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Created September 6, 2014 15:10
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#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
long long n, k;
map<string,long long> M;
long long Hp[1111];
long long Head[1111], Next[41111], w[41111], V[41111];
long long TTot;
void AddEdge(long long s,long long t,long long c) {
Next[++TTot] = Head[s] ;
Head[s] = TTot;
w[TTot] = c;
V[TTot] = t;
//#define debug(x) cout << #x << " " << x <<endl
#define mp make_pair
const long long INF = 1000000000000000000;
string Name[5111];
typedef pair<pair<long long, long long>, pair<long long, long long> > piii;
// dis , happiness , totEdge, totWays
long long Ntot = 0;
piii Dis[5111];
bool inq[5111];
long long pre[5111];
string Ans[1111];
void Spfa(long long S,long long T) {
queue<long long> Q;
for(long long i = 1; i <= 1111; ++i) Dis[i] = mp(mp(INF,0),mp(INF,0));
Dis[S] = mp(mp(0,0),mp(0,1));
inq[S] = 1;
while( Q.size() ) {
long long now = Q.front(); inq[now] = 0;Q.pop();
for(long long i = Head[now]; i!=0 ; i = Next[i]) {
long long pt = V[i];
if (Dis[pt].first.first > Dis[now].first.first + w[i]) {
pre[pt] = now;
Dis[pt].first.first = Dis[now].first.first + w[i];
Dis[pt].first.second = Dis[now].first.second + Hp[pt];
Dis[pt].second.first = Dis[now].second.first + 1;
Dis[pt].second.second = Dis[now].second.second;
if (!inq[pt]) {
inq[pt] = 1;
}else if (Dis[pt].first.first == Dis[now].first.first + w[i]) {
Dis[pt].second.second += Dis[now].second.second;
if (Dis[pt].first.second < Dis[now].first.second + Hp[pt]) {
if (!inq[pt]) {
inq[pt] = 1;
pre[pt] = now;
Dis[pt].first.second = Dis[now].first.second + Hp[pt];
}else if (Dis[pt].first.second == Dis[now].first.second + Hp[pt]) {
if (Dis[pt].second.first > Dis[now].second.first + 1) {
Dis[pt].second.first = Dis[now].second.first + 1;
if (!inq[pt]) {
inq[pt] = 1;
pre[pt] = now;
//for(long long i = 1; i <= Ntot; ++i) debug(Dis[i].second.first);
//if (Dis[T].second.first == 0) while(1);
//if (Dis[T].first.first == INF) while(1);
//if (Dis[T].second.second == 0) while(1);
cout << Dis[T].second.second << " " << Dis[T].first.first << " " << Dis[T].first.second << " " << Dis[T].first.second / Dis[T].second.first <<endl;
long long Now = M["ROM"];
long long Ftot = 0;
while(pre[Now]!=0) Ans[++Ftot] = Name[pre[Now]], Now = pre[Now];
for(long long i = Ftot; i >= 1; --i) cout << Ans[i]<<"->";
cout << "ROM" <<endl;
int main()
string S;
cin >> n >> k >> S;
long long Times = n-1;
M[S] = ++Ntot;
Name[M[S]] = S;
while(Times--) {
string s;long long hp;
cin >> s >> hp;
M[s] = ++Ntot;
Name[M[s]] = s;
Hp[M[s]] = hp;
for(long long i = 1; i <= k; ++i) {
string s1, s2; long long c;
cin >> s1 >> s2 >> c;
AddEdge(M[s1], M[s2], c);
AddEdge(M[s2], M[s1], c);
if ( S == "ROM" ) while(1);
return 0;
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