// Reading file — Assume that there is no column header.
File NASDAQ = new File("/Users/joonhyunglim/Desktop/MSiA/MSiA431/data/NASDAQ_daily_combined.csv");
BufferedReader Reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(NASDAQ));
String line;
while ((line = Reader.readLine()) != null) {
String[] tokens = line.split(",");
// Data.add(Double.parseDouble(tokens[6]));
if (grouped.contains(tokens[2])) {
grouped.put(tokens[2],grouped.get(tokens[2]) + Double.parseDouble(tokens[6])); // group sum
} else {
grouped.put(tokens[2], Double.parseDouble(tokens[6]));
// System.out.println(grouped.size());
for (int windSize : windowSizes) { // it will create number of files based on your windowsize specification.
// Writing the outcome
File outfile = new File("/Users/joonhyunglim/Desktop/MSiA/MSiA431/data/NASDAQ_Moving_Average_"+windSize+".csv");
// you don't need to create the file previously, it will create the file if it does not exist
if (outfile.createNewFile()) {
System.out.println("File created");
} else {
System.out.println("I found the file. I am writing to the existing file");
BufferedWriter result = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outfile));
// Simple Moving Average
SimpleMovingAverage ma = new SimpleMovingAverage(windSize);
// sort the Hashtable by key and iterate them
String[] keys = grouped.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);
for(String key : keys) {
result.write(key +","+ grouped.get(key)+"," + ma.getAvg()); // for each date, Left is a data point, and the right is a SMA.
// This is for the unsorted version
/*for (Map.Entry<String,Double> x : grouped.entrySet()) {
result.write(x.getKey() +","+ x.getValue()+"," + ma.getAvg()); // for each date, Left is a data point, and the right is a SMA.
} */
long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.println("\n**Execution Time is : "+time/1000+"seconds**");
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