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Bobby ^_^ popcorn245

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abatko / US Zip Code Geolocations from 2018 Government Data
Last active June 10, 2024 17:52
All US zip codes with their corresponding geolocations (latitude and longitude coordinates). Comma delimited for your database goodness. Source: > ZIP Code Tabulation Areas > Download the ZIP Code Tabulation Areas Gazetteer File
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
00601,18.180555, -66.749961
00602,18.361945, -67.175597
00603,18.455183, -67.119887
00606,18.158327, -66.932928
00610,18.295366, -67.125135
00612,18.402253, -66.711397
00616,18.420412, -66.671979
00617,18.447538, -66.557681
JMPerez / service-worker.js
Created October 27, 2018 20:21
An example of a service worker for serving network first, cache second
// the cache version gets updated every time there is a new deployment
const CACHE_VERSION = 10;
// these are the routes we are going to cache for offline support
const cacheFiles = ['/', '/about-me/', '/projects/', '/offline/'];
// on activation we clean up the previously registered service workers
self.addEventListener('activate', evt =>
// tagging strings
const language = 'de'
const user = {
name: 'Kent C. Dodds',
birthday: new Date(1988, 9, 18)
const translated = translate`
${'t.hello'} ${}, ${'t.yourBirthdayIs'} ${user.birthday}
j-fischer / incomingCalls.js
Last active October 28, 2021 02:49
Twilio functions to forward phone calls to multiple cell phones. See for more details.
const format = require('string-format');
// These are the numbers to forward the call to
const destinations = ['+1', '+1'];
// These are the numbers that will be forwarded to the cell phones
const allowedCallers = [
'+1', //
addyosmani /
Last active January 20, 2024 16:14
Workbox recipes

Workbox runtime caching recipes

Your Service Worker script will need to import in Workbox and initialize it before calling any of the routes documented in this write-up, similar to the below:

const workbox = new WorkboxSW();

// Placeholder array populated automatically by workboxBuild.injectManifest()
zenorocha /
Last active March 26, 2023 09:00
New Firebase Auth vs Old Firebase Auth
frederickjansen / infiniteScrollReverse.js
Last active May 4, 2017 04:43
Reverse infinite scroll for Ionic
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ionInfiniteScrollReverse
* @module ionic
* @parent ionic.directive:ionContent, ionic.directive:ionScroll
* @restrict E
* @description
* The ionInfiniteScrollReverse directive allows you to call a function whenever
* the user gets to the bottom of the page or near the bottom of the page.
rymawby /
Last active June 14, 2024 04:34
Stripe test credit card numbers for use in development

#Test credit card numbers to use when developing with Stripe

4242424242424242 Visa

4012888888881881 Visa

4000056655665556 Visa (debit)

bjoernQ / AndroidManifest.xml
Created October 14, 2013 13:02
Creating a System Overlay (Always on Top over all Apps) in Android
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
android:versionName="1.0" >
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" />
<application android:label="SystemOverlay" >
sterlingwes / tourney.html
Created December 3, 2012 23:42
Tournament Bracket Generator (Javascript + CSS, no tables)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Tournament Bracket Generator</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
$(document).on('ready', function() {
var knownBrackets = [2,4,8,16,32], // brackets with "perfect" proportions (full fields, no byes)