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porglezomp / Leftpad.idr
Last active August 13, 2024 22:22
Taking on Hillel's challenge to formally verify leftpad (
-- Note: There is a more complete explanation at
import Data.Vect
-- `minus` is saturating subtraction, so this works like we want it to
eq_max : (n, k : Nat) -> maximum k n = plus (n `minus` k) k
eq_max n Z = rewrite minusZeroRight n in rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral n in Refl
eq_max Z (S _) = Refl
eq_max (S n) (S k) = rewrite sym $ plusSuccRightSucc (n `minus` k) k in rewrite eq_max n k in Refl
-- The type here says "the result is" padded to (maximum k n), and is padding plus the original
monzee / monad.kt
Last active March 9, 2017 10:54
Monadic comprehension in Kotlin via suspending blocks
import kotlin.coroutines.experimental.*
fun main(vararg args: String) {
safeDiv(None(), Some(1)).let(::println)
safeDiv(Some(5L), Some(0.5)).let(::println)
safeDiv(Some(1), None()).let(::println)
for (x in 20..30 step 5) {
for (y in 15 downTo 0 step 5) {
print("$x / $y = ")